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One of Many Hunts: Somewhere in New Mexico

The sun settled on two black dusters worn by Vic Godspeed and Don Grinz. The two were prone observing over a ledge on top of a ridgeline above a small camp. Below their height parked two wagons with a family of four and two wagon drivers bound to large wooden stakes in the ground. Surrounding the family and drivers were 6 outlaws and their gang leader who appeared visibly taller with a black vest fashioned from leather. Gold buttons adorned the center of the vest as each reflected light from the setting sun off the dome surfaces. The leader was bent forward examining one of the young girls with his index finger and thumb, touching her jawline he measured her features with a grotesque smile. There was no question in the mind of a right person that this evil hovering over its prey reveled in the young girl's discomfort.

Vic never liked waiting around when there was action to be taken, but he knew timing was important, even if everything in his gut told him to go. Vic turned his head toward Don asking, “What do you think?” Vic paused as Don met his eyes, Vic continued, “Is that our mark?” Don mindful of keeping low from the gang’s sight as he moved, slowly tipped to one side pulling out a brass Gregorian telescope. Don laid back on his belly situating his large burly self into a comfortable spot as his elbows extended slightly forward but flat. He closed his right eye as a left eye dominant man, he scanned with the telescope for any features that were noted in the Ranger report.

There it was on the neck, a mark, a scar, it was something that distinctly told Don this was their mark. The mark was just peeking out from the folded red collar of the gang leader’s shirt. Don took his eyes off the telescope handing it over to Vic, “Yup, collar line, you’ll see.”

Vic took the telescope, looked through, and confirmed the sign, “When do we move?” He passed the telescope back to Don who packed it away back into his duster, “Midnight, when the full moon is at it’s highest.”

The two slowly pulled away from the ridgeline to prepare for the upcoming hunt.

4 Hours later…

The fire was cracking below Vic and Don as the two made their preparations in the dark. The gang chattered loudly as the frightened family of four would scream every so often when played with by one of the members. Vic and Don both knew nothing was going to happen to any of them so long as the gang leader’s master had not yet awoke to fill it’s drink, never the less Don could tell Vic was biting at the idea of waiting for something to happen if he weren’t the one initiating it. Don reached into his side jacket pocket pulling out a pocket watch, “Vic, it’s time.” Vic got up from sitting against a rock 10 feet from the ridge line they were observing from earlier. He dusted off his clothes and made his way below.

An outlaw, as Vic was making his way down, walked over to one of the young females in her early 20s. He cut her free from the stake she was bound too as she tried fighting him off but to no avail. The outlaw dragged her to the back of one of the wagon throwing her in and hopping in behind her. Don was surprised, if their monster showed up while that outlaw was defiling it’s meal, he’d be ripped apart and fed on instead. But, these were outlaws, men with no honor, no discipline, no self-control, and will be justly punished as a consequence to their evil.

Not seconds later, one of the outlaws keeping watch sighted Vic as he approached the camp, “Boss, we got some idiot coming through!” Don from above watched as the gang leader hopped off the stage wagon in between the stakes bounding the family and drivers,. He walked up to the East of the camp where Vic was entering from. Don was perched on the South side which provided him a profile view of the entire camp giving way to each outlaw’s position as they reacted to Vic’s emerging presence.

“What you doin’ here boy? Best you scat before we make you scat.” The gang leader spoke up as Vic continued his advance. The four outlaws began tightening their formation to meet to Vic reinforcing the Eastern line of the camp, all but two, one was still in the back of the stage wagon while the other remained watching the hostages.

“Are you deaf?” The gang leader drew his pistol, BANG BANG BANG BANG.

Vic stopped. Don watched three of the outlaws and their gang leader drop to the floor like bricks tossed from a building. The gang member watching the hostages yelled to warn the other, “He killed the crew!” Drawing his gun, the outlaw fired three rounds at Vic’s advance but missed each time as Vic trained his revolver firing one shot which hit the carotid of his attacker. The outlaw fell back with a reflex reaction to bring his hand to his neck, but the blood was too loose, too quick, and too much to stop.

“You can come on out, leave that girl alone and maybe I’ll let you die quick!” Vic yelled at the outlaw still in the wagon. He was positioned to take a quick shot if the outlaw came out, which he did, and as he leapt out Vic’s bullet punched the outlaw’s left breast sending him to the floor. Vic then quickly moved over the wagon to see if the girl was safe, as he looked into the back of the wagon he saw the young girl passed out, still clothed, but her breath was shallow. Vic climbed back checking her for any mortal wounds, but only saw bruising around her neck. Then he realized…the monster wasn’t coming, it was already here. Vic was ripped from out of the back of the wagon and tossed several feet as his shoulder hit the ground hard.

