Rin's ears twitched as she caught snippets and pieces of conversation from around her classroom. As the afternoon classes had finished, the student body had vibrated to life with some talk of an old school building. Of course, there was a rumor sweeping the school about such a place, but Rin wanted to know more--wanted to know facts. At first it had sounded silly, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her, and Rin never missed an opportunity for adventure, even if it was over some made-up story.
But who could she ask? Who did she know enough to investigate with? No one here, she thought as her eyes scanned the bodies and faces of her classmates of 3-2. Someone has to know something beyond just the rumors. Her ears became sonars as she squinched her face tightly together, looking like an upset piggy. To Rin, if she weakened her sense of vision, she could improve her hearing. The more she focused, she caught someone talking about numbers...numbers and a name that she couldn't quite make out over everyone's jibjab.
"No way," laughed some boy to the girl next to him as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "There's no way Keigo didn't write that himself."
"He swears he didn't!" Shrieked the girl before punching her mate in the arm. "Why don't you ask him, Tamaki?"
"Yeah right. I'm not wasting my time on that stuff. Real or not, you don't mess with that stuff, you know? Let Keigo mess up on his own. He's just pulling your chain anyway." The boy grinned before strutting out of the room with the girl.
Keigo, Rin smirked. "Class 2-2. Bingo." With a new kick in her step, Rin yanked her book bag up and set out on her mission to find Keigo's home room.