Avatar of PrivateVentures
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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
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Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
8 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
8 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

Most Recent Posts

@SgtEasy I figure we've got an endless amount of time in the tunnel, limited only by the last guy to join the RP. Until his intro, we can't do anything. May as well have an interesting time in the underground.
"At least someone here makes sense. Ja'Far, is it? My name is Ellis Taevon. Former Cerberus Breaker." He checked the heat sink on his weapon. Mean and green. "I apologize for my paranoia, but I've had more than one bad experience with non humans lately." He calibrated his Omni-tool weaponry again, then, satisfied, set it back to inactive. "I'm no xenophobe, not anymore, but most races dislike me at the best of times, and want me dead at the worst. I thought..." He laughed, giving the Quarian a little finger-gun point. "I thought you were mercs come to kill me. I didn't even know how you found me, I guess i just didn't expect so many goddamn aliens. No offense."

The Batarian seemed to be the most relatable out of the non-humans. In addition, he was dressed in such a way that Ellis felt he could safely assume this man's mental state. He was solid. He was concrete in his faith, which also, to an extent, made him gullible. But it also made him iron-willed, and uncompromising. He would be a good ally, Ellis was certain.

"Quarian, forgive me, I lost control of myself." He did not trust this Quarian, nor the other, but felt it was best to keep his potential enemies close. "If you'll allow, I'd like to make it up to you in some way." He glanced uneasily at the Turian, who had just lit a cigarette, even as he stood beneath the sprinklers. Ellis sat back down on his rock pile, resigned to the idea that this group, whether he like it or not, was his new colleagues. "Turian, why do you smoke in the rain? Have you simply a taste for great irony?"

Though he just sat down, Ellis was restless. He stood again, and paced a small circle on the tracks. He kicked the corner of a cinderblock as he walked. It cracked away, piece by piece, until it was three rocks. Then six. Then dust, as Ellis felt his frustration welling up again. No, no, no, can't let that up. Gotta save that. Save that for combat. He sat back down on his rock pile and deactivated his suit. "NERO, activate Good Night protocol." His suit's audio and visual input and output systems remained active, while the rest of the suit powered down, a power saving technique often reserved for YMIR and ATLAS mechs.

Good Night had been a literal lifesaver whenever Ellis felt he might lose control of his anger. He knew he was dangerous, and so had requested a containment mode that would allow him to lock himself down for the safety of himself and those around him. That having been said, he was still quite capable of wreaking biotic havoc from this prison.
@Silver Fox Yeah, Ellis has no clue, although I think he stole @SgtEasy's character's message coordinates.
@Silver Fox hence the reason i am exploding. It's cool, though, imma hold off for awhile.
But seriously, I'd love some chill pills. Pass that shit.
I'm really freakin' excited. I'm not gonna lie. This will be my first fully collaborative work, and if you guys don't mind, I'd like to save it to look at later. I'll just be saving it as an HTML, maybe I'll paste it into a script-style document later.

I can't wait for you guys to post again!
@The SpectreI'm a chain smoking writer from North Carolina.
Holy crap, I'm sorry, guys. I'll cool it for a bit. I just had a full pot of coffee, so I'm exploding.
"We're an odd bunch. Krogan, Geth, you have any idea why we're here?" Ellis began whittling a stone with his Omni-blade, in this case, a Vorcha sabre. "You think I can make this look like me?" He hoped to distract them, in order to achieve some sort of reading into their personality, and more importantly, their capability. The Geth seemed peaceful, timid, almost. Center of gravity: high in the chest. Armor was weakest in the rear. The Krogan was authoritative, like a cop. He wouldn't hesitate to fire if things got violent. High value target. The Turian, heterochromic. Ellis had heard of a heterochromic Turian. One of the few Turian biotics. He was trained, militarily, and naturally, would be ready to use his abilities. High value target. The Quarian seemed to be a scientist of some sort. He'd set down his shotgun. His primary weapon, he'd surrendered. He'd be the first to die unless this display was contrary to his typical behaviour. Low value. The Asari seemed foolish, but also trained. She moved with an amount of military grace that indicated a decorated history, despite her blunder. Maybe it was a bluff. If so, she was much smarter than Ellis gave her credit for. This would have to be reviewed.

The important thing was, if Ellis called up the old husks, he'd be able to find out firsthand who was really good enough to be here. But would that be rude? A conundrum, if ever there was one.
"After that idiot show, I can rest assured. You're no interspecies killer group. You're a bunch of Oddities."
Ellis holstered his weapon. The blast had singed his barrier, which continued to sizzle as the sprinklers spewed over it. He was more amused than angry. And more than a little relieved. "A Turian, an Asari, a Quarian, and a Batarian. And a Human. I was led to believe we're here to do some good somewhere? I was also led to believe combat prowess was important, but judging by the Quarian, who drops his weapon in front of potential enemies, and the Asari rain bomber, that is not the case. To be honest, I expected a Batarian. But no Krogan? How odd."

Ellis had heard of old husks, dry and tired, still hidden, buried somewhere in the London Underground. He wondered about them, particularly about whether or not they could be awakened by noise. He'd only ever seen them in battle. Never dormant. They really want me to be quiet. I wonder...

"Is anyone here even remotely interested in seeing the old Reaper shells in the tunnels? Because I am. Quite a bit. Certainly you must be, Turian, it would be like target practice after Palaven. Or you, Batarian? Eager for a little payback? I myself wouldn't mind a little warming up. Unless anyone knows who's in charge?"

He slipped the disc back into his forearm. I'll have that for an easy escape.

"Or does anyone know our mission objective?" Ellis was feeling a bit of cabin fever, or tunnel fever, in this case, antsy to shoot something. He'd believed that he'd be able to do good by shooting and smashing, but this was one weird meet-and-greet.
He couldn't listen to their lies. Surrounded by aliens as a human only meant one thing: they were about to kill you. Plus, they were all armed. Ellis could put two and two together, and began overclocking the servos on his right arm. His pumped faster and faster, so sure was he that now was the time for fight or flight. And Ellis never flees. The Quarian in front set his shotgun aside. as soon as the Quarian's Omni-tool came online, Ellis whipped his sidearm off its holster and raised it in a snap, sight zeroed in on the Quarian's head.
Ellis spoke slowly, uncertain if the aliens would understand him. "I would very much like an explanation as to what is happening here. If I do not recieve an explanation, I will be more inclined to shoot this fellow. I do not want to, but I am extremely-", the overclocked servos caused his shoulder to twitch, "uncomfortable with the current state of affairs."
click Went the safety. hummmm Went the fabricator.
"So... folks... I want an explanation, and I want it from... The Batarian."

To his suit, after muting his external speakers, he spoke a series of code words. "NERO, look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair."

His left forearm opened up, a plate sliding out of place, and a small, fat black disc fell into Ellis' left hand. He scooped his thumb in the pin, ready to unleash hell.

He fortified his barriers, and spoke again, hoping the fear didn't show in his voice, the fear he was forbidden to feel. "I want to be peaceful. I really do."
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