Don watched as the thought-to-be dead outlaw from the back of the wagon rose as if never shot, before he could react, the outlaw had thrown Vic clear across the camp. It began to move with speed about to finish Vic off leaving a small window that Don took. The Whitworth Rifle fired an 11.5mm bullet at 100 yards smacking its target between the rib cage. The gravitational force sent the monster to a knee but not to it’s back. Reorienting his senses, Vic drew his other revolver firing three shots, each punching a hole in a small grouping around the left side of the monster’s face. It fell to the floor as Vic retreated to a better position.

As Vic and Don reloaded their weapons, the outlaw-monster rose again.

The monster turned it’s sights toward Don, Vic yelled, “Don! It’s coming for you!” The monster dropped its gait launching toward Don’s location with a fierce stride. Don finished reloading turned back to face the monster down range, “Shit!” Just as the monster leapt from a 15 yard distance Don fired his rifle aiming for the head, but punching the shoulder. The monster dropped short of Don’s position. Don scrambled to get up but the monster was quick taking a second lunge colliding into Don as he stood. Don fell back 3 feet, but the monster now standing where Don was began to burn at the skin. Crying out in pain it tried to move but was incapable.

Vic took this chance to fire, BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. Four out of the six shots punctured the monster, one in the rib, two in the hip, and two down the side of it’s left leg. Vic was approaching from the left profile of the monster, and it dropped to a knee. Vic dropped the dead revolver, drawing his second as he approached, BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG, and used his free hand to draw his sword. All six shots hit their target, three in the left shoulder, two in the torso, and another in the hip. The rounds were not meant to kill it, but to slow it down. As the monster recovered Vic was now arms reach about to plunge his sword into its neck, but before he could the monster mustered up enough power to turn as swipe Vic’s arm cutting it clean across, he dropped the blade, and the monster hit him with the other hand sending Vic’s face to one of the rocks.

The monster found strength restoring in it’s body as it began to move from its locked position to finish Vic off. Stammering over as the bullet wounds slowly healed it raised it’s hand to cut Vic’s head clean off. SHLUK! A blade stabbed through the back of the monster’s head. Don standing behind it with his Whitworth’s bayonet equipped to the end. He used his entire body to send the blade from the back of the skull to the front of crown. Vic regaining consciousness watched in a haze as the monster dropped to its knees still breathing. Quickly, he reacted with his sword somehow still gripped in his hand. He raised himself up and with one strong cut decapitated the monster. The body of the beast fell as the head was still suspended by Don’s Whitworth which he dropped not seconds after. Vic and Don both crashed to the floor.

Don taking a deep breath, “Are you alright?” Vic tried lifting his cheeks for a smirk but settled with, “Yes.” Don took another deep breath, “I’m gettin’ too old for this.” He then proceeded to lay down on his back. Vic leaned up against the rock he had hit earlier, “Ha, not yet old man, I’m just getting started.” Don groaned following Vic’s remarks, “Let’s get the family free and get back home for a debrief.” The two took their time getting up, placing the decapitated head in the bag, “Hey, Don…that vampire was the strongest we’ve run into, what gives?” Don paused, “It’s a Upir, the damn thing is nearly impossible to kill.” Vic processed for a moment, “A Upir? Why’d they only send us then!” Don kept moving along toward the family, “Because ain’t nobody else who wanted the job.”

Texas Ranger Outpost: Somewhere in New Mexico

Vic and Don were sitting on a bench, Don chewing tobacco spat up some unwanted juices as Vic sharpened a dull edge on his Bowie knife. A commanding officer of the Texas Rangers walked over to the two handing Don papers. Don replied to the man handing off the papers, “What’s this, Greeves?” The man Don called, Greeves, was in charge of the outpost in New Mexico. He was a veteran, about as old as Don but with less hunts and chose administrative duties over hunting monsters. Greeves sat down next to the two, “Well, I wanted to give you two some R&R after the Upir almost took ya’ both out.” Greeves cracked a smile as the two almost detested had they not seen the bait coming a mile away, “Deadwood.”

Greeves paused, “They got ghost rock in Deadwood.” Don dropped his head slightly, “Damn, how much?” Greeves pointed to the paper that Don placed next to him, “Too much, check the telegram.” Don moved his hand to flip the sheet over, “Yeah, too much, are we headin’ there then?” Greeves nodded, “The assignment comes from the top chariot of our greater ambitious organization, the mayor…a Mr. Farnum contacted one of our connections in the Confederacy who reported to our boys upstairs who assigned it to me to assign to you.” Vic laughed, “We get it, it’s important, why all the sighing big fella?” Vic stretched his arm out patting Don on the shoulder.

