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LegendBegins said
*Snaps and the energy comes back, hitting you from behind*

*The energy passes through me again*
Do you not learn?
*Punches you in the face with light force, as a demonstration*
souleaterfan320 said
i have a feeling that some real crazy stuff is gonna happen soon.

Yep. You guys will have to figure out a way to attack her without attacking her...
LegendBegins said
*Appears in front of you and blasts you with pure energy*

*The beam passes through me, and I look at you*
Oh, it's you. Thanks for warming me.
souleaterfan320 said
my eyes disconnect the force doing this, and i stare into your eyes, and the exitsing room goes dark except for my glowing eyes* you will listen to me and obey every word. leave now, and dont come back till you can keep yourself calm. go. now.

*Advances toward you, then grabs your throat and lifts you into the air*
Nice try, Alucard.
*My grip consolidates your matter, making escape via transfusion/disappearing impossible*
Now why don't you take a gander into MY eyes? That is, if you don't value your life.
Legend said
...*Scoots backwards*

*Laughs and picks you up by your hair*
You're almost too cute to do harm by.
*Lets go of you, causing you to scrape your knee*
*Is distracted by Alucard, giving you a space to escape*
souleaterfan320 said
* grabs you, shoving my sword through your back* alucard is gone, now i can kill you without him interferring.

*Your hand passes through me as if I were mist, and the sword does the same. I look at you, causing the fibres of your existence to freeze, forcing you to watch me*
Legend said

*Disperses into the fibres of reality and appears in front of you*
Hello, little girl. There is no use in trying to escape, as I can go anywhere; tangible or not, solid or idea, existent or non-existent.
*Crouches to your height*
I used to be like you. Young, innocent. Then a Yoma raped me.
*Moves my head closer to yours*
History has a funny way of repeating itself, no?
souleaterfan320 said
pathetic? hell no. and she is most definitely not human. she is a vampire. i turned her, by technical terms, i can give her enough power right now to break free of your control.

No you can't. Want to know why?
*Energy blasts out of me, causing a crater to appear beneath me. I float, with a black aura of power surrounding me*
She just died.
souleaterfan320 said
*grunts* yeah, but your not taking in to acount,* gasps in pain*that ive been through worse than this. i promised you after we killed isley, that id save you. im not giving up now!

*Laughs* You're referencing the pathetic human fighting for control, aren't you?
*Kicks you away, and kills every last person in the city*
I need more blood on my hands- er.. blades.
souleaterfan320 said
you realize that im not actually here right?*the image fades*i was behind you. i had moved so fast that it left an afterimage

You do realise that the stab was purely symbolic, right?
*Looks at you*
You let yourself slip away just enough that I can't kill you with this method anymore, which is pure luck. But I can do this.
*You feel immense pain in every area of your body, and feel like you're going to die*
A slight taste of death.
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