Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
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i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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fight existential dread with cake


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You return to find a small fire burning within an inscribed circle, and some carefully positioned rocks to prop the full pot on. As soon as the food goes in, the elf has reached into that not-space again and pulled out a bottle of wine. At least that is a fairly normal drink, though the smooth bottle and actual label suggests it's not the cheap, watered-down leftovers that get served throughout the Waterfront. She pauses, then pulls out a second one, handing the entire bottle over. "I don't have any cups."

"Now… I am Lannessa, and as you can obviously tell, I am a mage with some experience, particularly for travelling. If you have any destination in mind, and I'm sure you do, then the first challenge is crossing Lake Rumare. How best to do that rather depends where you need to head."
I, too, am curious what this new idea is.
Miina Malina

Right… well, she couldn't think of much that she had to offer, but this man was the best lead that she had, so… she would just have to see what the cost was and if she could manage it. Or Arton, if he was interested in the answer? Maybe; the swordsman had to have come along for some reason. Maybe he was just super invested in their finding another healer.

And if she didn't have whatever this fatty was asking for, then she would just have to… go and get it. Maybe even from him, if it was generic enough; that way if it was too extortionate, nobody would really suffer. This one could stand to suffer a bit more, even, he might be able to fit onto his chair properly then.

"I w-want to know w-w-where I can find Soriel." Did that sound confident? She hoped it sounded confident, the obvious aside. And she was even looking in the right direction! Mostly. This was much easier than a casual conversation.

"If we can't come to a deal with this Moonlit Queen, and the Duke wasn't so stupid as to sign his wits over… well, maybe the Goddesses might be willing to intercede," Tyaethe added. Of course, if the Duke had been so stupid… in that case, there would be nobody to blame but himself, and honestly maybe it was for the better if the heir inherited a little early. Duke or not, he wasn't worth that much of a fuss if it was entirely self-inflicted.

Tyaethe stepped back from where she had been engaging in a staring contest with the nearest tree—seeing faces where there weren't… that could be a sign of something magical. Or, it could just be because her eyesight was terrible and she was misinterpreting what she could see. It seemed, in this case, that it was the former. And wasn't that fun?

"Well, I guess we couldn't get to an unseelie fae realm without finding its watchdogs," she said brightly, sword in hand. This might be fun.
The elf continues to stare at you for a second, then sighs and... did she just reshape the ground into something resembling a bench? It was barely a gesture with the staff, but the loamy soil had risen up and hardened, giving her somewhere to sit down.

"Sit. I have supplies, and I'll be coming with you on your journey," she states, holding up a hand to forestall your objection as her other rummages around... in the air? A minute later she pulls out a pot, then some jerky, and then even some vegetables. "I have business with whoever wears the Amulet, and the roads are always safer when travelling together."

"Get some water from the lake and I'll get a fire going," she says, "We can introduce ourselves while this cooks, and plan the journey. Magical transport is out, not in these conditions."
Miina Malina

Oh no.

Now she was entirely representative of the group's magical abilities, and one of the most important people in the entire country was going to be accompanying them—maybe she could just pretend to be a terrible swordsman? That'd avoid causing any incidents with her lack of talent or depth, right?

… could she even do that and help pass this trial? That sounded very… difficult. Not just because it was a trial, obviously, but because the mention of waves and Leviathan put her in mind of the fighting they'd just done with Valheim. Hopefully, nobody would start drowning in a way they'd need to cut the ocean open again; she wasn't sure if that sort of rescue was replicable.

"Unfair h-how, though? Is a h-healer really that important to it…?" She still couldn't keep the first thought from coming through her head. Oh, there were plenty of other things white magic could be used for, but that seemed like the biggest one that could constitute an 'unfair advantage', as it stood out as the only thing that wasn't easily replicable.

Fujiwara no Mokou

"If you want to do something like that… you'd need to ask the taoists. Or maybe the ones that made Gensokyo. Or the Lunarians? But the taoists would be easier to get," Mokou answered, shrugging. She didn't know how these things worked beyond… well, Gensokyo was sealed off, the taoist mausoleum couldn't physically exist where it was, and whatever vague knowledge about the lunar capital trying to kill Kaguya brought.

That nobody was at home didn't particularly seem to stop the immortal, who just went straight up to the door and tried to go in. What's the worst that could happen?
"Of course not," the woman sighs, looking like your answer actually pains her, "But even I know that the Imperial Cult still teaches enough history to know that the Amulet long predates the Septims. Before them, it was worn by the Reman emperors, and before that it was the regalia of the Empire of Cyrodiil. Ever since the death of—"

Realising the last name means nothing to you, the elf pauses in her lecture, stopping the pacing that she had stopped. "Paravant? Al-Esh? Ah… fine, to use the modern corruption of her titles, Alessia. The Amulet and the covenant it represents are a bond forged between Akatosh and Alessia, between the Dragon and Men. No single bloodline can lay claim to it; should a new line of the dragonborn be born, then the Amulet would be as much theirs.

"Of course, the Septims have had no interest in reminding the populace of the truth. Why would they? No ruler likes a usurper, especially not since the Simulacrum so recently… but now you know. Perhaps, to have arrived here at this time, you have been chosen," Another statement without an explanation. The stories about unhelpful mages are making more sense by the second, "Or perhaps you are indeed just a messenger. Although, if your hope is to convey something so valuable across the province or beyond…"

Once again she looks you up and down.

"Even if you stick to the highways for safety, you look as if you'd starve halfway to Bravil."
Once again, the elf wastes barely any time before concluding the truth of what happened down there. "The Chim-el Adibal? Or rather, the gem and its housing both; the Emperor entrusted you with bearing the Amulet of Kings."

Then she pauses, hand raised to her mouth in thought—but despite having identified your package and even your own wariness, she makes no move to attack or take it. "Strange, though, that the Emperor would entrust you with it. Tell me, have you tried wearing the amulet at all since you have received it?"

A curious question—Baurus' explanation after the Emperor's passing had been that supposedly only the Septims can wear the Amulet of Kings. But this strange mage seemed unaware of that, despite all else she had known, or perhaps she knew more of the matter than one of the Blades would to expect that you may have had more success after all.

Whatever your answer, it seems quite clear that the truth of your mission, to convey the amulet to the order's grandmaster and thus the hidden last Septim, is unlikely to remain secret for long.
Miina Malina

Miina's response was less reserved, staring slack jawed at Éliane's whole-hearted endorsement of more or less invading her home under the pretext of protecting it from invaders. Not that she had a massive attachment to the country as a whole, the place was obviously too weakly united for that… but she cared about the geography. The forests, and the freedom to move about as they would (although she preferred the warmer parts), and not needing to deal with huge built-up settlements like she'd seen in Osprey and everyone else had taken to so well that they could only be familiar with the whole concept. Far more than Miina herself was, at least.

Also, the older woman's attachment to big guns and things that made loud bangs did not speak well for how any hypothetical war would go for the forests as a whole, even if she was happy to write off the people or the lifestyle.

If she was indicative, at least.
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