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"Dillon Hunt, huh," Lydia murmured. She honestly thought little of the minions and sidekicks both. Her own sidekick was a little bit annoying. She quickly shook her hand, but she was clearly distracted by all that was going on there in the mansion, and she followed after Benjamin. Yeah, totally adorable. What's a girl like that doing working for evil?

Lydia peeked through some of the doors as they passed. "Damn this place is pretty sweet. Too bad I hate parties. I would totally chill in that big jacuzzi." I wonder how Willow did. She entered the room Benjamin led her to. She looked around and saw Willow, but her eyes brushed over him to see Mythos sitting on a table, surrounded by two blonde, angelic looking twins who were laughing at what he was saying. Steelia marched up to him, grabbing him by the collar. "Are you ready to get your ASS kicked, Mythos?"

Mythos, real name Erin, looked up at her, a sarcastic look on his face. "Didn't we already go through this?" he questioned, dryly, smacking her hand away with a delicate motion. "I lost. You won. Why are you bitching?"

"Because you gave up," Lydia said, angrily. "Why did you throw it?"

"I threw the match, dear Steelia, because I didn't want to WIN." He gave her a dry look, pushing his long blonde hair out of his face. "I'm perfectly fine here in the number two position. I've seen what happens to heroes who go on to take their exit exams. I've seen some of them never come back, and I know they didn't graduate. Even if the god who lives inside me has to leave my body at the end of the year... he will still favor me, and bless my life. You, meanwhile, will be slaughtered at the hands of the other heroes and villains who so desperately want to leave this place whole. Enjoy your future bloodbath. I hope you emerge victorious, coated in your enemies' blood. That's the truth."

Thinking of it now, Lydia realized she had never seen Mythos use his full powers on Dynabane. Clearly he never wanted to surpass him. It had all been a funny game to them, something to keep the other heroes on the bottom, the sidekicks watching, the whole audience amused and excited over the imaginary battle. It had all been set up like pro wrestling, Mythos not really even desiring to graduate, but playing the imaginary game just for the fame, always wanting to stay in number two position. That was why they had been so amused at her anger and eagerness to win. That was why her victory had been so easy. When she died in the exit exam, they would fight again, Dynabane beating Mythos and restoring the natural order. It enraged her.

"Now if you'll excuse me, dear, dear Lydia, I have a date with these so lovely twins," he flashed her a look as if to challenge her to say something about him being gay. "So if you'll kindly get lost..." Lydia grabbed him up, throwing him bodily across the room, watching satisfied as he collided heartily with the wall, before turning and pushing past Dillon and Adrian. Willow chased after her.
I went from being user 27 to 450. :(
XD Leave it out is probably best. Adrian technically did swear off alcohol... and besides, I think there's plenty planned for the days ahead already. XD
Well, it started out innocently enough. She challenged him to a drinking contest, knowing she's /almost/ entirely unaffected by alcohol (due to her body's density) (as a funny joke) and it went downhill (uphill?) from there. So in all, I guess not TOO bad, except she knew he wouldn't remember. Although if I spun it a bit differently, it might be okay. After all, she didn't plan it like that. Not gonna lie, drunk Adrian is pretty much my favorite Adrian.
“Well, that room only had villains in it, from what I could see. Mythos is a hero?” Lydia looked puzzled. “and yeah, why else would I have come?” She looked at a servant. “Can I request drinks from these people? like… if I wanted a diet pepsi, could they just magically conjure me up a diet pepsi?” she’d never had servants before or known anyone who did, so it was an interesting concept. “... And no. I don’t fight Adrian. And I don’t enjoy myself. …” she looked up when Adrian entered, waving a hand at him.

“Believe it or not,” she said, annoyed. “I overslept. Then I got up and I was going to rush over here, but I thought, why look like shit? The party will still be here.” She eyed Dillon. “Your girlfriend’s cute. Where’d you find her at?” she started walking towards the back of the mansion, looking around for the heroes room. “I wouldn’t have come tonight, but I still plan on punching Mythos right in his cock holster for that embarrassment he showed me today.”
Oh she does tell him in my head too. XD So that's not the issue. The issue is that the idea is kind of a weird one. My favorite ideas are usually the ones that are weird or too controversial to really include. A little bit repugnant, and this one shows Lydia having an overly skewed sense of morals. Which is why I'm probably not going to use it.
“Oh… well…” Lydia didn’t seem like she quite knew what to say to that. “I don’t know, I just got here… It seems nice eno- Guest of honor?” She raised a brow. “Really?…” She tossed her head back a bit. “Well, aside from a few minor complaints, it’s going alright, I suppose. It’s a terrible idea to ask a lady if everything’s alright because it never is.” She looked around, studying the room. “We’ll always find something to complain about.” She glanced at Benjamin. “Where’s Mythos? I have something I need to say to him. With my fists. That’s why I came here, mostly.”