Greeves answered for him, “Because ghost rock wherever it pops up, draws attention, death, and some of the most twisted characters this world has to offer.” Vic smiled at the response, “Good, it’s about time we met a match.” Don turned around to face Vic, “No kid, there is no match…it will be a blood bath, and we are being sent as a sacrifice to get any good information the clean up crew can work from after the fight has died down.” Vic sat back a little, “Hmm…then I guess we better make it a good show.” Greeves chuckled a bit, “I can see why you like him Don.” Don snorted, “Eh, he’ll do for now.” He spat once more releasing the tobacco onto the desert floor of the outpost, “Pack up boy, we are heading to Deadwood.”

The Grand Conduit of Vitrium.

Desa lurked in the shadows of Vitrium. She had been formerly contacted by Mayven Reigns for a sensitive mission within the Grand Conduit. Her target was a puppet of the Dominion, an outskirts senator named Mac Reed. A frail man hid under the thin facade of a decadent failing empire.

The job had been addressed by Mayven Reigns herself. The details of her target took her to the theater in the Grand Conduit of Vitrium. Apparently, the OPAO through an informant of the Dominion was notified about this senator breaking down in the middle of his colleagues. Mayven saw it as an opportunity to lead a frightened mouse searching in the dark hungry for answers into the cat’s bed. Former Dominion officer Williams pulled some strings to get the next destination of Mac Reed, a theater where Desa kept a low-profile.

It was not difficult to spot Mac, he made the fatal error of surrounding himself with 6 beacons of attention. The beacons were an exosuit escort team, a junker force shod up in rusty old Dominion technology toting their poor defense weapons. Before Desa could get herself over to Mac discreetly, he had already signaled his team to leave.

Damn. Where is he going? Desa thought as she kept a far enough distance away while still maintaining a direct line of sight on Mac. He exited the theater and she made her way upstairs peering out of a window.

Typical…thirsty dogs, why am I surprised? Desa reflected as she watched Mac Reed enter the nearby bar. There were four windows across the theater on the second floor, it was a hall that had several pieces of furniture for lounging. The space was designed for the theater’s intermission moments. The people who could afford the box seats would hang here as servers walked around with refreshments. The show staged today was not one of their most celebrated at the highest class, which meant Desa was safe to hang as her view allowed direct sight to the bar.

30 minutes later…

A drunk Mac Reed came fumbling out of the bar with his escort team. He was moving back to the theater as the first show finished wrapping up. Desa made her way back down into the dark theater room where Mac was last, her eyes trained on the door, Mac entered, and she moved into position. The team was ill-equipped and ill-trained, their gaze as was Mac’s was on the stage and not their surroundings. Desa, if she had cared too, might have been a little insulted by the Mayven Reigns assigning her to this job. Approaching the team from their left profile the alien on stage was making a loud noise which drew in their attention. Except Mac, he appeared more like he was about to fall asleep instead of being entertained. Then there was a brief pause. She could not move, yet she sensed something shifted. Desa was an Anubi, an Iyesi of the Anubi system where Princess Valshehk originated. Some Iyesi although not magical in nature, exhibit a form of psychic prowess, a sense beyond the five for the typical human, and her mental awareness cued in on the disturbance that interrupted her stream of consciousness.

An apparition of some sorts, a form, a subtle, yet indistinct shape appeared close to Mac…then it was gone. Her body moved as intended but she fault exhausted. Before she could carry out her plan her legs gave out, quickly two men came to help which cut off her direct line of sight and as she regained her footing from the help of the two patrons…Mac Reed was gone.

Desa slowly made her way out of the theater in hopes to catch a glimpse of the direction Mac would be heading in. As she fumbled outside, a car sped up to the curb and she got inside.

A dark brown man looked over to her as he drove off, “I know where they are going, I put a bug on their vehicle, but how did he get away?”

Desa took a deep breath, “I don’t know, there was something else there.”

The Empire Strikes Back.

The stream of communications across the galaxy came pouring in from the OPAO’s central intelligence office up the ladder to the Executive Strategic Office. The state of current affairs was complex as Solis managed to squeeze through Oros and OPAO space, take a city on Thera, begin mounting strongholds on Ibirius, and advancing into the “Yanna” system to take Ibirius. The same momentum of force shocked the Dominion across the Saxony borders who pushed their arms forward attempting to meet the Solis lines in Yanna. The three powers were at war, and the OPAO stood idly by waiting for their time.

