Elijah made is way into the
Verrikan's armory. Inside he found his squad gearing up, Elijah noted that Jorgal was sticking with his claymore shotgun and a striker assault rifle, Ghalo was was going with a light machine gun and some handcannon, Linass looked like she was sticking with a heavy sniper rifle and a submachine gun. Walking over to his locker, Elijah punched in the keycode. Inside sat his
armor he had it custom made in Omega by a very reputable source who didn't come cheap. Once Elijah was armored, he looked at the back into the locker; in there sat his old helmet back when he was working for a private security company. That
helmet had saved his life countless times. Placing the helmet on his head, Elijah made sure that it was airtight. Whatever unknown pathogens and other fun stuff that could make him sick was on this planet Elijah did not want to deal with. Elijah activated the suits air filtration system. After running a quick systems check to make sure everything was linked together and running properly, Elijah grabbed his two other weapons, M-11 wraith went on his back, the Executioner pistol he grabbed from his room earlier, grabbing his heavily modified M-7 Lancer, Elijah left the armory.
Making his way to the cargo bay, The Leader of
The White Company gathered his squad around him.
"Alright, here's the plan for us. We are going to scout the surrounding area. I'm thinking we don't go any further than five kilometers. I want us to scanning everything. If we are stuck here for longer than we have to be. I want to know what we can and can't eat. Take samples if we need to. Hopefully this planet has some stuff that our favorite Turian and Quarian can eat. Also make sure to keep your helmets on. I don't want any of us catching anything. We don't know what type of diseases are here." Pausing for a moment, the veteran mercenary looked at his squad.
"If we come across intelligent life, we are as of right now not making contact. Observe them first. If possible." Elijah said not wanting to provoke any native life. He might not been around during the
First Contact War but he knew of what happened during and after the war. Causalities on both sides, political ramifications, humans being painted as the aggressors. That wasn't something Elijah wanted to happen. Sounds of acknowledgment went around, Elijah nodded his head and made way to the ships ramp.
Pressing a few keys on his omni-tool, Elijah lowered the ramp. From his first look outside all he saw they have landed in a thick forest. Elijah stepped onto the unknown planet for the first time. Turning back to face the ship, Elijah pressed a few keys on his omni-tool and once more closed the ships ramp. Grabbing his rifle from his back, Elijah kept it at the ready position, from his HUD he saw that there was contacts heading in his direction.
"Weapons ready team we have something incoming. Don't fire yet." Elijah said. Using his left hand Elijah pointed for his team to spread out a bit.
"Whoever you are stop! We will fire on you!" Elijah shouted at person running at them. From the limited light, the shape looked vaguely humanoid behind him though was what looked like wolves.
"Fuck alright don't fire at the person go for the shapes behind him. Move forward we don't want to hit him." Elijah said running toward the animals.
Once he was close enough. Elijah noticed that the person that was running towards them was human. 'How did a human get here? Maybe he crashed here as well. I'll question him later.' He though turning his attention back to the animals Elijah decided it was time to use some biotics. With his left hand Elijah gathered the dark energy into a small spear like object. With a simple flick of his hand, the lance flew toward one of the animals. Upon hitting the wolf like beast the lance exploded killing the creature instantly. Elijah's squad was already engaging the other animals. From his internal comms, Elijah heard his XO speak.
"These animals look like they are made of wood. How the fuck is that even possible." Linass asked. In response to her question Jorgal the resident Krogan laughed.
" Whatever these wooden varren are they are easy to kill. Almost like pyjaks. Elijah, I'm going to be disappointed in you if this is the planets toughest creature." Elijah sighed.
"For now lets focus on killing these things then we can question our local human." Elijah said through the internal comm system. A couple of the wood wolves closed in on Elijah. Wanting to test a theory, Elijah activated his omni-tools
flamethrower. The field they landed in brightened for several seconds as Elijah burnt the the wooden wolves. The few remaining wolves were quickly put down as Elijah's squad continued to shoot at them or in the Krogans case stomp on them at least for the one closest to him.
@WanderingDragonTurning their attention back to the human that ran towards them in the beginning. Through his internal comm system Elijah spoke to his squad.
"Jorgal, Ghalo keep you weapons out but ready in case this guy decides to pull anything. Linass, put your weapon up. Let's go talk to this guy." Collapsing his rifle on his back, Elijah walked towards the other human. Elijah and Linass stood in front of the kid. Jorgal and Ghalo stood a few paces behind them. Looking at the kid, Elijah had to guess he was probably be around fourteen to sixteen.
"Alright kid. Who the fuck are you? And how the hell did you get here? Did your ship crash or someshit? What colony are you from?" Elijah asked his questions in rapid fire. Linass looked at Elijah with an almost 'why the hell are you asking so many questions' kinda a look. Though with wearing a full combat hard-suit it was kinda hard to tell. Elijah just shrugged at her and waited for the kid to respond.