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Lydia took her extended hand, getting to her feet. She took a deep breath, although the action caused her throat pain. “Yeah… Old friend. Way old. We attended 3rd grade together at normal school.” It came out as a whisper, though she did her best to talk louder. “We were the only two in the school with powers.” She held her hand to her throat. “I thought we were friends but… I guess he wanted something else. I’m fine. I’ll probably heal up by tomorrow.” That’s a lie. I don’t have rapid regeneration. She looked over Dillon’s armor before smiling. “You’re such a good person. Too good to be a minion. Don’t tell the others?” her eyes scanned the room. “If they comment on the damage, I came home pissy and destroyed some shit.” Despite her injuries, she winked at Dillon, before untying the servants Thomas’d bound up, before strolling off to her room, shutting the door behind her. She locked it for good measure, sliding down it to the floor. She checked her chest and she had a large foot sized bruise across it, splashed across her chest, red blue-black and green yellow, complete with treadmarks. Shit, that hurts. Still though, I can’t say I didn’t deserve it.

Josh entered the parking lot before slipping his hands in his pockets. “And there’s my ride taking off.” He seemed to think a moment. “Hey, Era, you mind taking me home?”

“You’re riding with someone who doesn’t even think to take you with them when they leave? Who is this asshole?” She looked out into the parking lot. “You’re riding with them?”

“Was, yeah, can I- okay…” Josh trailed off as Era started walking towards Adrian and Benjamin. He jogged after her, catching her arm. “Actually, this is a bad idea, uh, hey. You know what, I’ll just catch them, before they go. I’m sure they’re just thinking about the matches. Right? They’re villains so…”

“Villains?” Era narrowed her eyes at him. “Willow!”

“Ha… um, see you,” he patted her arm before jogging over to them, leaving a furious sidekick to stew in the parking lot. “Uh, hey. You mind if I catch a ride back? Sorry I was late getting out here.” He climbed in the backseat, avoiding Era’s annoyed gaze.

Era, from across the parking lot, didn’t hesitate to raise her voice, getting increasingly loud. “And this is why he hasn’t been hanging out with us. He’s too busy chasing tail and hanging out with VILLAINS, guys.”

“Yeah… damn shame… come on, Era, we really don’t want to upset those guys.” Some of the other guys ushered Era back inside.
Thomas raised an eyebrow at Dillon. “What is this? Do YOU live here too?” Lydia crawled towards her jacket, recieving a solid kick to her chest which sent her flying back. “Uh-uh, Lydia. I’m not quite done with you yet.” She landed again, with a grunt, before Lydia crossed her arms over her chest, looking towards Dillon. “So, who ELSE lives here?” he smirked a bit to himself. “I think I get it… I understand exactly what’s going on… this is so interesting… Cute outfit you’ve got there. Did your daddy build that for you, princess?” Thomas raised an eyebrow.

Lydia looked back over at Dillon. “Dillon, Thomas’ powers are-” She was silenced by a foot in her windpipe, and unprepared, the words were cut right out of her mouth.

“Aww, what’s wrong, Lydia? Cat got your tongue?” Thomas mocked, looking back over at Dillon. He slipped his hands in his pockets, looking her set up up and down. “Eh. It’s no fun with someone else here… you got unlucky, Lydia. I was about to make all your unspoken dreams come true.” He started to walk towards the exit.

“I wasn’t scared,” the words came out barely louder than a whisper but they got his attention. “I knew you would have finished before you ever got started.”

Thomas turned on his heel, his eyes sparking with rage a moment before it was smoothed over, and there was a smug amusement. “I’ll see you soon, Lydia.” He slipped out the door.

“... Thanks, Dillon,” Lydia held her throat, a bruise already starting to form there.
Well, that's not one post, that's a whole RP, right? XD That sort of makes sense. I've had an RP that long before. ((Besides, there's not a whole lot of difference between 11-15k, at least I don't think so. Not with the volume of words we're discussing here.))
lmao! I just read this. I didn't mean it like that. XD 15k words is really crazy in my own book even! But when I was thinking about it like 65k words (which is an entire month's writing for me) in one post, I was like, "Aghhh that is NUTS." But 15k words is at least not entirely nutty... I mean, it's far and beyond my own abilities... but compared against the 65k I was originally thinking of... it was a big difference.
Uh, I have to ask... has anyone actually written 65k words in one post?

