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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

Most Recent Posts

Close quarters combat. Well, possibly. Mostly, the goal was to arrest the bad guys, free the civvies. But also, CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT. Ellis’ favorite. There was nothing quite like the thrill of feeling an enemy soldier flail against your armor, helpless to stop you as you squeeze, squeeeeeze squeeeeeeeeze on his helmet until crack goes his helmet and crunch goes his skull, spilling hot slime and gore like a smashed pumpkin.

Out of all of his new teammates, Vella seemed the one most suited to pair up with Ellis. She was clearly impulsive, which would compliment Ellis' predatory prowling quite nicely. The Krogans would be the most superlative of diversions, and the Drell, he was certain, would prove useful in the thick of battle. He seemed almost... familiar. The Turian...


"I hope you are turncoat through and through!" She was right. He was a traitor now, wasn't he? No matter. The Asari seemed to fear him. He saw intrigue in her eyes, but also a tinge of uneasiness. Could it be the lack of visible skin? The synthetic voice filter? The fact that he was more machine than man? She was in his squad and must certainly be aware of his ability to kill her and dispose of her body quickly and easily. But then, she behaved as a child does. As one borne of innocence. But this new undertaking, this was war. He'd have to keep an eye on her. An innocent soul has no business in war, but if she insists, someone will have to look after her. Ellis sighed.
I guess I can watch her back.

That's the spirit.

And then, there was the lovely Turian.

Just sheer dumb luck that she wasn’t in his division. He didn’t need the distractions. He’d be distracted enough. After all, he might be shooting at old colleagues or subordinates. It sounded like fun, shooting old coworkers. Like, Mary from the Provisions department. Or Kareem from Accounts and Records.
Or Samuel. That rat bastard from Alpha One-One, Combat Infantry. Fuck Samuel. The good thing was, he’d only ever had to shout at Samuel’s helmet, so for all he knew, THEY COULD ALL BE SAMUEL.

JUST IMAGINE: They’re all Samuel. When you see them, every Centurion, every Grunt, every Specialist-

They’re all Samuel?

Every fucking one of them.

Ellis wondered if they might recognize him. It was possible, he supposed, as his suit was one-of-a-kind. And he did work closely with a lot of the ground troops. His stumps ached in reality, but he felt it in his fingers. He wondered how Cerberus was faring without their leader, as Shepherd had singlehandedly ruined nearly all of their conspiracies. He wondered about the number of Cerberus combat forces, then assured himself it didn't matter. They always followed Greek troop movements. He wondered how many Cerberus noncombat personnel there were, then reminded himself that they were still considered enemy combatants, so far as he was concerned. He wondered how they would all fare if there were another complication, if maybe he-
“If Cerberus is involved, it’s plausible that their troops recognize me. It’s likely that my resignation was not a widespread fact. It is altogether possible that they will accept me on sight, allowing me to open the way for the team. We may be able to infiltrate the operation without arousing any suspicion.”

Say ‘sir’.

“Sir. Partinax.”

He outranks you. Don’t call him by name.


His eyes wandered back to the gorgeous Turian. Her skin sparkled. Like the stars…

Shut up, idiot.

It felt like his body were being charged up, like a battery. He needed to vent this pressure, before he exploded.

“So, Sir, when do we get going? I’m eager to get started.”

Alright, Samuel. You’ve done some bad things, and we’re here to FUCK YOUR LIFE.

Wait, no. We’re here to… detain you? That doesn’t seem quite right.
I really hope he shoots at us. That makes it okay to kill him, right?

God, look at her eyes-

Samuel. Back to Samuel. If one Samuel shoots at us, can we kill all Samuels?
What if one Samuel shoots, and another surrenders?

I suppose I’ll just play it by ear.

Ellis made a mental note, taking inventory of all of his gear. His Talon, freshly loaded, on his hip. His Mattock, collapsed on his back, fresh and ready to go, calibrated to fabricate antimaterial piercing rounds rather than soft antipersonnel ammo. He’d already checked his omni-tool several times, and reminded himself that his omni-blade application was set to project a Batarian Enforcement Gauntlet. He’d loaded his suit earlier, four thermal clips, another four in reserve, and his heat sinks read in the green. His blood pressure spiked again.

Soon. Soon. We're ready. Just waiting for them.

He was dressed to kill and exert his will.

