Before I state my opinions, I am saying this. I'm leaving the decision of whatever characters you two want to use as your "main" character to you two. AKA, you guys decide if you want to use your non-human race characters, or your human ones, but I will give my opinion on which ones I like, but that's just my opinion.
I have to say, I think Gwen/Richard makes for more interesting dynamics overall in my opinion. It provides some very personal story arc developments as well, and overall, I feel is a better and more unique character than your other one. So in my opinion, we keep Gwen and Richard as your main character. At some point later, we might be able to involve more B-characters and can use your creature character there. Again though, the decision is up to you.
Shard as well, I prefer your human character too. I like the back story more, I like the powers and the realistic, death is viable applications within your power set, and overall I just prefer it to your other character. Still, as I said before, the decision is up to you. The B-character thing applies to you as well.
Lookie, your character reminds me of the crow but with rats cause of the whole seeing what rats see thing is like how the crow can see see what crows see. Anyway, I like the character a lot.
So, as of now, we'll have a 2 day period for anyone wanting to submit a final application. From those applications I will choose several RP'ers (I say RP'ers since I'm giving several RP'ers the choice to pick between several characters they've turned in). Probably 4-5 RP'ers. After that, the RP will be closed until I feel that we need to expand.