For a moment, the hill stayed quiet under the cloud of smoke—then three blurs breached the cloud. One, rising up skyward only to arc down again, had a metallic sheen. The other was a pair of radiant orbs, drifting gently down the hillside. Preceding them all in arrival was a sudden, brief gale, then a second gust; sorcery overcoming the alchemical cover and once again providing a clear view.
Then the blur landed, earth shaking, and the demon stood before Fanilly, a grin on her red face and armour bubbling into its proper shape as the wings folded away. In her hands there was no weapon, just a red light flickering around her gauntlets. Yet, the towering figure swung all the same and the light responded accordingly, taking the form of a lengthy spear. The next blow as she closed in came from a curved sword, then an axe before she stepped aside—
And at the top of the hill, a purple figure had aimed, hidden from view by the demon, and the lightning was already coming. As for the warrior, she had already turned to Renar, glow shifting with her thoughts.
Not that this left the covered side perfectly free: the rolling spheres seemed to be a source for attacks themselves, firing out in all directions as they descended. Not a finely-aimed barrage, yet one that could eventually destroy their cover all the same, and seemed to be trying to make up for the lack of visibility through volume of fire and multiple sources. At the least, the overall size—hard as it was to make out through the glare—of each was steadily decreasing, and they would reach the bottom of the hill past them all at some stage. Although, that would leave them particularly exposed while they moved directly past.
At least Gertrude could relax in not having been targeted yet.
Although, the Hundi's eyes still tracked her and Fionn's ascent.
Then the blur landed, earth shaking, and the demon stood before Fanilly, a grin on her red face and armour bubbling into its proper shape as the wings folded away. In her hands there was no weapon, just a red light flickering around her gauntlets. Yet, the towering figure swung all the same and the light responded accordingly, taking the form of a lengthy spear. The next blow as she closed in came from a curved sword, then an axe before she stepped aside—
And at the top of the hill, a purple figure had aimed, hidden from view by the demon, and the lightning was already coming. As for the warrior, she had already turned to Renar, glow shifting with her thoughts.
Not that this left the covered side perfectly free: the rolling spheres seemed to be a source for attacks themselves, firing out in all directions as they descended. Not a finely-aimed barrage, yet one that could eventually destroy their cover all the same, and seemed to be trying to make up for the lack of visibility through volume of fire and multiple sources. At the least, the overall size—hard as it was to make out through the glare—of each was steadily decreasing, and they would reach the bottom of the hill past them all at some stage. Although, that would leave them particularly exposed while they moved directly past.
At least Gertrude could relax in not having been targeted yet.
Although, the Hundi's eyes still tracked her and Fionn's ascent.