Name: Riley Gallagher
Age: 19

With long, flowing black hair peeking out haphazardly from the cowl, Riley is almost always seen within the comfort of a black, unmarked sweatshirt. Jeans or sweats form the only complement to this outfit, and a black tank top lies underneath the thicker fabric. If one can catch her from under the hood, one would find an ambivalent face with grey-blue eyes, a half tangled ponytail restraining the rest of her hair, and a smirk forming on the tips of her lips. At 5’7”, she is fairly average in height, her nimble body toned from her plentiful exercise.
The Mark of Arceus appeared on the upper portion of her left arm, black as if burned into her skin. A few years after that, she “left” during one of her travels into Slateport City, purchasing a duplicate on her left shoulder and a large one across her back, with tribal patterns traveling from it up her shoulder-blades and down her arms to her wrists in a fierce tattoo.
Class: Infiltrator
Sub -Classes: Ninja, Aura Adept, Black Belt (mixed hand to hand based on pokemon styles), Strategist
Items and Accessories: Riley keeps very little on her, for better or worse. Besides a few hair ties wrapped about her wrist, a poketch that looks like it's threatening to cut off her circulation, and a small knife for emergencies sheathed at her waistline, Riley tends to simply use what she is given or scrounge up items from the nearby locations.
Personality: Neither bright and cheery nor dank and depressing, Riley is best characterized by her normal appearance - sweatshirt hooded over, smirk present on her cowled face. Independent, anarchistic, and suspicious of anyone with an absent introduction or an overly pompous one, Riley will leave a group or a mentor just as quickly as something is able to catch her attention; with her ability to hide with no more effort than a shadow, she can and has done so, and quite often at that. Curious and of strong memory, you might never find out what did capture her whims, as her true motives are hidden under layers of sarcasm and idle chatter. Certain phrases and concepts, however, will turn a pleasant attitude somber with no warning, though she refuses to talk about why. She can be fond of pranks and tricks, and not always of the kind sort; she cares not what happens to most people, as long as her pokemon are safe from harm.
Strongly likes - things she has never encountered before, quiet, freedom
Strongly dislikes - those who let their Pokemon do all the work (fighting or otherwise), those who try to force rules upon her, those who can't rationalize what they are doing.
Special Abilities / Traits/ Attributes: A childhood master of hide and go seek (but a childhood failure at Sardines), Riley initially found herself entranced by the ways she could keep out of sight. With many years of training behind her, she makes no more noise than a spectre, and can infiltrate most locations with ease.
History: Riley was born just outside the Frontier Access in Johto, where the remnants of those who pursued competitive battling would come to show off their team's strength and teamwork to the world. With her father working as one of the move tutors in the area, he was often away from the household, assisting both competitors and trainers hoping to teach their Pokemon new moves to help their families back home. Though she visited her father a few times in his workplace, she was bored with the process he used to unlock new abilities from the hearts of his clients, and spent most of her time at home with her older brother and mother, or sneaking away to explore the constant life of the ever variable town. However, after her brother left to become a Pokemon Ranger in Almia, her mother fell into disarray, as her favorite child had left, and the only one still present was the one who put her time into crawling about like an Ariados rather than learning a skillset that could help her and her family. She fell to a minor bout of alcoholism, and started taking lovers from the trainers that would visit. Years passed, her mother ceasing to show any form of affection or recognition of her daughter in the daytime, her lovers treating her with scorn and disgust; solace was found far, far away, be it the town or the wilderness about her home, though comfort was impossible to obtain. With her home becoming more and more hostile with each passing month, the nights more unbearable as her mother's secret grew harder to contain, the impending conflict as her father became more wary, Riley was glad of the day that the elder visited her family and took her away to train her in that which she did best... became one with the shadows.
It was upon Faraway Island that Riley became aware of her Aura abilities, learning to hone them under the instruction of the young teacher Nathan Amsel. As Riley grew more advanced and understanding of the life around her and the skills within her core, so did their relationship bloom, growing from casual friendship to a bated love, flourishing in dance under the thick trees and starlit skies of the island they both called home. However, on an instructor's trip gone wrong, Nathan was incapacitated in a ship accident; her newfound mastery of Aura only amplified his pain to her, emotionally destroying her. Sent to one of the best hospitals in the world, he remains to this day in a troubled coma, unspoken of by any who once knew him. Though she adopted some of his previous pokemon, the experience scarred her for years until she could create an emotional barrier for herself, transforming her into the seemingly inconsiderate person she is today.
Theme song: Stolen Dance – Milky Chance
Pokémon TeamTeam theme: Stealth
Team members:
Zubat - Aello
Froslass - Siha
Kabutops - Lucian
Sneasel - Jest
Noivern - Nyx

