Avatar of Pete
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    1. Pete 10 yrs ago


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Carrie startled awake, thrust from pleasant dreams into reality, the cargo area of a dusty old transport helicopter. Neither the British pilot's notification, nor the grinding guitar riff from her earbuds that forbade her from hearing him had woken her, but as the helicopter began its descent, it hit an updraft that rocked the chopper with turbulence. Far from being uncommon in aviation, and this not being her first time aboard such an aircraft, the trembling steel did little more than annoy her as she stretched her arms over her head and looked out the window. Sand, lots of it, and not much else. The helicopter broke through a cloud, and the seemingly unending golden ocean, barren and lifeless, stretched to the horizon before her. It didn't look too far from Iraq, so as much as Campbell already hated her new home, at least she was used to it, having endured Mosul and Kirkuk's scorching weather not long before.

Campbell wondered what her friends were doing, and even though it'd been less than seventy-two hours since she'd seen them, she felt like an orphan, stripped from her family. Squeak, Hill, Miller, Willis, she even caught herself wondering about Sergeant V. Looking at her watch, already adjusted to local time, and doing a bit of math, she realized that it was nine o'clock on a Saturday morning back in San Diego, and that practically everyone in her unit would be practicing weekend rituals, either nursing a hangover or still face down on the floor.

"Bastards", she whispered to no one, envious. It was only once she'd began reminiscing about her unit that she realize she was no longer a member of it, and her attention was quickly turned to the other bodies sardined into the Chinook, to whom she had paid almost no attention to before this point. She didn't have to look before she knew she hated most of, it not all of them. Her ticket on this chopper was bought by the good-idea fairy, and if she'd had any choice in the matter she'd be dry-heaving into a toilet. Quickly surveying the lot, her suspicions were confirmed; she hated them. A bunch of saps from shithole countries, wasting the U.N.'s money on a goose-chase for aliens, she scowled remembering the artificial smile she forced when her commander informed her of her assignment.

The buzzing guitar faded away, replaced by a gentle violin with a backing dobro, and she couldn't help but tap her brown combat boot as she went over the group once more, slowly and overtly. Thankfully she wasn't the only American, quickly identifying a U.S. Airman and Soldier, though both sported stubbled faces, an oversight of discipline that would have never been an issue had they been Marines. The rest were foreign, a handful of Chinese civilians bickering away in one corner, an assortment of dark-skinned men in military uniforms she didn't recognize and two other Asians, soldiers that had the appearance and bearing of siblings. An older man with curiously unkempt hair sat with his back to her, sporting a Union Jack on his uniform. And then her eyes caught those of the Asian man sitting across from her. He wore a flashy dress uniform that displayed the flag of China, and had, much like her, been in the process of scrutinizing everyone else. She returned his gaze with a glare of her own for what could be considered a disrespectful time before turning back to the window, the sand growing closer, darkening with the fading sunlight.
Looking forward to this thing getting started, and enjoying the character stories that people have been posting, but I'm starting to see Darkraven's point about the number of American characters. Not that any of the applications are bad, but so far it seems like China and the U.S. are the only countries that give a damn about the fate of the planet.

Updated my profile a bit. Worked out some formatting, and added a written appearance description.
Darkraven said A very minor detail is the race bit. White refers to skin colour.

The term "Non-Hispanic White" is one that is fairly common in the United States, particularly on official government or military paperwork. Anybody who's done standardized testing at school has likely seen the term, which has come into use because of the large percentage of "White Hispanic" American citizens who do not identify themselves as Caucasian.

Darkraven said Another thing would be the 'previous vocations' bit. It's not referring to previous jobs outside of military/paramilitary/police/security organisations.

Honestly, I kind of figured that this section was for previous military specialties, and I used the civilian job because my character's only military profession has been the one she has. I imagined it was just a job she had as a teenager, and it's not going to have any real weight on the story or her as a character, but I hate to see a blank spot on a character application, and it's slightly unrealistic to say that a character has NEVER had a job before.

Darkraven said Also, I sure hope you know what your character's getting into, Pete. In being a member of the United States military, she's going to be looked down upon as the US sphere of influence is quickly deteriorating and so is their reputation.

Yeah, I can see that that's going to be a problem that arises pretty early on in the roleplay. It's also an important foundation underneath the character's very existence. The only reason she was sent to UNXIPU over any other service member, was to make a statement. It's something that the American military loves to do, and as one of the first successful female infantrymen in a country that had lagged behind in the integration of women into combat roles, she's something that the Pentagon sent as more of a "look at us", than anything else. I understand from the description of the world as it is that the United States is going to hell in a handbasket real quick, but I can't see the American military industry falling completely apart within six years, so although the United States is being surpassed by competing superpowers, the American military is probably still a fairly competent fighting force, and sending a message like LCPL Campbell to represent the country is something that brass would do.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.

Darkraven said Well, at least in the beginning, though I can't say what's going to happen to that later on.

Once the bullets start flying, I imagine a lot of the animosity will be lost.

said But so far, I like the character. [...] A few days max. Do tell me once she's ready and I'll add it into the accepted characters list.

I believe I've addressed your concerns. If you want me to, I can still edit the issues you had, though. Thanks much.
Very interested and looking forward to this thread. Will be editing CS into this post shortly.

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