Edit: Ohhhhhhhhh, 65k CHARACTERS! Well, that's only like 15k words. That's not too crazy horrific.
As Adrian retreated, Lydia yelled at his retreating back, "Looks like Adrian's being too big a pussy to fight me." When he ignored her, she grew that much angrier, swinging a leg out to hook Josh, pulling him closer. "Willow, get your ass inside. Watch the sidekick matches, if it's not too much trouble for you. Try not to be terrified of anyone, or fall in love with anyone else."

"What is WRONG with you?" Josh asked, in a quiet, angry voice, heading inside.

Josh headed into the arena, angrily, shoving his hands in his pockets. There was a large group of sidekicks who immediately spotted him and waved him over. Josh brightened up again, having seen some sidekick friends of his who were in a lot of his classes. He headed over to them, taking a seat in the middle of them. “Hey, guys. How’s the matches going? I got here a little late.” He looked out into the arena.

“Mm. A little too busy standing and strutting up at the top,” one of the sidekick females accused, playfully. “Don’t know why you even bother with us little people. Acting like it was so hard to get up there… You used to be a number 5 ranked hero your FIRST semester, and then you act like you’re struggling through the sidekick ranks… acting like it was so tough…”

“Oh, come on, no need to take it so personally. I was chasing a bitch,” Josh studied the ones out in the arena. “Come on, Era, don’t hate me because I needed to move up slowly.” He flashed her a grin.

“I’m just saying, it felt stupid for you to be ten ranks below me when I knew you could have wrecked me in your sleep,” Era lifted her hands.

“Oh come on, you two, stop flirting. Hey, look, look over there.” One of the other sidekicks pointed off to the side of the arena.

Two sidekicks were fighting in the arena, coming to physical blows. Josh’s eyes looked right off of them to a boy who had a belt full of small bottles and a small object in his hand. He looked left and right. “No. Watch him.” Josh pointed at him.

“Who, that guy? He’s lame! He’s not even doing anything!” the sidekick in the stands protested.

“Shut up and watch him.” Josh glared at his friend, before looking back down at the arena.

The sidekick’s eyes skittered around the arena before dipping his object in one of the vials on his belt and he began to make great strokes through the air, creating something, painting almost onto the surface of the air. A final horizontal stroke, and he put the thing in his hand away, wrapping his hands around the gigantic hammer he’d created out of ink. He sent the nearest sidekick to him flying, and the ink dissolved as it made contact with the other, disappearing into the air. He whipped out his brush again and rapidly began painting a wavy line. He grabbed it and wrapped it around a girl sidekick who was fighting and it bound her up, constricting her to the ground.

“Oh shit, that’s cool,” Era proclaimed.

“That is tight as fuck,” the sidekick sitting next to Josh murmured. “How’d you know he was the one to watch?”

“I can tell. He’s not ‘being lame’, he’s being cunning and calculating. He’s plotting rather than diving in like an idiot, fists out.” Josh watched. “I’ve learned how to observe someone from my times in the arena, after all, my goal wasn’t to fight as hard as I could, but to slowly advance and match pace with Steelia-” one of the sidekicks made kissy noises. “-so I learned a thing or two about observing the competition. That guy’s going to win.”

Sure enough, the artist ended up emerging victorious, painting his way to victory. After the match, Josh and the group of sidekicks followed him out, laughing and joking about the powers of the artist. “Well, you’re going to have a hard time fighting THAT, aren’t you, Willow?” one of them mocked.

“Damn straight I am. That guy’s ink sinks into anything he paints. If he binds me or my plants up, it’s game over for them. I’ll have to think of how to keep him from touching me.”
Lydia could explode with anger and she didn't even know why. She slid off the hood of the car and stormed off for home, nearly exploding with rage. If destroying the car hadn’t been too much work, she would have done it out of spite. Lydia, you're a fucking moron. she scolded herself. An absolute fucking idiot. She stopped at an outdoor bathroom along the way and in her rage, ended up breaking the sink off the wall and water poured from the pipes, soaking her clean through. Urghhh! Fuck! Fucking seriously! She left the bathroom and started walking home. I don’t even know why I’m picking fights when my powers are so dead.

