Raiya listened to the fantastical story and found it very hard to believe. Though, the theatrical nature of Nemo did suggest that he would exaggerate stories or even fabricate them in order to elicit emotional reactions from the audience. She didn't voice any of this to Nemo, though her expression did hint at doubt. Instead of mentioning her disbelief she simply moved on to a story of her own.
"When I left the Arcanocracy, I wasn't alone. As you know, Tsukihi and Akane came with me. My idea was to find myself in Japan. But one I got there, I found myself lured to the dark underground. I needed to find any information that could lead my to my parent's true killer. And I knew power through politically motivated underground groups like the yakuza could give the resources I needed to find that person. Raiya drifted into thought briefly before continuing.
"However, they weren't particularly receptive of me and especially were not receptive of my friends who came with me. At first, they warned us to leave. They would tell us to back off. The next day, the hideout I met them out would be burned down or otherwise stripped. But then, after I continued to find hideout after hideout, they couldn't ignore me anymore. Eventually they captured my friends and I. They told me that if I truly wished to be a part of their organization, that I would have to undergo an initiation." Raiya shivered for a moment as she recalled.
"They knew I was the ring leader, so they only made me go through it. But they forced Tsukihi and Akane to watch, as they did it. First they doped me up with a sort of combination of a paralytic and an anesthetic. Their concoction didn't make me lose consciousness, no that would take away their fun. Then they took large needles gauged large enough to be considered knives. They heated up the needles, and then jabbed about a hundred of them up and down my arms and another hundred all down my back. They made sure I didn't fall asleep by injecting me with a cocaine concoction. They kept the needles in place until the medication they gave me wore off. That was when all the pain began to slowly hit me. As the medication waned, the pain flared until the pain was so severe that I began to lose consciousness due to it. Of course, they couldn't let that happen. So they injected me with adrenaline as well. And then they began to take each needle out one by one. The pain was so horrendous, I almost went insane." She paused collecting her thoughts.
"Of course, I survived, and I passed their little initiation test. Afterwards they placed me in a medical ward that they ran, and forced me to heal without magic assistance. I was scarred beyond recognition. But after I healed, I became full fledged member of the yakuza. Shortly after I received my tattoos that enchanted my body imbuing it with snakelike qualities. Though, I suppose I'll leave the story of my tattoos for a different time." Raiya finished.