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Definitely interested
Could you explain a bit more about what the metalhearts actually do? Possible interested depending on the explanation.
I think accent can add a great deal to a character. I've noticed a lot of differences in accent within Edinburgh and Glasgow depending on where you stay and what conditions you live in. For example someone who goes to Heriots and has done their whole life is more likely to have less of a Scots accent and more of a 'well-spoken' accent than someone who lives in a place like Niddrie. Then again, accent does surpass where you live, it can be affected by who you are around and who you know. I've known quite a few people who live a posh lifestyle but speak almost exactly the same as people who live the exact opposite.
I'll probably make an overseas trader.
Name: Craig Stewart
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Alias: None
Appearance: Craig Stewart
Nationality: English, Liverpool to be precise
Allegiance: Allies
Powers: Super Speed
-Lanchester submachine gun
-Browning Hi-Power Pistol
-A few grenades
Personality: Craig is a charismatic soldier hellbent on trying to make the best out of any situation. He tries to befriend as many allies as possible and in no way tries to push people away.
History: Craig was born in Liverpool to a miner father and a factory working mother. Growing up was hard for him, there was a lot of racism surrounding black people in Britain and there still was even when black soldiers were let into the army. His father and mother were both paid less than the usual wage and so it was hard to buy any quality goods. Even Craig's house was poorly maintained and plagued with numerous damp spots that made it hard for Craig to be any more than a bit sickly. The kids around his street weren't so bad, they weren't nearly as racist as their parents who would hardly let them be around Craig if they saw them with him.

His teen years weren't great, he was hardly allowed into many highschools let alone university and with the small amount of money his parents made it wasn't like a good university was a viable option for him. He did study mechanics in his spare time though and eventually got a job at a mechanics just before the war started. He was a prodigy with a toolbox at that mechanics, and he had bright future ahead with the kindly seemingly non-racist old man who ran the mechanics and paid Craig fair wage for his work for the short time he worked there. When the war started Craig was quickly drafted in. Bootcamp was hard, his drill instructor wasn't as racist as he could have been but he sure gave Craig a hard time at the camp. Overall the hardened training actually did Craig more good than bad and he actually had a mutual respect between him and his instructor during the last few weeks of training.

He was drafted into the trenches, the worst part of the war. He sat for hours on end just waiting for the enemy to make their move. It was in the very trench he sat bored for hours that he discovered his powers. It seemed that they manifested a lot later than they could have and Craig was extremely unprepared for his newfound speed. He woke up staring at the guy next to him rising from his bed in a much slower pace than usual. And by much slower I mean around 250x slower than usual. Craig arose from his bed and began to explore the trenches, it was happening everywhere. Just then, the axis made their move. They rose from their trench and charged the allied trench. Of course at a much slower rate than usual. Craig picked them off like target practice and just plain beat up the other ones after he had ran out of ammo. He began to slowly understand what was happening and began to cope with this rapid change to his life. He began to figure out ways to keep time moving at the right speed along with having him moving at the right speed. He's now mastered the art of slowing and normalizing time in his eyes along with coping with his speed.
Im sorry to leave at such a crucial moment but im going away for 2 days and i feel prolonging the fight that long wont be good for the roleplay.
Hadryn dodged the jab with little effort, it would most likely only have grazed his shoulder if he had let it through. This Elf was taking his time, if the fight solely went this way then it would get very boring very fast. Hadryn quickly moved close enough to his opponent so that he could raise his sword and swipe it down onto him but still have enough space to move back if his attack went wrong. His opponents head was now unguarded and he could end the fight rather quickly if this swipe hit it's target, but then again it could be blocked or dodged. He at least hoped it hit the Elf on the shoulder or arm.
who would want that
genghismike said
I actually work for a hobby. It tends to make me sleepy at the end of the day.Aside from that, others have posted some pretty interesting things. Or you could check out turning a coin into a ring on youtube. It's pretty cool. Might take you a bit of money, but that's what I'm looking at getting into. That, and buying some uncut, untumbled gemstones from amazon along with some jewelry wire and metals to make some interesting statues.

Jesus Christ, Marie they're minerals
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