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    1. PrincessOfMyBedroom 10 yrs ago


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Sounds good. Do you want us to post character sheets here or when you get the OOC up?
I don't want to take your role from you. I'd feel really bad. What about adding another member to the group, like they do in certain episodes. Like The Intern, who's just there to take care of their base of operations but ends up having their own set of skills that would be useful? Just throwing ideas out there.

Oh same here, I got 2.5 Remix yesterday for Christmas and I've been playing Birth By Sleep obsessively since then. I don't own a PSP so its my first chance to play it.
Damn I wish I had found this sooner, I freaking love Leverage. Well if anybody drops out or you need extra roles, let me know and I'll join in a heartbeat.
Kartha Rolein said
Fantastic! If you would like to converse over more specifics via PM's I am most interested. This will not be a D&D campaign per se, as in it will not be driven by any of the mechanics. We will not be rolling or anything like that. I will pull resources from the books, but that is about it. For example, since Taliman is a Level 5 sorcerer I will roleplay within the boundaries of that limitation but I will not be dealing with saves, skills etc. Instead of referring to a spell by its specified name I will simply describe the action and detail the spells effects through story. :)

Ah okay so its more of a normal roleplay than a D&D one, gotcha. Nah its okay for now, I'm just working on fleshing out the character a little bit more. On the basics that you gave of course. You know, working in the whole no animal companion thing and why he ended up with Taliman.
I would be totally interested in playing Laviel, he's just the type of character that I like.

I have absolutely no D&D experience, but if I need some I'm willing to learn. I've always been interested in getting starting just haven't had the chance.
I am definitely interested. Just have to figure out what power I want to use.

Edit: I've got it but it might be a little too far fetched even for InFamous. What do you think about Sound Manipulation, or more specifically sound waves.
Fair enough, no more concentrated wind.

I don't like guns so my character won't be using any anyway.
Razqua said
It looks good for the most part. Although if your gonna use wind power to fly I'm gonna have to say it's with great difficulty and it's much slower than flying with say wings. So I guess it would be more of a hover than anything else. You wouldn't be zooming across the city with it.

Well then there's no point in having it in the first place and I have to change a bunch of her backstory because its based around the flying thing. You ever seen the anime Kaze no Stigma? If not look up the opening, that's the kind of flying I was talking about. With the wind literally carrying her around.
Name: Emilia Jones

Nicknames: Emma to her friends, Pixie to the world of supers.

Appearance: Emilia is pretty young woman with waist length platinum blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She keeps her hair in neat braided pigtails, and due to her love of Game of Thrones, has three silver bobby pins clipped into it. One for every battle she's won so far. It would be bells but they're too noisy when you're trying to stay hidden. Her fair skin is nearly unblemished and she never wears makeup. She's about five foot six and weighs 120 pounds give or take a few. She's thin and toned, but not overly skinny, with a nice amount of curves. She has long graceful limbs and fingers. She has small hips and breasts that aren't overly large or overly small, they're what she refers to as, the perfect groping size.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Power: Emilia has power over the wind. With a few finger movements she can do many things. She can fly and allow others to fly using it, or lift objects as long as they aren't too heavy, or simply use it to blow things away. She can't actually create wind, so her powers only work above ground where there is actually wind.

Bio: Born into a life of luxury, Emilia's mother was a model and is now a fashion designer. While her father is a photographer. She's been forced to enter beauty pageants her entire life, including as a toddler. But she's always been more interested in playing outside and reading fantasy books than makeup and staying pretty. Throughout high school she was really popular, but only because she was pretty and her family had money, not because anybody actually cared about her or her personality. It was during that time that she discovered her powers over wind, and she secretly trained and mastered it, enjoying the freedom that flight gave her.

It was only after graduating and become a legal adult that she experienced troubles with her powers. She found her brand new apartment being broken into by armed policemen. Apparently her parents had known all along, and were angry with her for leaving the fashion and beauty life behind. But boy did they underestimate her, she had been honing her powers all these years, and it didn't take long for her to get a few kills under her belt. She escaped with nothing much but the clothes on her back and soon found herself living in an underground community made up of other people of all ages with powers.

Personality: Modest, patient, and kind. She's calm and level headed most of the time. But on the other hand she's stubborn, and strong willed. She's all about that grace. A free spirit that can't be tamed. She's loyal and protective with a lot of common sense and good head on her shoulders.

Other: Emilia keeps a collection of books inside her underground home, ones that anybody in the community can read, mainly of fantasy books, but some mysterious and horror stuff are sprinkled in as well.
Is there still room to join? Because I'd love to.
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