Name: Celtic Rainforest
Location: Scotland
Current time: Early afternoon
Current temperature: 50F(Avg)
Current weather: Heavy overcast, though no rain, along with moderate wind, blowing North to South.
Description: A thick oak forest, carpeted with Mosses, Lichens, and Liverworts, making footfalls softer, but heavier steps to cause tracks that become easier to follow. The trees offer partial cover from the light, making the region underneath significantly shadier, save for locations like groves, meadows, which spot the forest. To the north is a large lake with multiple rivers into, and from it. All around, tall hillocks and cresting ridges are visible above the tree-line, along with distant, snow-peaked mountains. The air is cool and fragrant, holding a light, misty vapor, drifting between the trees and across silent meadows. Many different species of plants, animals, and insects scurry through the forest, creating a lively buzz of unseen activity.
Starting location: A large clearing, covered in thick, lush grass and colorful flora. At the southern edge, there are rocky outcroppings, and large boulders, making for excellent cover, or high ground. All throughout the meadow, there are large jutting rocks, and scattered pieces of stone, that look to be part of something larger. In the very center is a circle of standing stones. All the trees around the area seem to be oak, some climbable, while others are all but impossible. The area is roughly circular, and stretches about twenty yards in every direction. There are only two clearly defined paths in and out of the area, opposite from one another.
Name: Rhea Makai
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Weight: 160lbs
Height: 6.2"
Eyes: Orange-Grey
Hair: Fiery Red
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Swordsman
-Scale and leather mesh armor
-Leather boots
Name: Iris Elvarasi
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Weight: 124lbs
Height: 5.8"
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Silver
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Archer/Medic
-Yew recurve bow
-Back quiver(30 Steel-tipped Arrows)
-Belt quiver(20 Steel-tipped Arrows - Dipped in a poison, extracted from Belladonna Berries)
-Light leather armor
-Leather boots
Name: Lucien Evisias
Gender: Male
Age: 32
[b]Weight: 184lbs
Height: 6.2"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Vanguard
-Steel-tipped short spear(Barbed)
-Steel broadsword
-Scale and plate mesh armor
-Corinthian-styled Helmet
-Steel gauntlets
-Steel Greaves
-Leather boots
-Heater Shield
Name: Daesha Tae'vin
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Weight: 148lbs
Height: 6.0"
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Black
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Scout/Assassin
-Two shortswords
-Light crossbow
-Side quiver(20 steel-tipped bolts)
-Leather and cloth mesh armor
-Soft leather boots
-Leather gloves
Name: Vincent Andrae'is
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Weight: 210lbs
Height: 6.5"
Eyes: Steel Grey
Hair:Dark Brown
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Berserker
-Two-handed great axe
-Four throwing axes
-Heavy mesh armor(Thick leather, with steel plates covering vital spots)
-Steel gauntlets
-Leather boots
Name: Kage Tsuki
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 148lbs
Height: 5.9"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Swordsman/Leader
-Cloth war robe
-Soft Cloth and leather boots