"Don't worry, Adrian, your secret is safe with me." Lydia stretched a bit. "I don't even have anyone to tell, and I can understand how tough it would be..." She tipped her head back, watching him get out of the jacuzzi. Moment lost. Sort of. Agh... His words brought a blush across her face and she turned her face towards the far wall, letting him leave without stopping him. Smooth as fuck, Adrian. Completely smooth. I am absolute putty for hearing stuff like that. Lydia closed her eyes, getting lost in her thoughts. Ughhh, I am gonna make a mistake here. He's a stepping stone on my path to victory. You don't fantasize about the stepping stones. She got out of the jacuzzi as well, deciding she'd go take a nap or something. Maybe he's right. Maybe I do need to find a dick.
The next morning, Lydia was sleeping soundly in her bed when she felt something sliding up her leg. She sat up with a start, kicking and screaming at it. The sound echoed through the room and she froze when she realized the whole room was filled with thick, creeping vines that trailed along the ground and up the walls, and wrapped around her bedframe... and was currently trying to wrap around her leg. She kicked at it before stumbling to her feet. She tried to get into her closet to get dressed but the vines had sealed it shut. She was wearing a skimpy sleep tanktop and her shortest, comfiest sleep shorts. If anyone makes a comment about my sleepwear, I'll kill them. She made it to the bedroom door and threw it open, stumbling into the hallway. "What the fuck is going on?" she yelled down the hall, hoping someone would hear her. The whole hallway, probably most of the house, even, was covered in these creeping vines that moved slowly, inching up the walls and onto the counters and threaded their way delicately around barstools. "This better not be someone's idea of a fucking joke."