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    1. RanchGirl100 9 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current I LOVE TO roleplay with Angels !!!!!! PM me if you like to roleplay with any Angels of my characters


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She smiled and nodded eyes bright and playful. She pets her mare that snorted deeply "so that's a skill you can pass down to your children if you ever get a girl"
She thinks how to explain it and finally said "close your eyes and remember how free you felt. Then try and whistle with that feeling"
"Its a whisle passd down to all ranchers easily by parents. Now its high and low and you got to get used to it . it call forth the horse you have watch" she dismounts and her horse galloped up after aboyt five minutes she have a strange sound through her lips smiling about to minutes later the mare was back snorting along with the three other horses.
Not bad, I would name is Tycoon
She laughed asb her mare cantered along with his horse as she grinned "yes now understand why i choose the life i did, its all free and its all amazing" she said smiling gently as she had her arms spread wide taking in the wind and blast of air around her and her hat flew off but she could care less "well now freedom ade me loose my hat but who cares?" she grinned as she made a distinct nose as her horse galloped forward like a bullet galloping through the forest happily jumping over several rocks and looking back at him and galloped around him and his horse before stopping. "see fun riding lessons and how to make a horse a friedn without having to break it" said petting the horses side and sratched her horses ear "Now all you got to do is learn the speical whistle of the call"
Gonna name your painted horse ?
She grinned and clicked her tounge as her mare trotted right up beside him 'see not so hard and not painful" said smiling as th mare snorted to the other horse as they trotted along near the side of the meadow "now you think you can canter?" she grinned as her horse started to canter ahead of them smiling grntly "all you got to do is grip the mane a small bit tightly and squeeze your knees the horse knows" said smiling as she was canteering around happily.
"alroght since I am sure you like to ride the horse thats the unfrounately tricky part of the meathod. Now all you do is this" she said deminstating with her mare she put two hands on the back and just leaned on the horse, after about five minutes she moved up and was laying flat on the horse, she did notbhing but just lay there "Now if the horse should grow uneasy all you do is slide off and back up allowing the horse to have room. After its relaxed do that again and once about like five minutes pass swing a leg over and sit up. Do not move just sit up. Once you feel ready you can place a hand in its mane and give a very light kick to the side and it should start trotting forward" she said as she smiled gently
"course it works mayeb the best way to tame a horse isn;t rough or demanding it but allowing it to take the control for a bit" she said snodding gently watching the brown and white horse "now after it does that what your going to do is put your hands on the side of the neck but never break eye contact with that horse. the horse will need to see if you rry and harm it. Now what your going to do once your eyes are on the horse and its eyes are on you, move your hand slowly down the horses neck, chest and back, if the horse moves away all you got to do is wait and let it come back and try again. " she said and waited for him while stroking the brown horse that snorted and jzzled her shoulder happily.
"alright first thing you want to do is get ablout five feet to the horse and just hold out a hand nothing more or less. the horse has to be used to your smell as well. Most reasons horses buck or trample people is because they do not know who they are well enough" she said smiling as the brown and white one snorted deeply and stomped a hoof as it shook out its mane.
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