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    1. reesetelford9 9 yrs ago


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@wxps350 This forum is more formatted to this kind of Role Play. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@RhineQueen I'm new too don't worry. Just noticed the mention function CX
Name: Skaekslav Counties

Government Type: Serfdom Council ~ Multiple Lords in charge of their own hamlets

Culture: Citizens wear work clothing, accustomed to harsh labor. Nobles and Knights wear purple robes, and priests
commonly shave their heads. Every month is the celebration of the sun, signaling the beginning of summer, when the sun appears most.

History: Descendants of stragglers who survived the fall of the northern kingdoms and settled down in a land of swamps and mires. Other than that, multiple hamlets have their own calls for celebration.

National Relations: Minor Isolation

National Religion: Each hamlet has belief in their own Pagans, who are believed to be powerful spirits coming from black ponds of the mire. Belief isn't enforced, yet they are commonly looked to for strength and guidance

Military Description: Each lord has about 2,000-3,000 soldiers, for war against each other. Should war with a much larger country become an issue, they will combine their forces, and an elected Lord will take the helm of the combined army, but the forces are still their lord's, and can be pulled away should their lord have good reason.

Soldiers wear hard leather armor, and the best available weapons are made of copper. Cavalry uses adaptable horses who grew in the wild swamps, and are best suited for any terrain. Archers are a relatively unexplored area, as most of their ranged combat is just throwing whatever you find on the ground. Each hamlet also has around 50 knights, with exceptional training and equipment to other soldiers.

Other Special Mentions: The swamps and mires water is extremely deadly, and can dissolve a human to flesh and bones within minutes. Those who survive are driven mad, leading to nomadic psychotic bandits.

Approved but attempt to get a map.
Thank you

Nation Name: Djalda
Government: Totalitarian
Culture: The culture of Djalda is heavily monitored and controlled by the Ministry of Media. Everything is monitored so as to ensure maximum compliance of the populace. Anything anti-government is quickly and harshly eradicated from public record.
The schools are run by the Ministry of Intelligence, who also handle espionage, and reeducation of dissidents.
The Ministry of Peace secures all police and military actions. They are swift, brutal, and unyielding. They are and have been at war with Odina for as long as anyone can remember.
The Ministry of Wealth is in charge of economic and business matters, debt handling and repossessions.
Finally, the Ministry of Wellbeing is in charge of the medicinal facilities, as well as rationing food and drink.
History: Djalda has a long, great history going back hundreds of years under the great and benevolent President Hjördis Falk. He has been a good leader, keeping the populace as happy as possible despite the horrible and unrelenting attacks from their aggressors in Odina. He alone brought the country into greatness and he alone shall bring it further into the light.
National Relations: At war with Odina. Otherwise, to be seen.
National Relgion: Religion has been outlawed. Practice of occult matters in punishable by reeducation.
Military Description: They have a strong police force that handles all measures within their borders as well as a large, active and advanced military. The Ministry of Wealth employs thousands in weapons manufacturing.
Place on Map (Clear detail of spot and or a posted image of location.)Southern tip of the peninsula to the east of the triangular sea near the center of the map.
Other special mentions: There is no such thing as Odina. Odina did exist at one point and they were at war, but Djadla was the aggressors and the Odinian was quickly wiped out. The original President Hjördis Falk died centuries ago and is now merely kept up as a figurehead by the Ministry of Media. The country is run by a council of the heads of each department. The state of war is upheld to maintain a firm grasp of power over the populace.

Approved and apologizes for making you move to another forum.

Nation Name: Duchy of Vsardowen
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
Culture: A very well respected culture that normally gets the term posh thrown at it. Vsarish clothes normally are plain and simple, kilts replacing pants as the default apparel from below the waist instead of more common pants. Tunics made from several fabrics are common for both men and women. Very deep seated respect for elders and the youth with middle age seen as the "peace" time of a persons life. A time for rest and relaxation. They have a happy and peaceful outlook on life but don't shy away from war.
History: The area was normally shunned from civilization and was thought to be a wasteland. No one explored the zone and thus had no idea of the many insanely pale skinned tribes who thrived in the region and made their homes in caves. After a while one of the tribes began to dominate the area and formed the land that stands there today.
National Relations: Unknown currently
National Faith: None
Military Description: A rag tag group of barbarians make up this nations army. With short footman combat lances being a favorite weapon. A handguard that would be more common on a jousting lance protects the mans hand as he wields this short sword length weapon. A light plate is draped over the troops. Metal sheets covering the chest, shoulders, and shins with chainmail covering any other exposed flesh.
Other special mentions: The Duke has a homosexual controversy surrounding himself
This is a Role Play where you take the role of a nation, leading the nations government as the people, military, leader, or whatever is needed for the situation. Only accepts paragraph long responses at the least. No insta conquering or anything of the sort. Everything must be realistic in this High Medieval era world. No government restrictions. If you wish to be a monarchy, peoples republic, dictatorship, or any other form of government it is entirely your choice in the matter. Welcome to Hel.

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