One of the officers in the ESO slapped a letter down on the table of General Bernard’s desk, “General Bernard Sir, my apologies for the forwardness but this is timely!” General Bernard looked up from reviewing the preparation logs of the OPAO gearing for entering the war, “Well, then what is with the formalities officer?” The officer relaxed from an attention stance, “Of course, I received this information from one of our contacts in Beau, it appears a large fleet headed for Othae has been sent by the Dominion to reinforce their lines to crush Solis and Saxony from meeting their lines.” The General nodded, “Is there more?” The officer continued, “We are not sure but these reports claimed that they are not going to Othae to reclaim any lost ground…but to completely waste the surface of any life and resistance.” The General leaned back in his seat, “My God, get me General Octavia on comms in my office, now!” The General stood up from his seat in the command deck of the ESO Headquarters.

Upon entering his private office he walked over to a short ledge containing a bourbon bottle. Picking it up, he opened the cap and tipped the substance into a clean short class next to the bottle. A small elegant steel ice cooler was next to the bottle half opened from the last drink he poured. Lifting the lid off the cooler he used his fingers to pick up a square block of ice and dropped it into the small glass. General Bernard then sat down at his desk, he situated himself before a ping rang through the office. The old General waved his hand across his desk which immediately responded to his motions by projecting a holographic vision of General Octavia on the surface.

“Greetings General Bernard, you requested my attention?” General Octavia asked before Bernard could brief her.

General Bernard always admiring Prime General Octavia’s demeanor began to report the recent details. She responded, “Well, I guess it is time for us to make ourselves useful then. Try to make connection with Solis and warn them about the incoming threat. I need Commander Nyx to be ready, he will be spearheading the defense of Othae. Also, have Nyx contact Major Baesili, I want her team fitted into SOL suits. I will meet Nyx at the front in three days, is there anything else General?” Bernard recorded his orders, “No Prime General Octavia, that is all.” Octavia signed off, Bernard looked down at his glass picking it up for a small taste of the good stuff, a nice warm feeling caressed his insides, “Time to become useful again.”
I have been working on IC Post #1, I am about 75% finished - it will be up today! (Edit: Posted!)

Master Key Unlocked

Former Dominion Officer Williams sat in a cold steel room. His index and middle finger balancing a cigarette pursed between his lips. Inhaling the fumes and tobacco he shifted his eyes to Prime General Octavia. She sat in a chair across from his own, adorned with a fresh white admiral uniform with gold trim and tassels falling short from her shoulders. Her hands covered in white leather gloves while laced together and her elbows resting on the table. She leaned in, "Mr. Williams, do you know who I am?"

Williams pulled the cigarette from his mouth letting the hand which balanced it fall down to his side. He raised the opposite leg to cross over the other while leaning back, he replied, "I do not believe I have had the pleasure." Octavia nodded, "Good, do you know who we are?" Williams was unsure of the team who broke him out of captivity, "Guesses...but no answers." Octavia nodded again, "Very well, do you have ideas as to why we'd free you from the Dominion?" This was a question Williams knew. He was an extremely delicate asset to have if you were trying to find weak points in the Dominion's armor. He knew a lot of their activities, locations, and locations on worlds. He knew how they'd fight, who trained them, how they were trained, what technologies they had available, and the state of their infrastructure. There wasn't much he did not know when it came to the logistics and operations of the Dominion, that's why these people wanted him free, "Yes, you are already at war or are going to war with the Dominion...and you need the information of how best to win this war."

Octavia again nodded, "Are you willing to provide such information?" A pause of silence. Williams drew up the cigarette from his side. A slow drag after the cigarette met his lips. Williams uncrossed his leg, leaned forward and put out the cigarette on the steel table. His eyes displayed a thinking man's face, "I might be." He leaned back in his seat to look at Octavia, "How much do you think it's worth?"

Octavia knew there would be a negotiation and she was ready, "You will be in our protection until the war has ended. During this time you will deliver strategic information for our military to execute surgical strikes against the Dominion's infrastructure. Each successful piece of information leading to our mission's success will bank you 250,000 credits. 10% of these credits will be distributed after each mission's success. 90% of what is banked over the longevity of our campaign will be released when Octo Smith and the Dominion have fallen."

Williams took a moment, "I will agree on one more condition, the day we strike Octo Smith, I want to be there to pull the trigger." Octavia albeit didn't care if he was there or not was surprised at the gesture being put forward at all. None the less she dropped her hand to shake his, "Deal." Williams reached over shaking Octavia's hand and she stood up to leave, before exiting, "One more thing Williams...you will be quartered on this ship, your schedule will be prompted to you every morning and there will be one personal assistant to direct your needs, and two escorts for ensuring you remain in the properly authorized spaces. If we do discover you have been out of your ordered line, the deal will be voided, you will be detained, and we will not be so kind to keep you as long as the Dominion did, understood?" Williams nodded.

Denizen: Ghost Whisperer



"Wakey, wakey Lilith."

