Serenity was sitting in a corner trying to look small. It had been two weeks of nothing but hell. She hated living in the streets however now she missed it more than anything. It was so much freedom, sometimes even thrilling; now she had no freedom. She was famished the food was so degusting she did not eat most of what was given. Serenity had heard about a guy who could get things. It sounded fishy but she wanted better food. She knew she needed something to trade with him and she had the prefect thing. Three big prisoners had their attention elsewhere. Giving Serenity the perfect time to take the two packs of cigarettes that was loosely guarded. She rushed away a little faster than she should have once she had swiped the items. However it seemed the men still did not notice anything was wrong. With a deep breath Serenity went off to trade.
The guy’s name was T.K he had dark skin and deep brown eyes. He was very tall and lanky. “You the guy who trades things?” Serenity hated talking with people she hated how her voice shook with uncertainty more. The guy looked her up and down giving a sly smile. “Yes, what would you like?” Serenity lifted up the cigarette packs. “Get beef jerky?” T.K and the men around him started laughing. This pissed off Serenity she did not know what so damn funny. “Well do you have any or not?” T.K held up his hands in defense. “No need to get mad. I have a small bag.” T.K looked at the cigarettes. “I don’t think them belong to you.” Serenity stepped back a step. “How the hell do you know that?” She was starting to panic. T.K just laughed. “No need to be scared. I don’t care if you stole them. Just lets me have more products.” Serenity made the trade quickly leaving just as fast. After another couple of weeks of taking peoples goods and trading it to T.K, he made her an offer, she work for him and he would pertect her. She agreed with no allies the place was taking its toll. She never liked getting to know people but T.K seemed like an alright guy.
After the first month and a half with working with T.K she had become good friends with him. He even told her about his power. His power store things within another dimensional space, achieved by direct contact with his body, only limited to the mass of his body, things stored within his body are frozen in time. When some others looked confused even Serenity. He explained it with more simple words. “I can put things in my body. If I put a cold can of soda in my body it will stay cold.” Serenity thought it was pretty cool. Some of his buddies not so much. “We could be a great team of thieves Serenity. You opening doors me hiding the goods just in case we got caught no evidence to incriminate us. She just laughed a little.
Serenity snapped out of her thoughts when she heard T.K say her name. He sat down next to her taking cards out of its pack. “You should have been in the dining hall. Stone got into it with the guard. Fucking should have just kept his mouth shut he would have not got another lick. You know I do owe the guards some information and they would love to get someone like Stone maybe…”
“No!” Serenity shouted before he finished his rambling, her face was red with anger. “Stone would snap you in half if he found out you gave the guards something on him. Just leave his ass alone. Find someone else to go after.” She crossed her arms looking away from T.K. “Fine I will think about it.” T.K got up and left, leaving the cards on the table.