Ragnarok followed the lead of the girl in front of him as she started down a small road that seemed to branch out into a market area. As he followed behind he took note of the obfuscated citizens that stopped to stare at the pair as they made their way through the crowded road. He watched her as she gracefully maneuvered around every cart and stall that happened to be in the way. Instead of following her lead he merely knocked them down or out of the way respectively. "Damn merchants." He grumbled to himself before picking a merchant up by the collar and tossing him aside.
Ahead of them guards worked hard at the gates to close the massive metal door in an attempt to staunch the demonic threat. In an instant Lydianna was out of the gate and turned around. However not being as agile as her Ragnarok was left with brawling with the armored and armed guards to get through. Cursing he dodged the first guards weapon and put him down with a punch to the chest. " Where is my weapon!?" The demon's rage vibrated around him as the guard from his entry blocked his path with the claymore, sheathed, and on the ground by the gate. His cleaver was in hand and he flipped it skillfully. The blade swung in wide, heavy, circles with the firelight glinting off of it.
"Get out of my city, Demon, I know not whether you brought this threat, but if you are running with this girl. Leave." Ragnarok did not need to be told twice and as much as he hated to run from a fight his mission was first and foremost. So he made a quick dash forward since the guards did not let up on the lowering of the gate Ragnarok dove between the crack of the door, his hand grasping the hilt of his massive blade, his massive body just making it through without getting crushed or impaled by the gates spikes.
Silently he stood up and dusted himself off mentally cursing the loss of his armor. " I am getting real sick of diving around." He muttered more to himself then his new traveling companion. The sky over the city was painted red with flame. The night was filled with screams and battle. In front of them was the darkness of the forest. A gaping maw waiting to swallow them whole till the return of the light which wasn't far off. " Also did you forget I am a warrior and not used to these sudden exercises in agility." He panted out as he was leaning against his blade. His free hand traced the runes that were carved into the sheath. 'Let the darkness consume you only when you tire of the light'
" Let us be off I suppose." He managed when he caught his breath. "Time is of the essance and all that. More so now that I think my father just tried to have me killed by my brother. I swear. The issues in my family. Though I am only a..." He stopped talking when he realized he was rambling. " AH. I tend to ramble occasionally, and as such I hope you can deal with it for a little while as we move towards the Dwarven kingdom." He hefted up his blade onto his shoulder wincing slightly at the forgotten arrow wound before moving forward.