"At least someone here makes sense. Ja'Far, is it? My name is Ellis Taevon. Former Cerberus Breaker." He checked the heat sink on his weapon. Mean and green. "I apologize for my paranoia, but I've had more than one bad experience with non humans lately." He calibrated his Omni-tool weaponry again, then, satisfied, set it back to inactive. "I'm no xenophobe, not anymore, but most races dislike me at the best of times, and want me dead at the worst. I thought..." He laughed, giving the Quarian a little finger-gun point. "I thought you were mercs come to kill me. I didn't even know how you found me, I guess i just didn't expect so many goddamn aliens. No offense."
The Batarian seemed to be the most relatable out of the non-humans. In addition, he was dressed in such a way that Ellis felt he could safely assume this man's mental state. He was solid. He was concrete in his faith, which also, to an extent, made him gullible. But it also made him iron-willed, and uncompromising. He would be a good ally, Ellis was certain.
"Quarian, forgive me, I lost control of myself." He did not trust this Quarian, nor the other, but felt it was best to keep his potential enemies close. "If you'll allow, I'd like to make it up to you in some way." He glanced uneasily at the Turian, who had just lit a cigarette, even as he stood beneath the sprinklers. Ellis sat back down on his rock pile, resigned to the idea that this group, whether he like it or not, was his new colleagues. "Turian, why do you smoke in the rain? Have you simply a taste for great irony?"
Though he just sat down, Ellis was restless. He stood again, and paced a small circle on the tracks. He kicked the corner of a cinderblock as he walked. It cracked away, piece by piece, until it was three rocks. Then six. Then dust, as Ellis felt his frustration welling up again. No, no, no, can't let that up. Gotta save that. Save that for combat. He sat back down on his rock pile and deactivated his suit. "NERO, activate Good Night protocol." His suit's audio and visual input and output systems remained active, while the rest of the suit powered down, a power saving technique often reserved for YMIR and ATLAS mechs.
Good Night had been a literal lifesaver whenever Ellis felt he might lose control of his anger. He knew he was dangerous, and so had requested a containment mode that would allow him to lock himself down for the safety of himself and those around him. That having been said, he was still quite capable of wreaking biotic havoc from this prison.