It was a long walk home. Normally it would have been half as long, but she was considerably weaker. As she trudged up the driveway, she struggled out of her wet jacket, holding it in one arm, as she flung the door open. The TV was going and she wondered if Dillon was watching it. She looked at the TV first, it was some sports channel. She shut the door behind her, and then her eyes scanned across to see Thomas. He was sitting back on the couch, looking bored. He had a couple of the servants tied up, and he’d stacked them in front of him, and was using them as a footrest while he watched TV.

“What the fuck are YOU doing here?” Lydia demanded, angrily.

Thomas sat up, turning to look at her, a wicked grin spread across his face. “Well, if it isn’t Lydia! I was expecting to see dear Benjamin, but I’ll be damned if I haven’t come across something much better… Look at you.”

Lydia suddenly became self-conscious of her white tanktop, now soaked through from the fountain. When she was going to be home alone, it was okay… She pressed her jacket against her stomach. “What are you doing here? What do you want?”

“I already told you, I was here to see Benjamin…” He moved towards her, and Lydia ran past him, moving into the open room.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking but I will fucking kill you.” Lydia hissed. Thomas smirked a bit, before he suddenly was right in front of her, having used a super speed power. He grabbed her by the arm, switching to a strength ability - her strength ability, specifically- sending her flying across the room. She slammed down on her back, letting out a grunt.

“What’s this, Lydia? You seem unnaturally weak.” Thomas raised an eyebrow. “Why is that? I just used your own power against you and you just crumpled like a rag doll…” He started moving towards her and Lydia moved back, reaching for a vase. She flung it at him and he raised his arm, the vase shattering off it. He used advanced healing to seal the cut up. “So why are you so weak suddenly, Lydia? And why are you here?”

“I… I live here!” Lydia scowled. “I said, get out of here before I kill you, Thomas. I won’t say it again, I will rip you into pieces...”
Josh was freaking out where he was. "Lydia! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, shut up, Willow. Go have another bad dream and piss the bed some more." Lydia raised an eyebrow at him before looking back at Adrian, shrugging her shoulders. Awwwww... I pissed him off? Poor guy. "That sounds like something anyone who's scared would say. 'I'm not scared. I'm just doing research...' I'm sorry if I hurt your big boy feelings by implying you were scared... " Lydia's smirk deepened, as she crossed her legs. "But the good news is that you're not alone. Willow's scared of the dark too. You can be scared together."
Josh frowned to himself. “... No, I don’t know. I guess… Oh yeah. I think… I’m pretty sure even Veronica and Frank didn’t know who she was.” he offered up. “They looked really confused to see her there in the number three position. She wasn’t in my database… and she’s gone from it now. She must have removed herself.” he opened his phone and scrolled through it. “See, here, it says the number one villain is Firecracker, when I know it’s Void.”

“Must be some kind of mental power… Her forget-me-waves or whatever she was saying.” Lydia said, sitting on the hood, looking around the parking lot, bored. “I just know that I want to go home.”

“What about the sidekick matches?”

“Yeah? what about them?” Lydia asked, absently. “What, you just want to go see your girlfriend again?” Josh gave her an angry look. Lydia pretended not to see it. “While we’re sitting around watching Jim Jr and co throwing their little toys and pretending to be big boys and girls, I could be out exercising. Or something. Unlike the rest of you, I’m not afraid of the bitch. If you’re all going to sit around fearfully discussing her, I’d prefer to do that on the ride home. Or even at home. Where I can walk away and not be bored by it.” Josh didn’t even know what to say to her. While he was thinking of something, she went on. “And I can’t even believe you’re in the middle of this now, Adrian. Looks like we’re gonna have to break out the nightlights tonight, because you're all scared shitless of a little girl.”
Hi, I'd like to have my username changed to RadioActivity please. :)
That's odd, my father's phone is a droid and I accessed it fine on it, using Chrome. I just went to www.roleplayerguild.com and it was all good. o.o Are you trying to do the dev.roleplayer, or the number, or the regular link?
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