There was light shining from the corner of Lilith's eyes as darkness pulled to her peripheral. Her body ached. She tried turning her neck, nothing. She tried lifting her hands, nothing. She tried moving something, anything...nothing.

"Oh! She's awake. Hello sweetie, welcome back to the land of the living, I thought I lost you." The voice was familiar, "Neema?" Miraculously Lilith realized she had the strength and ability to at least speak. Neema was at the foot of her bed, "Neema, where am I?" Neema walked over to the side of her bed to give Lilith a better look.

"You are officially dead. You are unofficially alive on P-31. Thanks to you, the Martinet is crumbling, Dizzy and Gordon are both dead, and we received the data you collected. Good work." Neema placed her hand on the shoulder of Lilith, but it didn't feel comforting to Lilith at all. Lilith felt like a fly in Neema's web, except she wasn't a fly to be consumed, but toyed with.

Lilith couldn't remember all the details as her mind was still fuzzy, as to not get too deep too quick, she asked, "What happened to me?" Neema released her hand off Lilith's shoulder walking over to a chair and dragging it to the side of Lilith's bed, "The swap between you and Gordon went south, you were brought to Dizzy, and I blew up their plane once they were both on board and you were far enough away to not be apart of their deaths." Lilith shocked took a deep breath, "You bitch!" Neema passively tilted her head while nodding with her lips crunching. She didn't dismiss the name Lilith gave her, "Fair, I am a part of why you are laying in that bed...annnd...I am the reason why you are still alive...sooo...we are even." Lilith with an emotional burning boiling inside of her clenched the bedsheets, immediately her emotions defused realizing she was no longer paralyzed from being able to use her hands. Lilith tried adjusting her neck to look at Neema and she could. A slight piece of hope restored itself in Lilith's heart as she tried other limbs with little movement but movement none the less.

"Fine. We are even. You mentioned I am officially dead though, what did you mean?" Lilith was not in a position to fight Neema and if she was on P-31, it meant her network was far from reach, two things Neema ensured would be the case.

"I mean you no longer move unless I permit it. You are dead. You died with Dizzy and Gordon on that plane. To summarize...you are a ghost, an agent who if she succeeds with the next request, I will grant amnesty to the crimes you've committed. I will give you everything you need to live a long free life." Neema looked at Lilith awaiting her response.

Lilith's feelings were right, she was a fly trapped in a web, but to be toyed with. Could a fly really trust a promise from the spider salivating at the edges of their own web? Lilith rotates her head to meet Neema's eyes, "What is your next request?" Neema smiled, "The data you collected, the information Dizzy and Gordon died for, is a map to an ancient world thought to be long gone. Those who discovered it called the world, Karbana Kinnis. The map identifies a specific place within Karbana Kinnis, a place I need you to go and see why it was so important to your friends. I have a ship that will take you there, the map also gave us locations of gates. You will ride these gates to Karabana Kinnis." Neema paused for Lilith to interject if she had questions, "Why send me?" Lilith asked. Neema replied, "I need this to be silent. The details do not leave this room and if I were to send anyone else it would stir questions. You, on the other hand, have nowhere to go, if you run, you are easy to find as I've already gone ahead and made the necessary modifications to your body for self-destructing your biology on my call."

Lilith was at the beckoning of Neema, "If I do this then you free me and set me up for life?" Neema nodded in response. Lilith took another deep breath, "When do I leave?"

Phase Two: Debrief and Saxony Outreach

Prime General Octavia Kilborne and her trusted chief advisor Mason Ryser sat in her office.

"Patch me through to the Princes." Octavia ordered her advisor. Mason was a lean character with olive skin, dark hair, and blue eyes. He stood a little over 6 feet and weighed about 184lbs. His mind was quick, witty, and his soul was loyal to what he believed in. A squared away soldier at one point in his career who found himself next to Octavia after saving her life by chance during an escort mission. They had been ambushed by revolutionaries, scum who wanted to see the OPAO divide as the heads were cut down. One of those heads was Octavia. She was the backbone of the OPAO and wore her stripes well. Octavia had full trust from the Princes, complete autonomy to move the Orbital Defense Force, and she was extremely effective in everything she did. Mason tapped a few icons on the screen which responded to his combination by sending a call to the Princes.

Mayven picked up. Then Valiance. Followed by Nicole and Iman.

"Where is Neema?" Valiance asked. Octavia gave space for the Princes to deliberate, but none afforded an answer. Each denying having heard from her in some time.

"Let's not waste time waiting, she must be performing important matters in her region. I will follow up with her after this meeting, Prime General Octavia, how did the mission go?" Mayven prompted the meeting the begin.

Octavia stood up from her seat to show respect to her leadership, she was also proud to report the mission went well.