Thomas, generally nonplussed, leaned against the open frame in the kitchen, his hands in his hoodie pockets. “Now don’t be difficult, Lydia. You can’t just come to this fancy half million dollar party and start a fight…” he removed a glass of the champagne from a tray that came by him. “At least spend a few minutes suckling milk from the teat of the rich.”

“Didn’t ask you,” Lydia glared at him. “Why don’t you go back into the other room? I’d suggest you pick up a woman or something but we know how that would go… quickshot.” she made the noise of a gun being fired.

“Fine, I’m going. Tell anyone that story and they’ll never find your body,” Thomas called over his shoulder.

“My girlfriends and I still laugh about it,” Lydia yelled after him. “Sorry about that, Benjamin. He's an old friend. Now, you were thinking about telling me about where Mythos is.”
Hmmm. Okay. Thanks. XD Like I said, I'm not going to use this one but it helps pass work time. Of course I can't use my BEST ideas. XD
Lydia awoke groggily, sitting up. She was at home, and she had definitely overslept. She scrambled to her feet, tumbling out of bed before running to her closet, grabbing a couple articles of clothing, a white tank top and grey jacket and a black pair of pants, that she knew looked good together, throwing them on. She quickly brushed her hair, throwing the whole thing back into a ponytail because if Mythos was there she was going to knock him out. And she couldn’t have her hair in the way. She looked over her face, wondering if she looked okay. She checked the clock. The party officially started in about 20 minutes… Well, she could be a little late. She decided to take a little extra time getting ready. Not that she had any reason to! But people would have their eyes on her all night, so she might as well look good.

She finally arrived at the mansion forty-five minutes late, walking in. She immediately stiffened, the wave of sound and odor of sweat and perfume and alcohol hitting her face, making her queasy. Ick. This place smells like the co-ed bathroom in city park. The villains and minions dancing and talking and drinking was definitely not her thing, so she moved past. She made it past that room before she felt fingers gripping her sleeve. “Hey.”

Lydia turned to face them, noticing she’d caught the attention of a villain. “Oh. Hey.” She brushed his hand off. “Thomas. What’s up?”

“I just noticed you coming through and I thought I’d say congratulations,” his grin was from ear to ear. “I heard about your victory. Great stuff, Lydia.”

“Yeah… thanks. I didn’t earn it. But… you know, whatever.” She gave him a suspicious look. “I didn’t imagine YOU to jump on the popularity train, Thomas.” They’d grown up together, but they had since grown apart.

“I wouldn’t think of it that way! I was just telling you good job, that’s all,” Thomas grinned. Number four, or wherever he was now. He had always been one step behind her, but now she was far ahead of him. His powers were mimicry, but they had limits. He could imitate any power he had ever seen, provided they were physical powers. He patted her shoulder. “Good work.”

Lydia gave him a funny look. She continued going on through the enormous mansion, seeing doors and people everywhere. Well, I’m going to get lost here. I can already tell. My sense of direction is awful. She stumbled into a quieter room and felt relieved as the sound quieted behind her.

"You never did like parties, did you? Why are you here?" Thomas' voice seemed to come from nowhere and Lydia startled. She hadn't realized he'd followed her.

"I- I don't know," she said, in a cranky voice. "Don't you have some villain friends to hang out with?"
I had something I was wondering on this very subject this morning. Let's say Lydia had or developed a secret against Adrian that sort of affected him in a big way, and Dillon found out, but Lydia did NOT want her telling. Would her urge to inform Adrian and let him know this secret outweigh her fear of Lydia? This actually isn't as obvious as it sounds like. Sometimes I go through mini-plots in my head that never happen and this is one of them. I just wasn't sure about Dillon. I think I ended up thinking that she would tell him anyway.
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