§ A Slice of Life! §
(So I gave this RP a shot way back when the site wasn't deranged looking, but it died a little of the ways in because I forgot to log back in and the site died. Awk. Why not see if anyone is interested in giving it a shot, aye?)
Cliques, groups, ranks: They're all the same. At Sunrise Academy, they are all used for the same purpose. Jocks will hang with jocks, musicians will associate with musicians, the brainy kids won't look at others. There is no 'mixing' here. Know where you belong, and everything will be just fine.
When a new girl starts to attend Sunrise Academy, she senses the tension between all of the students. Though it would be easier to blend into any group, because of her past school experience, she decides to break the mould.
The new girl's father happened to buy a hole in the wall walking distance from the school. It's the reason they moved there in the first place! Due to a life long dream, he decides to turn it into a pizza shop and call it A Slice of Life (hue). Out main girl knows he'll need employees to help clean it out, transform it, and start working it. What better way to get everyone to befriend each other than a group effort? Plus, a part time job in this dead town can help bring in some money to these high schoolers.
Basically, this RP will start with everyone divided into their 'clique' or stereotype. After the new girl starts up the project, one person from each clique/group/posse will decide to help remodel the broken down place, not knowing that they'll have to actually work WITH each other. Of course. Things are hostile at first, and this girl is caught in it all.
I AM OPEN TO ADJUSTMENTS AND OTHER IDEAS. If you have something to say, say it. If you want to be in it, why not have it be something you WANT to be in.
Also, if you want to be the girl or guy who is the new kid on the block, go for it. I just say her/she because it was a girl last time :4
(Appearance first; it can be a real person or anime-style or CGI or a grid if you so please - whatever floats your boat, sailor)
Year: (1-4)
Associated With: ie Nerds, Jocks, Thespians, Anime-junkies, Scholars, Goths, Preps, Future Business Leaders, Horse Lovers, Blondes, Orch Dorks, Band Geeks, Geeks, StuGo, ETC
Why you need the job: