Shoske let out a small sigh of relief when they were inside and the door was barricaded, but they were still far from safe. There was another student in the class room who wore a weird mask and could hardly be heard. Shoske didn't really understand him but got the gist of what he was saying, the barricade the doors. He barricaded it along Kurisa by putting a few desks against the door. Once finished, he walked over to the wall of tools and basically weapons. He scanned the wall, looking at the large of displays. There were a good amount of tools his saw but could hardly recognize, some looking like they'd make a lot of noise. Shoske went with the simple route by grabbing a crowbar and a pair of gardening shears, which he just had to get. He slid of the handles between his pants and belt so they wouldn't fall off too easily.
Without really noticing what was going on, he walked over to the window and looked for a part to open it.
I'm probably gonna have to smash this open to get down from here Shoske went over to the computers and began to immediately unplugging the wires as he left a few of the other computers untouched, not wanting to interfere with Kurisa's idea. Although they all most likely knew that by now, the internet no longer exists. He wiped his forehead, sweating and breathing heavily the entire time. He remained unusually silent, the only noise he made was him hyperventilating for brief moments. Stopping only to regain his breath and mind, trying his best not to think of what was going on but to focus on his task at hand.