“You know what, I like your idea better. Let's knock first. It might be good to-" GET DIRTY "play it professionally."
@BlackSam3091 Not that I recall. Thanks for the leeway. I'll bear that in mind for the future. I was regarding you as another player, forgetting your role as the GM. If I notice anything, or have a new thought, you'll be the first to hear about it. Well, relating to this, anyway.
@BlackSam3091 Oh, that was for you. Ellis accepted Anderson's statements without a second thought. In the end, it just means he's hired, but has to behave. So long as he's accepted, I don't think he's concerned about the conditions.

EDIT: Also still laughing at "indoctrinated up to their eyeballs"
@BlackSam3091 His Cerberus Evals have been under wraps for quite a time. i doubt the Council has someone with access to them. His xenophobia is damaged by his newfound desire to be good. He understands that xenophobia is irrational, but finds it difficult to fight it. That having been said, he filters himself quite well, as he had to learn to do, in order to achieve a number of desired ends. Without his watching his words and tone, he would be much less of a viable candidate. As is, and so far as the Council has information, they believe him to be dangerous, but nearly as unstable as he is. That having been said, his new epiphany, and this new infatuation, no doubt catalyzed by said epiphany, will likely solidify his loyalty.
Despite how many problems he may have, he never once disobeyed the Illusive Man, and his psychotic loyalty is a big asset to the Spectres. His true value comes not from his strength, combat prowess, or resilience, it stems from his inability to disobey those in authority above him, no doubt sourcing itself in his childhood, wherein first, there was his father, who was certain to impose strict rules to maintain his career. Second was his brother, who watched over him and looked after him while he was helpless. Then, the Illusive Man, a man with power so great, it was nearly impossible for anyone to refuse his demands.
On top of that, Ellis has detailed knowledge of Cerberus technology and tactics, and will be a big advantage against Cerberus forces for that reason, as well as the fact that they may recognize him, and put two and two together. More than anyone, Cerberus ground troops know the capabilities of Ellis the Undying. They once rallied behind him in battle, but when he is on the opposite side, they will gaze upon him in awe and horror, remembering the atrocities he once committed under their flag.

Oh, and it was all teased in the CS. It was in the backstory. I may have hidden these things in too subtle a manner, for example, I used the concept of him being bedridden and utilizing his biotic abilities in a way that felt aas though it manifested outside himself to represent disassociative disorder, indicating that he felt, though in control of his actions in reality, as though he were not committing them. His love for psychological warfare comes from the fear he felt as a child, no father, crippled, ruined, disfigured. He desires to inflict the same terror on others, a form of displaced Psychosis. His paranoia stems from all the information he sold, making enemy after enemy after enemy. His sociopathic tendencies come from his isolation during his developmental years. The bipolar disorder from a skewed reward-system in his brain that associates a satisfying kill with lots of dopamine, conflicting with his true moral beliefs, wherein deep down he knows that slaughter should not make him feel good, that war is inherently a bad thing, yet he loves it because it allows him to expend a lot of psychological stress.

In short, if you give the guy things to shoot and stab and strangle every now and again, he'll be alright.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm trying to keep Ellis' turmoil from interfering with the others, which is why its all happening in his head. I hope that's fine. I'm having fun writing someone so self-deprecating.

I hope he does reform, I'm kind of rooting for the guy. Lady Luck wasn't on his side

I feel you there. I write like a method actor. Before I can write for a certain character, I take a moment to meditate and feel what they feel. I've gotten pretty accurate over the years at character portrayal.

Ellis is brutal.

So yeah, definitely rooting for the guy.
@SgtEasy Honestly, I don't think he'll ever be okay, by normal standards. He's committed too much evil, too much of his life was devoted to destroying !ife, and developing new techniques to derive fear and pain, that I think he's more likely to die in a suicide assault than to be okay enough to pursue a romantic endeavor. Sicaria in no way is destroyed psychologically enough to match him. I think Sicaria is going to be his holy grail, the motivation to push him to be better than he is, but in the end, I think he'll accept that he can't change, and give his life for the greater good.

Of course, who knows? Maybe he'll reform, and have a great life.

@Leos Klien Yes. Yes it is.

