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A few questions, Brovo:

1. Can I only upgrade my main weapon (shotgun) as a Grunt, or can I upgrade my side pistol to make it more effective instead?
2. For clarification, every PC has their own apartment and they're all living in the same complex?
3. What does my promotion mean in the story besides the gameplay element of being able to officially order NPC soldiers?
4. Will promotions and rank in general play a major part in later missions?
Just read your post, Holmishire. I'm glad Eira was willing to give this guy a chance. This next post is going to be interesting.
Brovo said Yeah I deprived you of some of the other actiony bits that everyone else got by sticking you in the sewers. So I decided to give you like, an actual choice that like, has an actual, meaningful story impact and like, will affect your characters in the future, like, oh, my, gooooood.

Shit. Hope Eira makes the right call, then.

And, uh, no pressure, Holimshire.
Just threw down a new post. Took a bit more time with it than normal because I like to get fancy when reading a lot, and I think it shows.

Guess everything in the sewers right now comes down to Eira's decision. Might be a nice way to button up that story if it concludes in the next post.
South East Sewers: Roman Cassidy

Happy with Caville and Eira's complete trust in his judgement, Roman brought them down the South-East tunnel with confident purpose, staying as vigilant as he could manage through tunnels both unreasonably large and uncomfortably small. They reached a recently-created tunnel, Adam's radio frequency so deafening before he turned it off that there was no doubt they had made it to the outpost. Roman was tired enough at this point to let his guard down- his feet and back aching, his eyelids drooping, effects of what he would later realize was mental exhaustion brought on by a stressful and chaotic first day in a true warzone- and found himself almost filled with bullet holes as his allies at the outpost greeted him with a hail of gunfire.

Luckily, he was pulled backwards and out of the way in time. Also luckily, he managed not to brown his pants when something used an amount of strength he thought could only belong to the Goleyeith or Caville's pursuer to pull him out of the way. A quick and frightened turn revealed that it was Caville himself that had saved Roman's life, an Adam Caville sporting a new wound leaking an orange substance instead of the red he was so used to see leak out of people. Looking down at his strange wound, which somehow had already closed, Adam added "...Well... This is awkward..." to his heroic act.

With the revelation that Caville was a shapeshifter, Roman could only wonder what other strange revelation would be enough to button up the day's events. Was the pursuer an angry shapeshifter girlfriend? Was Eira also not human? Was the Goleyeith really a regular guy that got all big when pissed off? Was Ryan Dufont a terrorist? Hell, at this point, Roman could believe anything.

Caville continued. "... Before you go and expose me, I would ask that you... Perhaps... Don't. I'm not your enemy... But there is no way I'm getting inside to talk to anyone important unless I disguise myself like this." He handed the black box to Eira, who now had two to carry. "Here. This is the genuine black box of Carolyn's mech... And there was a pilot named Adam Caville... But he didn't escape. He was eviscerated by one of my kind. I took the remnants and replicated them to look like this so I could try and... Negotiate, try and talk and explain this to your leaders, but if I showed my true nature to anyone here... Well, you saw it for yourself. That man didn't even bother to see if you were his friend before he shot at you, he is that scared of... Things like me." The shapeshifter had a point, and with the fact that he had just saved Roman from an ally's attack, there was more than enough reason to consider Caville's plea. "It's your choice. You can reveal me for what I am or help me slip inside undetected so I won't be gunned down by your men. I will comply either way."

Looking first to Eira, Roman tried to put his 'I am a completely confident and in no way in-too-deep soldier with a big gun and a big dick' face on before responding to Caville. "I'm not going to try and tell you that I anything but dislike the deception. To be fair, there seemed to be no other way for you to get here than with proper help. Listen: you may not be a soldier, but you are now the third or fourth person to save my life today- yes, I've lost count, but at least I know that you're one of them- so I can't help but think that I owe you something. You trusted me this whole way, and now it's time for me to trust you. But at some point, you will have to give me an explanation, especially when it concerns whatever you're actually here for, but also those little things like that monster that was chasing you and what that had to do with anything. So if Eira's alright with it, I'll play along for now." Having said his piece, Roman looked to his human companion and waited for her decision.
I'm still here.

I'd like the missions to end naturally, but if you feel the need to push it forward and move on, I won't object.
South East Sewers: Roman Cassidy

Watching Adam Caville handle Eira's pistol was a clear sign to Roman that he was the most capable soldier of the three. Without mechs, these two pilots were barely less defenseless than a civilian. This meant two things: Roman would need to step up as their protector and their lives were in his hands.

After exchanging pleasantries with Caville, Roman's radio went off. "This is Ryan." Dufont? A council member was in direct contact with Roman during his first mission. This black box must be even more important than he anticipated. Of course, they sent men to kill or be killed for it, so it made a sort of sense. "All of our local air-power is focused on others asking for help, however, if you can get through the sewer system, you'll reach an underground outpost of ours. From there we can easily get you home. Set one of your radios to frequency... One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. You will hear a light buzzing noise. The louder it is, the closer you are. It should be... South, generally. Once at the outpost you'll be taken above ground and driven here... That is all." And just like that, they had new orders.

Roman looked down the sewer. Either they could head south-west and possibly end up under a warzone or go south-east and possibly face some sort of danger that no soldiers nearby might be able to help with. Either way, they were likely to be on their own. Ryan Dufont himself stated that there was no backup coming, so what choice did they have but to go forward? Adam gave his own advice about the situation, saying "If it's... Generally south... Ahhh... South west? Anyone want to try that? I've never heard of a sewer outpost before."

Deciding that the potential danger of ending up near beasts like the Goleyeith was too much of a risk, Roman shook his head and said "We're heading down the south-east tunnel, where we know there won't be a warzone above us. This black box being brought to the outpost is our main priority. Eira, take the pistols and watch out backs. Caville, take Eira's rifle and change your radio's frequency to One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. We need to get moving." Holding his pistol to Eira again, he waited for his companions to do as he asked before they went down the tunnel.
I'll post within the hour. Sorry about the laziness. Just got a new job that's been taking a lot of my time up.
Brovo said Moving back they would also see the desecrated remains of a mech, along with a blood stain in a ripped open cockpit. Sam was dead, and his mech beyond salvageable.

Ouch. PC casualty number 2. Depending on where Team Opposition Territory/Team Sewer goes next, we could join that list.

So I just noticed that all Roman's been doing this entire game is choose between two different directions.

1. Move towards the fog to attack the enemy or stay away from the fog to cover whoever may exit.
2. Attack the Goleyeith from the flank or behind.
3. Go down the alleyway that leads to the fog or the alleyway that leads away from the fog.
4. Retreat into the sewer or into the apartments.
5. Go south west or south east.

I wonder what it'll be like to not have exactly two directions to choose between

All jokes aside, I am super hyped about whatever happens next and very interested by the mass of living stuff to the north.
My name's atrumnota on Minecraft if you'd like to whitelist me, Giygas.

I haven't played PC Minecraft in ages. Might be cool seeing how different it is now.
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