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Carantathraiel said
no nap yet. We're going to wal-mart. *excited jittering*been away from the usa for far too long, when youre super excited for wal-mart.

Really... realy, I know thrift stores that have better quality than Wal-Mart.
I really want to screen shot your reply and send it to that YouTube show where it shows.... ya never be excited to go to Hell Mart.
I know I'm gonna take one today.
Taking . One from the pan Alexis burnt it a bit soon the outside before popping hers in her mouth. " your a lot better at cooking than me, all I do is light things on fire and burn them. " She said half commenting half well that is just how he could receive it. The puffs were good and she wondered what the others where doing.
Taking it and again setting up her cooking stick under the pan for even heating and setting that on fire. She watched it cook. She didn't mind being used as well a human oven because she was better. She could do other thing than just set fire to people, she could cook, gather supplies in a fire, save people from fire, set fires on enemy's. The possibilities were endless and it seems like he knew that as he was having her be the cooker and have something to do here.

Taking the pan up again she smiled and handed it back to him, he was a lot better than her when it came to putting things together. But then again she had never learned all she had was soup from a can.
Nine hours last night so I'm happy now and full of energy.
Carantathraiel said
ugh. i hate that. I'm talkin' to friends, drawin on my sketchpad, and debating sleep

Sleep is one of my frienimy's the worst type of person that you love. I'm debating the too.
No really I had to go back on the first one and 're do it. Stupid spell check. And anyway I am in the mood where I want to read or watch other people do things because my Brian is working to fast the ideas are jumbling in my head.
" Ok " she said before placing the pan on her hand before thinking then taking a twig out of her coat pocket she set that under the pan and the flames sat under the pan like it was a cauldron for even heat. While waiting for the ten minutes she thought for a second and found a bottle of barbecue sauce and mixed it with a few other things I can not rejoice but tasted good to her
Stirring that in a smaller bowl she stopped the stick from burning and took it back before handing the steak back to him setting the dipping sauce down.
" I will burn before I eat. But everything is better with sauce. " She said smiling putting the stick back in one of her pockets.
Blue or Lyra ether of them needs to post again.
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