"Operation Master Lock was a success. Sgt. Baesili and her team were able to covertly enter the security prison, retrieve Officer Williams, and safely return him to my ship. I spoke with Officer Williams and he agreed to help with one condition added to our own. When we make our move on Octo Smith, he wants to be there for the execution, more or less, he implied, he wanted to be the one to participate in the execution." Octavia paused to give the Princes a moment to respond if they chose.

Valiance spoke, "First I want to say congratulations Prime General, what a job well done!" The others gestured their agreed feelings. Valiance continued, "If that is all Williams wants, then grant it to him, in all honesty, I was expecting something more resource taxing."

Mayven picked up from Valiance's comment, "Prime General, I have made plans to schedule a meeting with Saxony. We are going to inform them of our asset's value to their mission. I would like for you to get as much information as you can from Williams before that meeting. I want to know we have some substance before presenting negotiations. Can this happen?" Mayven asked politely.

Prime General Octavia nodded, "Yes, I believe we can get some leads from our new collaborator." Mayven smiled, "Great, I will get in touch with Saxony and deliver you further details after speaking with them, Nicole, Iman, Valiance, anything to add?"

The three did not have anything pertinent to share with General. The communications clicked off and General Octavia got up to get to work on Williams.
OP MK: Lights Out

The Dominion guards having been safeguarding one of their empire's most important assets were sure quite accommodating to the point of ushering their assignment without much questioning except at the door. It was quite a remarkable revelation, to see the inefficiency and lack of caution demonstrated by the empire itself. A true combination of their fragility and their loud ignorantly confident emperor perhaps, Baesili thought. The service elevator with everyone inside climbed each floor with speed, a significantly quicker way to get from where they were to where they were going, but it was without any checkpoints or security measures except a CCTV camera stationed in the corner protected by reinforced concealment glass. The elevator began slowing down in speed as it lifted near the top floor. A small jerk occurred as the elevator leveled signaling to everyone for departure. The doors opened with a Dominion security team ready for escorting them to their ship. Sgt. Donovan followed the team and their primary escort who nudged prisoner Williams forward. Down the long corridor, everyone walked with CO Tobias Jones at the gate.

When arriving at the gate, just before their ship's entrance, Tobias Jones held his fist up with his elbow at 90 degrees to gesture a "halt" order. His security team fell right in place as the two holding Mr. Williams took one more step forward. Tobias Jones approached Mr. Williams with a demeaning look in his eyes, "May they put you somewhere even darker than here, better yet, may our fearless emperor find it best to execute you from our line altogether." The prisoner for the first time looked up and began chuckling under his breath which evolved into strong overt laughter. Tobias annoyed and confused stepped aside motioning his men to continue moving him into the ship. Major Baesili and her team followed suit, Tobias placing his shoulder as Sgt. Donovan walked by, "show no mercy to that one, and let our commander-in-chief know what good work we've done here." Donovan was in slight disbelief as to how much trust this Tobias Jones gave them, he didn't really understand the best way to respond but he did, "he already knows." The light in Tobias' eyes glowed, he nodded Donovan off and took his leave down the corridor with his security team following.

The Bloodhounds all mounted ensuring their captive was strapped to his seat, the primary Dominion escorts disembarked and Major Baesili shut the door, pinging the intercom, "Alright boys, get us home!" Helios 4 disengaged connections from the port they were docked on shifting their transmission as they began gaining speed.

"Sir!" One of the security guards of Tobias Jones called out, "What is it, Pvt. Lovingstones?" The private extended his arm which in the palm had an envelope sealed with the Dominion's crest at the center. It was addressed specifically to Tobias Jones, "What is this?" Tobias questioned before pulling it from the private's hands. The private responded, "The female who was apart of that team who just picked up the prisoner, she gave it to me when we were strapping the prisoner into his seat, she said it was from Octo Smith himself!" Tobias Jones' face lit up a bit more, maybe he was recognizing his faithfulness, at last, he thought! Tobias had his doubts when this strange unannounced visit began, but he decided to trust in his empire and emperor, was it a reward for not questioning deeper than he had? Was it a promotion due to his ability to maintain and produce quality security professionals at their orbital maximum prison? Tobias was ready, he had been here longer than he wanted, but regardless of the sentiment, he would serve his leader faithfully.

"Thank you, back to your posts everyone, the field trip visit is over." Tobias retreated to his quarters.

