Maria walked the empty halls Whistling to Hugo as they walked.
acasuanaly passing an occupied room, the mes hall had Blake eating away his appetite, the Medical bay that was being occupied by Zayne and Ryan sitting on her bed and talking, deeply engaged in a conversation.
she passed the empty debriefing room and started to make her way to her room. passing by Juranos empty one.
"must have gone to get some food or something from the Citidle. what do you think Hugo should we do some sight seing as well."
"might as well Maria". he say.
Rounding the corner and pacing the last few stride she came to the oak wood door of her room. she detested the electronic door when she first entered the ship and had it replace for a more natural feel to the room. two long rectangular stips ran down the far sides of the wall and in then was a a thing layer of fresh soil, rose bushes sprouted forth and snaked up the wall covering them with red and black roses and spiny thorns. (thanks to her ability to control plats she had decode rd the room in the most unusual way.)
Maria Walked to the wall and touched a few of the dying Flowers there petals slowly falling to the ground. as soon as her black finger tips touched the rose it blossomed and relished in its new growth as the color returned to its petals. she did this to the remaining flowers and then sat down on her wide window sill looking out at the citadel.
Hugo had Flown to his perch above the Door when he came in and now perched silently with his head under his wing.
"Lets Go Hugo" maria said walking out of her room and down the corridor towards the ships exit ramp. passing the Captain and Nari of Her way, smiling to herself at the sight of her two friends. He clearly had a thing for her it was cute. she thought. "well lets go see if we can find a certain low flying angel shall we Hugo?"
"heehaw i wanna go scare him" Hugo said in reply.