Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
4 mos ago
i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
4 mos ago
i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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5 mos ago
fight existential dread with cake


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  • Name: Yakumo Sakura
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Considerably older than she looks, and obviously of European heritage. Her parents were not imaginative with their naming.
    For all that Sakura seems to more or less exclusively dress for an office job, despite having to do fieldwork, it's pretty much impossible to ever name a time that she's not worn some sort of brightly coloured trainers.
  • Psychological Profile: Sakura's personality can be somewhat of a dichotomy. On the one hand, she's normally polite and enthusiastically helpful, even where her help is absolutely not wanted or desirable--such as in a kitchen. On the other, even her close friends are going to get a grumpy response if they so much as hint at calling her cute or drawing attention to her size in any way... which is still better than the absolutely frigid one everyone else gets.
    On top of this, she's endlessly curious, which seems to run in the family. This is generally a bad thing, and part of why they're all permanently part of Sefirot somewhere in the world whether they like it or not, because unsupervised curiosity with no direction generally results in headaches for everyone involved. Said curiosity, and the very similar lack of any rational response to terrifying situations, probably explains a lot about her love for horror movies.
  • Skills: With lifelong exposure to Sefirot's paperwork and brand of terminology, Sakura is unsurprisingly extremely good with filling out the paperwork--both in terms of content, and working out exactly what the hell kind of form is applicable for the current situation, as it seems that even an advanced AI can't eliminate an organisational need for bureaucracy. What's particularly useful about this aptitude for paperwork and willingness to help is that it allows everyone to keep her nice and isolated from the break room, where her complete lack of talent for almost any form of cooking would lead to no end of trouble even if she were to merely try and use a coffee machine.
    Inexplicably, she can cook a delicious curry from scratch, and only that. Any other dish, or trying to use something as simple as a roux brick, will be at best inedible and at worst on fire.
    Likely as a result of her inherited magic, Sakura's sense of direction and spatial awareness are uncannily perfect; she's been able to navigate a room full of obstacles even when tied up, blindfolded, taken to a new area, and spun until dizzy, without ever walking into anything... well, without walking into it because she wasn't sure something was there; when done drunk as a party game, she proved completely capable of tripping over her own feet.
    Surprisingly talented at racing games.
  • Abilities: Sakura is, by the loosest of definitions, a magician. It's not some refined art passed down from master to pupil, relying on a great deal of study and knowledge to achieve certain effects, dependent on the skill of the practitioner. It isn't some long-lost art of divination, nor is it even powered by sacrifice. Even compared to the magic that people might randomly be gifted with in the modern era, it lacks a distinct measure of skill or room for improvement. Really, it's more of an inherited curse; if it were to have emerged only in the past few years then it would almost certainly have gotten its original user categorised as an Anomaly when its misuse began.
    Sakura's magic is a talent from the Outside, the key and guardian of portals. The simplest, safest thing that she can do with it--the thing that Sefirot most makes use of, due to its extraordinary utility and lack of cost in comparison to many similar abilities--is to open a gateway between here and there, somewhere in the world, made all the easier with modern observation to get the exit exactly where you want. She could leave the doors open, but that in itself gets... problematic, so her direct presence is generally needed for safe operation.
    Yet, its real strength and threat is how it can open to other realms of existence, gateways to anywhere in a vast cosmos far beyond human visibility. This, naturally, would be a disaster in and of itself if done carelessly and without supervision; perhaps the nicest thing that would come of it would be that she might be driven insane or eaten. Any experimentation without an entire raft of protections and preparations is strictly verboten, with the small girl only knowing two safe (and useful--'toss Anomalies into eldritch realms' is an unsurprisingly unwelcome suggestion) dimensions.
    Those realms are entirely the provenance of some vast creatures... probably. No matter where within it her gateway opens, they're all too willing to shove writhing limbs through and into the normal world. One, either bound by her ability or respecting it, is by far the weaker--strong enough that a normal human can contest the appendages and fight them off. It's mostly useful for support duties as a result, or a means to reach high shelves. Or simply an extra pair of hands. The other creature? It's not under her control, has never shown any sign of being controllable, and simply grasps, destroys, and crushes with wild abandon. She's only able to use it because severing the gate cuts off whatever it's forced through, but it's rather indiscriminate.
    One other quirk of her ability is that it doesn't actually require her to do anything to utilise it except to will the gateway to open or close (or the appendages to grab something).