Tobias walked into his office and over to his cold steel desk, a large dome window overlooked the nothingness of space to his right, "Ok Stewart, play my favorites." The A.I. pinged on confirming the request as a melodic score flooded into his office. He sat down and placed the letter on his desk, picking up his envelope cutter, he slid the blade from right to left. His fingers tucking between the cut, a thin piece of paper revealed itself as he captured it between his fingers. His heart was beating with excitation. The front was without any words, flipping the letter over, two words were printed neatly at the center, "Thank you." Tobias looked over at a picture of Octo Smith located on his desk, slightly disappointed, yet slightly relieved as well, "You are welcome." Tobias leaned back in his seat to take a minute, "At least I was recognized for a job well done," Tobias said out loud to himself before a call screamed over his personal comm at the corner of his desk.

"Commander! We have a problem!" The caller screamed with panic, Tobias confused leaned forward from the chair pressing the button to respond, "And?" The caller taking a few moments before responding, "The transfer documents you handed over to me..." Tobias listening to the sound in the caller's voice told him it wasn't - "They didn't clear sir, we were tricked." Tobias' face dropped into shock, "Sir, what do we do?" Tobias knew the ship had more than found its way to safety by now, the letter was to ensure his mind was preoccupied, and someone in their department when running the screening of those documents failed at being urgent. There was nothing to do, "Thank you, I will let you know." Tobias clicked off the communication device stationed on his desk, he reached down pulling a drawer open drawing out a large cigar. The sounds of his favorite score filled his ears, he slowly inhaled the sweetness of his cigar. He thought of his life, his decisions, his loved ones, and those he believed he had served faithfully, a tear escaping his eyes he looked at the picture of Octo Smith, "You will not let this one go..." Tobias whispered. Leaning forward he placed the picture face down, leaning back once more closing his eyes, once again sifting through memories of his forgotten lives.

His right hand moved to the side of his hip unholstering the weapon given to him on the day of his assigned position, little did he think it would be the tool of his demise. The pistol was gripped with heavy hands, shaking hands. Tobias took out the cigar from his mouth, dropped it on his desk, and before he could turn back, raised the pistol and hammer firing one round through the silence of his mind, it was a good show...lights out my friends, were the last thoughts blown away from Tobias Jones and the tale of his life.

Denizen: Ignition

It had been two weeks after Lilith's visit from Neema. She was in a vulnerable position, stuck between two larger forces at play and she wasn't accustomed to feeling like a mouse in a science lab.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Rain poured from overhead on Lilith's black luxury sedan as her driver rolled up the privacy window before Lilith answered her call. Lilith a bit uneasy while also annoyed clicked the accept button, "Hello?" Gordon's voice emerged from the other end, "Good morning Lily my dear, are you ready?" Lilith had planned with her crew for weeks, now 600m from the location, "Yes, my crew moves in 5 minutes." There were two operations underway, the first was targetted at one of the central banks in the city, the second was a data center owned by a subsidiary company under Bastion Enterprise, whose headquarters had been bombed by the Martinet months ago. The bank would receive most of the response, with the data center receiving little at first until whoever owned this company realized what was stored there. This was what Neema wanted, the data, and this is what Dizzy wanted...the question for Lilith, what was in the data that was so important for both criminals and the OPAO? And why was the OPAO willing to deal with this criminally?

Gordon responded, "Good. I sent over the GPS coordinates for the drop, be there in exactly 1hr30min from kick-off. If you are not, we will assume you've been compromised and abort." The phone clicked and Lilith pulled it from her eat to view the coordinates, "The train yard." She grabbed a walkie-talkie sitting next to her on the black leather seats, "Bentley, Jax, and Kim, make your bank." The signal to execute the heist was confirmed.

Denizen: The Heist

Twelve people were accounted for by the security teams located in the CCTV monitoring rooms. Twelve people entered the Daedalous Central Bank storming the security checkpoints and holding the lobby hostage. Four more unidentified stormed from the rooftop after having been let in earlier that day as a third party contractor for site surveying new construction. Four more revealed themselves in different office areas of the bank as service workers. In total 20 criminals hi-jacked strategic points of contention quickly overthrowing any resistance from security personnel, all possible because of Neema's strings. Everyone was brought down into the lobby while high officials were used for opening secure doors to retrieve the money located in the basement vault. Security had achieved one successful feat of their job, notifying the authorities.

Only 5 minutes had passed, enough time for an organized crime syndicate to get its fortifications in order, but not enough to get them in and out without some of this ending in a shootout. The bank had been swarmed by police, helicopters were dispatched, and Daedolous' most elite tactical officers arrived on the scene for briefing.

