Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
4 mos ago
i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
4 mos ago
i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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4 mos ago
fight existential dread with cake


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Fujiwara no Mokou

"Interdimensional? I've seen something like that, but that was all one Earth," Mokou said, regarding the swordfight as the impressive but ultimately harmless display that she was sure it was. How many different methods of interdimensional travel were there? There was Gensokyo, sealed off from the world as it was, and then there was the Lunar Capital cut off from the moon. Then there was the Netherworld, Heaven, Hell, the old Hell that wasn't separated in any fashion… and here there was a woman who knew parallel Earths.

And of course, they were all on a different place entirely, now.

Those symbols, though… "Nope, they don't mean anything to me. It's not onmyoudo." And that was about as much familiarity as she was going to have with magical symbology.
Hmm, I'm not going to answer all the questions, as some don't fit the background I have in mind at all (i.e., "this is the first time interacting with other people")~

'Sides, they're not a checklist

Also, answering these got this stuck in my head:

(It's a remix of The Gensokyo the Gods Loved. Also, Mystia's Izakaya is a super chill game to play)
Miina Malina

Ah… all this was going way over her head. Maybe she should have been paying more attention earlier…? Except, well, she'd been more focused on Mizutani. Now Ciradyl was being all guilty because she'd… betrayed people who were only going to cause problems for everyone else, and they happened to be from Osprey too? She just couldn't wrap her head around it; countries were just too big to feel any relationship or responsibility for everybody in one. She'd got a bunch of idiots and jerks killed but had managed to protect the people that hadn't done anything wrong, wasn't that a good thing?

It wasn't really an argument she could put into words, and she didn't want to have everyone staring at her whilst she meandered through an explanation, so… hm, ah! Yes, she could just copy how her brother had used to comfort her when she made a mistake. Just slip round to beside Ciradyl quietly and…

"T-There, there…"

Ciradyl probably wasn't expecting to have her head patted.
Tyaethe Radistirin

Abruptly, the singing cut off, the vampire's mouth snapping shut with an audible click as she did her best to physically sink through the greenery, with no luck as she didn't have any sort of fairy magic. And even if she did, it would lose to the actual Niyar, who was continuing to happily braid away.

The insect bouncing off barely registered.

Why was there someone else in the tree, did she need to start locking the doors at night so people would stay in their damn beds
Well, I'd say I'm provisionally done

I even have an appearance:
Miina Malina

Costa del Sol...? So if she had just stayed put that would have let her reunite without any fuss. But her other hand was already moving, grabbing the knife where it rest against her hip. Ah, she wasn't going to put up with some egotistical bitch talking about her brother that way. Parlour tricks? She might not have been certain of everything her brother could do, but the youth that had taught her wasn't that incompetent.

Just because you weren't worth showing, didn't mean that was all that someone could do.

If she managed to get anything out about Ciradyl before the red mage cut her throat—well, that wasn't really her problem, and Miina hadn't been thinking about it. Or even paying attention, really.

Hmm, it was a shame they didn't have more time here, she'd love to go approach any possible debt collectors about working on their behalf... well, it was too late now, and they'd probably be scrambling after Mizutani died. She should just make sure to clean up tonight, she didn't want to stain her nice clothes with crime boss blood, not like the cheap ones she'd had last time.
Second version! Now I just need to think on like... appearance. And the companion animal.

I've been thinking: plantsheep. Fluffy little mobile cotton wool plant creature. :D
Miina Malina

Obviously, Mizutani wouldn't tell her anything off the bat—in her shoes, Miina doubted that she would do much different, it only made sense that the woman was trying to bargain for her safety. That was fine, she didn't mind being a bit cruel and giving her false hope, she was a crime boss—

Of course someone had to go and ruin it. Oh, sure, Ciradyl had some excuse in that she was being threatened, but they were all here to kill her; there was no need to get all stabby before she answered any questions!

Rudolf and Galahad had jumped to intervene in time, though, so the possibility of getting any answers wasn't entirely lost. Not that this meant Miina was entirely calm by the time she rushed over to apply some emergency healing, letting out a frustrated hiss at Cyradil.

Right, just enough healing to keep her alive, give her incentivve to co-operate in the hope that she might even be spared in the long run...
Miina Malina

Okay, so that was everyone that they needed to remove out of the way before there was actually a problem... and now Ciradyl was being taken hostage! She could probably get herself out of it, at least Miina hoped so, but that was something awfully precious at risk if they didn't help. The problem was that as much as she might want to sneak up... she had to ask questions, which didn't go well with a stealthy approach.

Then, who wouldn't attract attention immediately? Esben, good choice or not, was immediately out because he had drawn attention by getting in a fight. Same for Eliane, although she seemed so unsuited to a stealthy approach to begin with... and Galahad was armoured and had come through the floor. Right... Eve and Robin didn't even seem like they understood the meaning of a subtle approach, so it couldn't be either of those, either. Izayoi was even more out, arguing with Mizutani and all.

That left Arton and Rudolf, and Arton was armoured. Rudolf it was, then. Did this seem like favouritism? They'd even gone out looking for her brother just a little bit ago...

Still, he was the best option available. Creep up the stairs, stick close, prepare that not-quite invisibility once again but exclude herself... she could hold this for a little while. Hopefully the push on his back would be interpreted right (and the muttered "g-go", if he heard that), otherwise... well, someone else would have to do something.

Being loud wasn't her specialty, but Miina could do it! Deep breath and... jump forward.

"E-Excuse me!" Bright red, raised hand... that ought to be enough to get Mizutani's attention, right? "I kn-know we're in the m-middle of something, but I've g-g-got a question! Y-You worked with m-my brother, right?" Well, 'employed' was more accurate, but that was a minor detail, "Z-Zeke Malina? Umm... c-can you tell me w-why he left?"

She'd ask where he went, but it didn't seem like the person that had been looking for him would know any better. Knowing why he left might get her something! Or maybe she'd get an angry tirade, that was just as useful.

And hey, she was providing a distraction. That ought to help, too.
With that, the binding circle flared once, twice--and then it was gone, save for a few lingering rings around the knights' feet. The same blue as the magic, if they had in truth agreed to be bound, and a surly red if they hadn't.

The ensuing geas binding those was considerably less flashy, a brief flare of red before all the circles winked out entirely, and the witch gave a brief shrug as the night gave way once more to a sunny day. "There you have it; you'll all know the signal when the magic no longer binds you."

She turned to Thrinax, "You had best be off before the dragonslayer gets over here. Or at least go fight somewhere else."

The dragon gave a dismissive snort, but took the advice, rising into the air sure enough and wheeling round--once, twice--before gliding off away from the knights and Talderia both.

The witch gave them one more glance, lingering on Renar as if she was about to speak, then shrugged, "I'll be back for you at dawn, have fun."

Then she was gone too, leaving just the Iron Roses, an amused looking fairy... and an absolutely massive cake.

Sure enough, as dawn rose over the not quite real Talderia, the knights once again found themselves returned to their own rooms, and their own beds, still in the depth of night where they had left and with sunrise hours away.

No headaches, though, whatever the witch might have said. Aside from, perhaps, a hangover from any celebrations.
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