  • Equipment: In terms of 'tools useful for her job', not much, aside from the usual "I have a phone with a map application on it", albeit with unusually high clearance to access cameras herself. Apart from that, Sakura owns a very large horror movie collection--not all of it good, and much of it in fact shockingly bad--and a nice home theatre setup to play it. Plus a surprising variety of game consoles, for someone who treats those as a very casual hobby.
  • Background: As the girl's European heritage attests, Sakura's family is undoubtedly far from native to Japan, the country merely being the latest (and probably last) stop on their generational trip around the world to get away from organisations or individuals upset by their habit of poking at things man was not meant to know. Where they originally came from is quite lost, but according to her parents, their grandfather was sure that they'd spent the overwhelming majority of the 20th century, if not all of it, moving here and there throughout the USA and only making their customary exit shortly after the turn of the millennium.
    If it hadn't been for the worldwide reveal of how much mystical stuff actually existed, it was likely that they would have continued to take advantage of the divided response to continue making an escape whenever the exploration got too serious. It is, after all, extremely difficult to corner people whose hereditary talent lets them be almost anywhere on Earth at a moment's notice, even if you have the arcane on your side.
    With the advent of Sefirot, as well as public awareness meaning that the priority was no longer "clean up after their messes with nobody noticing", the Yakumo family was finally made to stay put and actually work with authorities--after all, the baseline ability is highly useful, and a history of "excessive curiosity without caution" isn't the same as malice. It did, however, mean that they were always going to be treated with a level of caution and observation only slightly below that of Anomalies themselves, just because of the sheer potential for accidents.
    Consequently, Sakura basically grew up already part of Sefirot, with even her education being done in house. This hasn't particularly bothered her, and she doesn't mind the relative lack of freedom at all, but it does occasionally make her perspective seem a bit odd to the more recently-recruited coworkers. Particularly, her constant exposure to Anomalies seems to have only encouraged her cheerful outlook towards the less immediately dangerous ones.
    Certainly, ever since Branch-092 has been responsible for containing the Natural Born Killer, Sakura was the first to actively try and befriend the Anomaly, and definitely the most successful.
  • Name: Yakumo Sakura
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Older than she looks, and shockingly European looking. Her parents were not imaginative with their naming.
  • Psychological Profile: Overall, nice and polite, as well as helpful (even if it's trying to help with cooking, for all the good that will do) as long as you don't make some comment on her height. Or her youthfulness. Or how cute she sounds. Really, mentioning anything about her appearance aside from her dress sense is probably a bad idea, but if you can avoid that (or make friends with her before starting on it) then Sakura is surprisingly easy to get along with. As long as you don't mind being invited to watch horror movies of wildly varying quality.
  • Skills: Sakura's very good with paperwork, and she can cook an excellent curry from scratch. Everything else she cooks turns into some sort of disaster, to the point she's de facto banned from going anywhere near the tea. Or even operating a coffee machine.
    Shockingly good at racing games.
  • Abilities: Magic. And not magic of some nice hermetic tradition, refined and passed down from master to pupil for centuries upon centuries, or some derivative of religious rites concerned with the prosperity of man. No, a magic from outside; something unteachable and unlearnable that acts more as a genetic curse than some human art. Used improperly and carelessly, it would be nothing but an invitation to Anomalies or other disasters.
    Put in simple terms, Sakura has the ability to open and close gateways. The simplest, safest thing to do is to make sure both endpoints are on the world itself. Simple, convenient transport as long as she's there to open and close them. This is more or less the majority of her job.
    Opening them to elsewhere... well, finding a suitable other realm is nearly impossible, and basically needs an entire armed response team on standby just in case, so it's not something she experiments with freely. Almost always, whatever might come through won't obey her, if it's not just a pathway to some alien realm. In the end, she only really knows two that are safe (enough) and useful, and both are defined by essentially just being full of writhing masses of alien appendages, although who knows what they're connected to. The main difference is that while one listens to her, overall the strength of said limbs is comparatively weak, not much beyond the gripping strength of a strong man. The other? While it's much stronger, and more destructive, she has no control aside from when to close the gateway and cut off whatever has already pulled its way through.
  • Equipment: A very large horror movie collection. And a nice home theatre setup.
  • Background: Despite the name, but very fitting with her appearance, Sakura's family is obviously not from Japan, at least not in the past. And the same reason they wound up there--the propensity for careless use of their inherited magic to cause problems for everyone else to clean up, especially before such phenomena were commonly known about--is why she more or less grew up under the direct supervision of Sefirot, often regarded with a caution that would really make more sense when reserved for Anomalies.
    Not that she's ever really minded, it isn't as if there are too many other jobs her talents are suitable for, and at least this way there's some safety and opportunity to experiment and explore.