Seriously, though, dude is by far one of the most traumatized and depressing characters I've ever written.
@SgtEasy I did a bit of study into how someone with a combination of psychotic tendencies, sociopathic tendencies, bipolar disorder, disassociative disorder, a conglomerate condition of abandonment issues and sadistic psychosis, severe anger management problems, and serious paranoia, resulting in advanced dementia would act. I already had the character put together, I just filled in bits and pieces to make his backstory match up with the ME universe. I figured this would be a great way to see how this character would develop.
I like how the Spectres clearly did not get detailed psychological evals for these people before calling them up. They would find way too many instances of torture and inhumane techniques in Ellis' dossier. Also, the Cerberus evals where the evaluator literally just filled in 'severe' for every question.
Ellis stood, staring at the beautiful Turian for quite some time. During this time, his suit injected its hourly dosage of painkillers, a sensation that Ellis, despite having been used to this feature for years, this time took it for the flutterings of infatuation.

This can't be love... It can't be not her.... Not a-

Drell? Aliens from the furthest reaches, and not another human in sight. Even Anderson is barely human, consorting and fraternizing with the most vile of races. Quarians? Evolution hass been trying to wipe them out for a long time. Krogans? Unintelligent brutes. Turians? Men with the brains of birds, disgusting creatures... With such a symmetrical face... And lovely eyes-

No. No no no.

Ellis fought his urges with everything he had. He was pulled out of his spiritual war by the Batarian, suddenly peeling the Asari, Vella, off of the Geth. He reprimanded her. Ellis watched the male Turian, Tiberius, dealing with a packet of cigars. They looked nice. He was sure they smelled nice, too. It pained him often that he was unable to engage in simple acts of comraderie, just like everyone else. His body wouldn't allow it.

Her body looksso healthy, so athletic...

Just another reason she would never want you.

I would kill for her...

You would kill for fun, if it were a financially stable career.

I'd die for her.

Would you?

The Drell announced himself. Gilvert Somner, a demo specialist. Ellis' first thought was, Seems unstable. His second thought followed suit.

Takes one to know one, you fucking freak.

Again, Ellis was overtaken by the urge to draw his weapon, but this time, the impulse was to unload a full magazine into the Spectres that had that summoned that demonic beautiful avian graceful whore goddess to this place , along with all these other disgusting animals.

He forced it down, save it for battle, you dumb motherfucker. His eyes scanned the area, desperate for a distraction.

The Batarian was shaking the hand of the Geth. This is weird, wild stuff. His eyes threatened to wander back to that gorgeous woman alien abomination. He forced them back, willing his thoughts to focus on the oddity of an organic shaking hands with a synthetic. Ellis wondered if it were possible that the Geth understood, on some level, what a gesture like that meant, or even comprehended that a pact of any kind was being made at all. He wondered, particularly is she single if the Geth had any experience with organics. It was, after all, fully plausible that she prefers humans Geth, as a self aware entity of a sort, could comprehend emotion and expression.

He glanced toward the Spectres, second guessing his decision to join. It can only bring turmoil.

But this is whatI came to do. To do good. To make a difference.

You only want to feel better about your choices. You would die for the greater good?

I would die for her.

You don't even know her. His gaze wandered back to the beautiful Turian.

I would die all the same.

You pompous, naive, disfigured dotard, you will never redeem yourself. She will never care for you. You have nothing to offer the good and decent people of the galaxy. They are not like you-

Shut up.

'Shut up?' You're a freak.

I'm not a freak.

You're violent and unstable.

I have it under control.

Do you? Because right now, you're talking to no one.

Concealed by his armor, Ellis sweated profusely. Tears poured down his face. His teeth gritted, fists clenched, he ordered NERO to shut off his external speakers, and screamed, long and loud, letting off as much turmoil as he could.

Surprisingly, this was not an uncommon episode for Ellis. The feelings were, but the response was not. This often happened when he was faced with high stress environments. His body naturally reacted to stress with violence. He ached for combat, to wash away these feelings in the purest of elixirs: enemy blood.

A song came to mind, one that his father had been fond of singing while loading up shipments of illegal weapons, ammunition, and ordinance.
I ain't going back
To Barton Hollow,
Devil's gonna follow me
e'er I go.
Won't do me no good
washing in the river,

Can't no preacher man save my soul.
<Snipped quote by Silver Fox>
Sicaria showed up to the next meeting place with Vetia on her arm. Why someone would choose a club was beyond her, but it would be a good place to mingle and get some drinks at the worst. So, she had invited her significant other along, because why not?

Ellis, early as always, caught sight of the Turian he refused to admit he had a crush on... and soon after the other right beside her. Without a second thought, he jumped off the closest balcony into space traffic.

Ellis would be more likely to either kill both of them, or just go out and kill a bunch of random Turians as substitutes.
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