Name: Jack Skellington
Alias/Nickname: The Pumpkin King
Age: NA
Kingdom: Halloween Town
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Role In Kingdom: King
STR - 5
PER - 5
CHA - 8
INT - 5
END - 5
MAG - 8
Spells: Fog, Languages, Nightmare, Heal Large Wounds
Weapons: Staff of Nightmares
Items: 5 Gold, 10 Silver, 25 Copper, 50 foot of rope, 4 torches, 1 Santa Outfit
Pets: Zero
Strengths: Unable to become afraid
Weaknesses: Obsessive Curiosity for anything I don't understand
Traits: (These will be given to you based off of your character and Stats)
Personality: Refer to the Movie
Backstory: Refer to movie and Kingdom Hearts games for explanation as to why I would be helping Mickey