With the newcomers settling down, some of the participating knights backed off to watch as Parvan started shuffling the cards.

What became almost immediately apparent was that there was no way the two childhood friends weren't cheating like crazy. The deck itself was well-worn enough that it was almost certain that the two of them could identify the cards from the damage alone... and the shuffling itself was near enough impossible to follow when it was one of their turns'. About the best that could be said was that they were somewhat keeping one another in check, for all that there was clearly another entire deck stashed in their sleeves, at least.

All of which made something of an odd contrast with the furrowed brow of the Hundi, who both seemed to be entirely honest... and completely unable to maintain any sort of poker face.


"Mmm, yes, I'm sure we can find some spare clothes... Randon, come along?"

It was only a few minutes later when they returned with far too many spare clothes--at least that meant anyone looking for something less militant to wear had options--and set out for the city. Quite in comparison to its modern day status as the black pit, this Talderia was a city of gleaming white marble, one where Florian was all too happy to play the tour guide, attention flitting from one of the Iron Roses to the next rather than leaving anyone too left out.

For the most part, it was a normal city, sheer size alone. Aside from the occasional odd fact, like how it was unfortunate there wasn't a festival running today, but there'd no doubt be one along in a few days 'to pass the time'.

"... and obviously, this road leads to the castle. It isn't as if there's much of a kingdom to rule, so the various kings and queens collected there don't have much to fight over. Prince Erion likes to meet newcomers, and he's usually keen to explore with Thrinax, so he might be able to help with your obstacles."


Seated in the garden, flipping through the pages of a tome on her lap, was a green-haired figure that might seem oddly familiar to Amy--not just by ancient portraits, but from having been seen in and around Candaeln these past few weeks. Although she glanced up at their passing, Lilette's eyes drifted back to the book--but she hadn't turned them away.
Saria scooped the girl up without effort, taking some care to not jostle her too much, and followed along.
"Ed was right, you are a grumpy sort," Parvan said, "Though you're only half right. All of this is definitely Merilia's domain, though I'd like to think we're more of an entertaining terrarium than a playground."

"The first rabbit."

"Point. Mostly a terrarium. Still, who said this was a dream? It's not quite... real, those of us here can't leave, nor any object of particular power, but it's quite physical, and her witchiness comes in occasionally to collect food that nobody outside remembers how to make. She might be keeping you all from dying, but I wouldn't test how starving yourself might stick."

"Don't move," Saria stated, kneeling beside the girl, "I have to check if there are any other injuries."

It might have been made as a joke, but Joyce was correct that Saria didn't have anything in the way of bedside manner. Honesty and forthrightness weren't too bad on their own... but nobody would ever say that the vouivre had anything other than an intimidating presence when she was focused.

But maybe that was actually preferable when you wanted to get a complete stranger to co-operate, especially one that had no frame of reference for your abilities. Not that there was much that needed heavy attention--the head injury could be properly cleaned as soon as they something to do it with (her own supplies needed conservation), and she didn't want to accelerate the clotting too much given that. Addressing any fractures... well, that was easy enough. She could give head injury instructions later.

Not that most of this looked like Saria was doing much except staring intently.

"We need to clean that as soon as possible, but everything should heal."


"So, now that's done," Cyrus said, smiling at them again, "Is there anything the rest of you want to get to?"


"Safety? It might be a big city, but it's just... people," Randon said, vaguely outlining the shape of a person with his hands. "Even if you keep getting robbed in Aimlenn, it's not like anybody's going to start something with Flori and me with you."

"Yes, the city is quite safe, your challenge can only lie beyond it," Florian said, nodding, "If you leave your armour here, then I'm sure a servant will take it to the rooms assigned to your cohort. Or I could show you to a room myself, if you'd like...?"


With a sigh, most of the players placed their cards down, the small pile on the table pushed over towards the blue-haired man--on closer inspection, and once he started eating one of them, it seemed that they had been betting with some form of layered pastry, cut into small squares, slightly oozing honey and... that was probably cheese. Now busy chewing, Parvan didn't immediately respond, just giving Gerard a jaunty wave.

"Not really the response I was expecting..." Edwin muttered, visibly rolling his eyes at Renar's interjection, "That's more like it. Don't worry about me, it's Cyrus who's going to get on your case if you're not careful."

"So, you're the knights we're supposed to help?" Parvan picked up, mouth now free of the sticky cake, "We could work something out once you've eaten. Or you could join us."

He gestured towards the cards, off-handedly knocking the now-pouting Hundi's hand away from the cake pile, "Most of the food the cooks have should be familiar, but they like to experiment with Talderian recipes."

That last beam... it was extremely rare that something would be able to directly pierce through her barrier, and yet the horned woman's attack had definitely threatened doing it. It wasn't something that she wanted to test again without a better idea of the properties of the attack--maybe then she could specifically counter it. Throwing up a weaker barrier as quickly as possible to obscure her position wouldn't work every time; the enemy would catch on and it would turn into a coin flip.

That was a consideration that would have to wait for another time, now that everyone was fleeing and, while she could have picked off a few stragglers, Sanae seemed more interested in doing search and rescue.

Understandable, most of those brought here weren't soldiers. Neither was Saria, although her experiences made that a moot difference.

"I have experience running rescue operations," And the number of them that were a response to her own company's actions was a damning reminder, "But that seems unnecessary. These buildings are all much smaller than any modern structure... if you find anyone alive, I can perform first aid."

Although, it seemed unlikely that her supplies would be able to be replenished, so any of the more useful things in those would have to be rationed carefully. At least her arts couldn't run out, which should at least be better than nothing at all.

Of course, she couldn't refrain from helping with moving any rubble out of the way herself. It might be straightforward and safe compared to a collapsed concrete structure, but that didn't mean that moving long beams of wood out of the way was going to be easy for anyone without similar strength.

The blond man ducked briefly to look outside, gauging the position of the sun in the sky. "Maybe still in bed...? I don't know what sort of night he had. I don't think anybody will have gone down to the city yet."
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