Name: Aello
Species: Zubat
Type: Flying/poison
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Jolly
History: As the pokemon world slowly faded from the capture-centric mindset of the past, less and less pokemon were caught, for pokemon were only chosen if they could benefit the user in some way. Zubat were nearly always considered a nuisance; this change only made it less likely for some youngster to bring one home. In some flocks, the possibility of being friends with humans was almost unheard of. One runt like being, outcast by his flock, however, dreamed of joining a pokemon team, of finding a friend that could take them far from the cave without fear of noctowl by night or pidgeotto by day. Outside the entrance to the Battle Frontier, this zubat watched hundreds of trainers pass by, with pokemon unheard of to a young bat. But amongst these trainers was a shadow of a person, a person who observed from the shadows like he did. He sought to approach the female, and did, and, by this luck or coincidence, had his wish granted.
Though he has been with Riley the longest of her pokemon, Aello has been unable to evolve, perhaps by the same genes that gave him his diminutive size. Regardless of this, however, he puts in his effort with great gusto whenever he is not clutched in her sweatshirt hood.
Leech life
Poison Fang

Name: Jest
Species: Sneasel
Type: Dark/Ice
Gender: Male
Ability:Keen Eye
History:A troublemaker at heart, Jest once was a plague of Snowpoint city, enjoying solitary living as a thief and a prankster in the icy Sinnoh City. However, when the dark type Pokemon encountered Riley creating a prank of her own early in her training, the two bonded, with the young sneasel joining her team. It is common for the pokemon to return from an “adventure,” talking wildly about his accolades, to be greeted with the saying “You Jest!” from his chuckling trainer.
Feint attack
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Double Team

Name: Siha
Species: Froslass
Ability:Snow Cloak
History: One of the many pokemon left stranded as the “Catch'em All” concept became illegal, this snorunt was passed along from adoption location to adoption location, as those far from home had no need for an ice type upon their farms, and those in icy landscapes were familiar, but unwelcoming of a pokemon that already lived there in force. Seeking the companionship of a trainer, Siha was spied near the facility in Saffron City by the young ninja on one of her travels. Reading the hurt radiating in her aura as skitty and houndour were picked up by the half dozen, Riley could not help but speak with the Pokemon, eventually taking her back to Faraway Island, where the ice type chose to utilize a dawn stone. She speaks not of her time in captivity before Riley, but her ghostly illusions serve as a primary method of making sure her team remains unnoticed in her shadowy pursuits.
Powder Snow
Thunder Wave
Ice Shard
Double Team
Destiny Bond
Ominous Wind

Name: Nyx
Species: Noivern
Type: Dragon/Flying
Gender: Female
Ability: Infiltrator
Nature: Hardy
History: Originally Nathan's first pokemon, Nyx grew finding that other, unfamiliar trainers often cast her out as disgusting and filthy as a noibat, but envied her grace and beauty as an evolved form. Finding Aello, a zubat, as a treasured member of Riley's team loosened her perceptions of the female, however, and, during the trainers' relationship, became friends with the girl from Johto. Nathan's injury rocked both Riley and Nyx to their cores, but the shared tragedy connected the spirit of the two beings, allowing the dragon to fully accept the girl and eventually join her team.
Dragon Pulse

Name: Lucian
Species: Kabutops
Type: Rock/Water
Ability:Swift Swim
History: An elegantly mannered pokemon, one would have expected this rock pokemon to have crafted entirely out of polished marble for the manners of his olden form. Gentlemanly and polite, He too served on Nathan's team before his death, having been taught that scythes, real or figurative, do not make a monster. This Kabutops solemnly joined her team upon Nathan's incapacitation as well.
Ancient Power
Metal Sound
Night Slash
Aqua Jet
Mega Drain
Stone Edge