Avatar of Rekker
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 209 (0.14 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Rekker 4 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current What do you call a hippie’s wife? Mississippi.
3 yrs ago
I'm just a person, standing in front of a salad, asking it to be a donut.
4 yrs ago
Feels like the whole country is on Maury waiting to find out who’s the father.
4 yrs ago
My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee it cleans the toilet.
4 yrs ago
Stop naming your babies James. Name him Jame. He is one Jame.


Heterosexual Male / United States / Central Standard Time
Posting frequency: 1-2 times per week (typically on weekends)
Discord: Rekker#0473

RP Genres of Interest:
Horror Supernatural Survival Comics Fantasy

Most Recent Posts

Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here.
Sorry for the wait - up for consideration, I present Mr. Connor Grayson:

I'm afraid I am out. Good luck and have fun!!
Unfortunately, I have to be a same song, second verse player. Can't make it happen tonight, but I will make it happen tomorrow. That said, there are no hard feelings if you have to fill a role in my absence. Most important of all is that you have an amazing RP for you and all the people in it.
My apologies; been terribly busy lately and have been trying to fit my various RP commitments when I can. Currently dealing with the fallout of my grandfather dying to covid (getting his body home from another state, funeral services, etc.) as well trying to reschedule a five odd hour trip I was supposed to take this weekend (more around 10-11 hours in total back and forth).

Sorry to hear it. Lost my mother to covid, dealt with a smorgasbord of work related incidents associated with unfortunate pandemic experiences and have tried to be a constant source of ventilation for close friends and relatives. It's tough. If you need an ear, I've got two and I say that human-to-human, RP well aside. Everyone should be able to vent. Stay strong and, if you're feeling weak, please allow me to make my case that you're a badass. I'm very convincing and mostly correct.
@RekkerOk thank you fpr.shoeing interest do you have a spot in mind I can reserve one for you until then

I am flexible. Tech or Camera. I just want someone on-site.

As noted, went to Happy Hour today, so my faculties are not conducive to writing well, BUT I should be able to have something to you tomorrow. Also, if you're interested in a Discord, would love to chat with you all!
Very interested in the concept! I've got happy hour after work tomorrow, but will try to have a char by Wednesday or sooner
I think I'm going to go ahead and pull out. Rolling a little too slow. I've already got a slow RP that I am fond of and would rather fill my card with something a little more active to keep me entertained in between. Was hoping this was going to be it with the 1 or 2 posts per week rule, but that rule is clearly out the window, lol (I suppose there is a disclaimer noting such could be the case).

No hard feelings! It's a really interesting concept that I think you all can have a lot of fun with. Good luck and I hope it's a blast!!
No weekend progress :(
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