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    1. PsychoticBreakDown 10 yrs ago


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Oh could give you some German ones.
Ick Bin pyscho. Ich mag fuere.
I am pyschoyic. I like fire.
I fix I fix no fight no fight my head won't take that so I fix.
Doing a backdrop over a standing dummy which is shorter than her is pushing it ok ill rewrite. Not starting fights.
Picking up the dagger she twirled it in her hand before running behind the dummy stabbing it in the back before running back around the dummy dummy again, stabbing and slashing it before standing up straight and handing the dagger back to the housekeeper. Before sinking back into the shadows pulling out back on her bench seat.
"Can I get a dagger since I can't use my powers to get one" Anna asked sinking back in the shadows to walk out from a darker corner closer to to housekeeper than were she was before. Holding out her hand to be given a dagger since she couldn't go and get one or that would be using her powers.
Talking bout migraines I'm having one it started when I woke up a hour ago. Ate some pudding I'm feeling a bit better. * Takes out another pudding cup* pudding makes everything better.
I'm cold but my head feels like it's in the oven. I'm hungry but when I'm get up I'm not. I hate not having logic to headaches. But anyway that's not the point.
"... " Anna grumbled at the keeper. She wouldn't be here if she wasn't forced to. When had she ever gotten hurt doing what she loved, never. So why was it that just because she had stolen a few things she couldn't be on her own. And anyway she knew she was invincible but she knew that she could leave anytime once a shadow got dark enough or it turned night since traveling at night is the easiest. But she didn't know how the keeper could block her power. Turn spotlights on her at all time???
At least a st we have pudding, cures headaches a lot quicker when you mind is on how good the chocolate tastes. The thing about my headaches is that it's always on my left side.
But I have posted since it went down enough to look at the screen without hurting.
Alexis walked into the gym and sat in her usual spotlight floor the flame still covering her lower arm. It would go all the way but she couldn't get the sleeve of her outfit any higher than what she had already. It looked like this new girl Alice was going to be fun glad seemed happy with her.
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