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    1. rbshinichi 10 yrs ago


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lordmidget said
I think we accepted you, Edit: Nevermind found you, accepted I'll add you to the main post.

Yeah! Finally. :) Thanks.
Why AM I not in?? :(
dirkinz said
So, I looked over the change and my god, that is some powerfull magic...... like high s-class...... please change it. Also, just so you know, in Fiore, bloodline has almost nothing to do with magic power other than a father might teach a child the same magic they had. The child does not have it inherently.

Changed it. It's kinda suuuuper limited. Anyway everything's okay. As for the bloodlilne, I know it has nothing to do with his magic, I just love Wendy Marvell, is that a problem? :D
Toaw said
Shouldn't we have this man arrested?

Got no proof of that. :)

lordmidget said
It looks good, but can you add a description of your magic please?

Okay. On it.
Nice gifs. Might start saving my own. :)

Character Sheet
Name: Kazehaya Onara
Age: 22
Magic: Wind Magic - He can control the wind and air around him. He can gather wind and make it into a weapon.He can throw blades made from wind which he'd like to call wind slash. He's special technique is the Air Dragon, which is shown in the picture below.
Magic Level: A
History: A dragon slayer, he's not. He's from the same bloodline as Wendy Marvell, he's one of the victim of the 100 year old war. His family was wiped out by the royal mages for they were religious users of magic. He's on vacation with his grandma when the catastrophe to his family took place. His grandma taught him everything he knows about controlling the wind, though it's through hardwork and constant practice than he honed and further his skills and magic abilities. She's the only family he'd know since his family has been slaughtered 10 years ago.

At the age of 20, his grandma died due to a terminal illness. Bad turned to worse and he began to be swallowed by his darker side. He went on rampage here and there but with his magic ability he's gone with the wind even before people realize what hit them. He begun to take jobs first from theft, abduction and then devolved to killing people for a price.

He was once hired to kill a man but upon reaching the man's home he saw a family, a small but a happy one. They lived in a small house with literally four corners and just a table on the corner. That's when he realized he can't take anymore monstrosity. His grandma used to tell him stories and tales of adventures encountered by Wendy and the rest of the fairy tail. Without any second thought he made his way to Fiore and found himself in front of the guild. And since then he turned his life around.

Personality: Kazehaya is a little sentimental, usually awkward around people. He spend most of his time if not all of it just spectating people's conversations and dealings, thus he learned how to listen not to their words but to their movements and body languages. He's good at reading people. He knows when you're lying or when you're lying about telling the truth. Though, he's very open to relations and pretty much into being friendly.

Team Members: Not yet on a team.
Three Strengths:
1. Good at reading people.
2. Good at concealing himself
Three Weaknesses:
1. Cannot swim.
2. Negative thinker.
3. Radically honest

Greatest Love: Writing stories.

Motivation: Vengeance. Though he wouldn't admit to himself.

lordmidget said
Did you read of the I mean I even answered the question on this page for God's sake.

Yeah I did. Knew i'd get that. LOL. Got you. Making CS now. Chill.
Yo! I want it. Are you still accepting?
I'm interested in this. Count me in if it's okay. :)
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