Sixsmith said
Nooo, I'm sorry. D: I didn't mean to make it sound that way; I was just trying to give more incentive to entice you further. You know, so that you'd think it was more enjoyable and stuff. T_T
Sixsmith said
Yeah, that.It's also a good way to get to know the other characters that aren't your own, see how your character thinks and feels. It helps you form your character better while also learning about other characters. Maybe. That's how I feel when I do my own. It helps me get inside of my character's minds so that I can look at things from their perspectives, you know?But, don't treat it as a chore because it's mainly just a good way to kill boredom when you're waiting for the RP to get on its feet and it also can help you keep track of certain relationships your character is in. I just so happens that it's also a very useful tool to better fleshing out one's character and understanding others. *Nods*
CallaLily180 said
Sittin in my office with a plate of grilled bacon. :)