Looking forward to it!
How will diplomacy with NPC nations be handled?
So Boerd said
Man, I can't wait till this war is over. Bismarck is going to get to put his feet up for the first time since 1861.
Pepperm1nts said
I will instead declare war on the United States and begin sending the Confederate States shiploads of flowers to place on the graves of their thousands of dead soldiers.Because I am a rebel and a true friend.
solamelike said
Please I cant keep blowing my brains out.
Byrd Man said
Suddenly I want the arguing to come back.
AegonVI said
Guys... On another note. Again I must bring it up.Seriously how does the Church of England work??? I'm genuinely concerned and curious.
Rare said
Well, then I have a good reason to not trust you. Sorry Pasta, but it's your fault.