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    1. rbwls8028 8 yrs ago


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<- not my work. you can find a poster here http://www.dereklaufman.com/store/chibi-daredevil-85x11-print

Big fan of man without fear.

Joining here to find a fantastic game. New to PbP, but have some F2F experience.

I played a campaign of D&D 4e from level 1 to 3, and another campaign of Savage World with homebrew setting.

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Ethan expected slackers and bums for counselors. He is pleasantly surprised that they may not be disciplined nor organized well, but they were far better than he was imagining them to be. He imagined that the stereotypical counselors would be totally high or drunk out of their mind, trying to get away from their parents or school for few weeks.

"Thank you, Riley," Ethan replies with a firm handshake. A firm handshake is one of the easiest methods to make a positive first impression and by the looks of a smile on Riley's face, Ethan is successful in that regards. Ethan turns around to address each and every veteran counselors. "And Hello Fred, Lacey, and Louie." Ethan is still not sure which of the girls is which, as Caleb did not specify them clearly during the introduction. Maybe he will hear them address by others and learn who is who. "So, what's on the agenda for us?"
@Sightles Hey, Sorry. I'm around. I read your post. I'm quite stumped in terms of where to go from here. Seems like our part (counselors) of the post are going slower than others (campers) in terms of time frame.

Should we skip to campfire timeline after my greeting session?
@Orange JuiceHey Are you actually a Canadian? Cause I think we only drink Timmy's ;D
Ethan tells Caleb, "I was hoping to occupy the cabin farthest to East so I can wake up early, though the cabin seems to be heating up inside." Ethan thinks that Caleb is not telling him everything but if it was important, he is sure that he will be informed one way or another. No need to make any antagonistic relationship, yet.

"But I have not actually claimed it with my bag or anything." Ethan continues. "I came back to just do that. I have my bag in my car." Ethan could not have imagined any reason to delay unpacking, but with an offer like this, he does now. "But I guess it can wait. I would love a chance to see other counselors and know who to look for a help."

Ethan smiled back at Caleb. "Yes, I am a new counselor." noticing that man in front of him has a strained smile. "My name is Ethan." Hoping that it isn't his hand that is injured Ethan delivers a nice firm handshake. Ethan himself smiles easily as a genuine gesture is a very welcome sight for a newcomer like himself.

Ethan looks over Caleb, giving him a subtle once over. Maybe taking a First Aid/CPR last January won't go unappreciated for Ethan if Caleb has a medical condition. After all, Ethan noticed his way back to the Canteen that people around him are not using a cell phone and there should be at least one glued to their phone screen out of that many teenagers.

And there aren't. 'I am very far away from a civilization' Ethan realized. Ethan asks Caleb "Are you okay?"

Ethan left his home late morning and arriving slightly later than the bus thus when he arrived the bus and few cars were leaving the premise of camp Wachata. He drove his 98 Hyundai white tiburon to a parking spot outside of the Canteen and realizing that too much of the dust would be settling to his car, making him frown. Unexpected expenditure to his tight budget via car wash. Ethan turned off his car then gout out with his planner that contains ID. He pulled out a map of camp Wachata from his planner then quickly orienting himself east to boy's cabin. He will come back to grab his duffle bag with clothes and toiletries. His cabin is cabin #5, farthest to East and must be steaming with all the sunlight it got. He should open the window, let the breeze in, and make it more habitable unless his cabin becomes his personal cabin.

Arriving in the cabin he noticed that it is still empty so he left all the windows opened, curtains drawn to let some wind in. Ethan procures a rusty bucket then fill them with cold water. He splashes them to the wall of the cabin, the ground around the cabin and small patch of a barren field near the cabin. Hopefully, it will generate the wind with the temperature difference. He goes back to the Canteen to grab his duffel bag and find some people to fill in the cabin. On his way, he notices a guy around his age near the wall of the Canteen. He calls out to grab his attention knowing that most of the counselors are returning member. "Hi. Are you a counselor?"
@Sightles Do new counselors need to be interviewed by anyone? how does introduction process work for them?
@Sightles@DrowsyPangolin Thank you, both for that input. I'm new to the forum or any form of forum format.
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