My Casus Belli
(Image courtesy of Solamelike)
AegonVI said
I have French and Austrian support...Also, how the hell does the Anglican Church work without a monarch??
The Mad Hatter said
Yesterday, the weather was wonderful. It was around 30 degrees (that about 90 degrees fahrenheit).We went to the beach to swim around in the ocean to cool down. It was awesome.I thought, "we're only gonna be thre for a few hours, I can use regular sunscreen (30 SPF)".We swam around for about two hours before deciding to go home.Car got stuck in the sand. We call for auto help to get free.We wait in the sun for .In the end, I was in the sun for six hours. I usually have to use SPF 150 (Truly Red ...), so staying in the sun for that long with regular suncreen has my skin attempting to imitate a boiled lobster. Even my are sun burned.I tell you this because I might as well hang a "Out of Order" sign around ymy neck (if it wouldn't hurt like the flames of purgatory). I am going to sit in the tub and soak all day, feeling sorry for myself.It hurts to type TT__TT
Flooby Badoop said
I know it says you're not recruiting, but I heard talk of needing an African or Middle Eastern nation. I've been keeping up with this RP, and it'd be cool to get in on.
Giant said
.... God, how I wish I could react without ruffling feathers in Europe.
The Nexerus said
No, that isn't what I meant. I would never say anything like that under any circumstances, because it isn't in my personality. When I have a question to ask, I ask it. I don't sandwich my questions in between layers of ass-kissing.
NarcolepticSailor said
The Nexerus said
The next time I get shafted I'll be sure to complain about it more politely.