Dutchbag said
The Saud Clan is playable
Oy vey
Dutchbag said
The Saud Clan is playable
Kho said
Germany and Austria-Hungary (to the world): Oh, what a terrible, terrible injustice this is. Russia is marauding around killing us, and France...and Gavrilo Princep, why couldn't he just let us oppress him? How terrible, it breaks out heart.(Secretly): YESS! YESSSS...my precioussss...war...war...we is winning. No Britain in sight. TAKE IT ALL! Mwahahaha!Russia (to the world): We is cool. Only a flesh wound T-T(Secretly): TT-TT OH WHYYY!! Why did this have to happen?? Stupid war! Stupid Tsar. Stupid Germans. I wish Stalin was here already.Afghanistan: O.O
Kho said
Half the countries in the game have not had an update, what's going on? Or will the rest be coming later?