Back at the data center, Kim, and three others of Lilith's crew were assigned to gain entry using employee ID cards pulled off workers while they slept cozily in their beds. They had gained incredible access up until a point, they were questioned when an ID pinged on the central system due to a denial of access. When an officer approached them about why they were trying to gain access, he was quickly dispatched with a bullet. His ID was then used to gain further entrance into the data center. The security was alarmed after one of their own went down, but by the time they alarmed the building, Kim and her crew had hostages while in the supercomputer room. Her crew began linking into the data center's supercomputer downloading all the information they were asked to retrieve. Security teams called for back-up by local authorities but their response time was slow due to the bank heist occupying much of their resources. By the time police arrived at the data center and security caught them up to speed for a tactical team to move in, Kim and her crew had rigged one of the walls with explosives. Blowing a hole through the wall, they exited after rigging the room with more explosives to detonate after escaping. The hole they exited from opened up into the warehouse of the data center, there were two trucks labeled Bastion Logistics.

Security informed the tactical team about the explosion and the criminals moving through their warehouse via CCTV monitoring. The tactical officers who already prepared to enter the supercomputer door rushed their response to move through and chase after them. One of the members of Kim's squad looked down at their forearm monitor, "They are inside." Kim stopped to look at the hole they'd just made and raised the detonator pushing the button as one of the officers began moving through the hole. The room shattered like glass throwing the officers and it's mechanical contents all over. The ceiling came crashing down in the room as it lost some of its structure sealing the hole as well.

Kim and her crew got into the two trucks, hot-wired their ignitions, and exited the warehouse. The security team monitoring the CCTV's were shocked as they reported to the tactical command center, and the mobile tactical command center also in disbelief reported to their authorities.

Meanwhile, the bank under siege became a blood bath, one of the vaults had been opened but there three more consecutive vaults within it that had to be opened before retrieving the money. One of the officials of the bank failed at disarming their captor and was shot in the head. During the conflict, a second official grew a pair and also tried to create confusion but was struck in the leg. The rest were tossed up against the wall after having been struck a couple of times to maintain order. Outside in the lobby, the shots could be heard which dropped hope for many of those bound together by their armed assailants. Eventually, the tactical teams made entry through a helicopter on the roof after negotiations failed and gunshots were heard. A brief shootout occurred on top of the roof with fire exchanging from three criminals and a team of officers. Losing only one officer in the fray to a shoulder shot, the criminals were neutralized. The team began clearing floor by floor moving to the lobby. The fourth vault was opened after two more officials were consecutively executed due to failures in cooperating. The last two saved themselves by forking over the last codes. Several hostages made a plan to overthrow their captives after hearing over the radio that tactical teams had successfully made entry from above. These hostages managed to kill an assailant but did not make it out with their lives.

The second tactical team used a ladder on the backside to move in on the middle floors after the top floors had been cleared. The second team met no resistance as they cleared the middle floors linking up with the first team who made entry minutes prior. The third and fourth teams were waiting to enter from the front of the lobby on opposite sides for the final showdown. The money in vault four was secured, packaged, and moved to the elevators located in the back of the lobby. Seconds later, four tactical teams popped smoke grenades from above and below quickly filling up the room. In the disorientation, officers were able to subdue several assailants, only having to shoot four, and chasing 4 who had escaped by elevators. Apparently, after the tactical teams cut the power to the bank to eliminate the use of utilities like elevators, the criminal masterminds had tapped into the back-up generator located inside the bank in its engineering room allowing them to use basic services including the elevator. Making their way to the roof with money bags, they began moving to the South West edge of the building. One of the police department helicopters intercepted with a marksman positioned inside of the hull. The marksman took their shots before each of the heisters leaped off the edge, one of the heisters feeling a piercing pain through the back of their leg which tripped them off the edge instead. The heister who was shot could not orient their equipment in time and hit the concrete floor below.

The other three heisters pulled chutes as they came down fast. They were going to land on Cantee Bridge which was under repairs with no traffic in sight. Upon landing, authorities had already assumed their LZ and caught up, the three tried escaping but were pinned down in a firefight. This was where Lilith was supposed to have more help and their escape vehicles. There were none...the three realized their roles and went out in a blaze of thieving glory.

Denizen: The Betrayer

Kim and her crew had lost the authorities, over the radio they were listening to the reports of chaos ensuing in the city around the Central Bank. Kim had switched the truck out for a low-profile sedan sitting underneath an overpass. Her crew had already split their own ways once the switch was completed. Kim drove up next to Lilith's vehicle as they both slid their windows down.

"Well done, Kim." Lilith looked across at Kim's eyes whose face remained stone cold. Kim extended her arm which contained a pack of USBs. The USBs contained all the important files asked to be retrieved by Lilith and all her different overlords. Lilith met Kim's hands embracing the pack pulling it into her car, then extended her hand once more to give Kim and her crew their dues. It was a code for accessing a large sum account of cryptocurrency, "May you choose a different path before this one swallows you up," Lilith said as she rolled up her window. Kim not yet processing the remark heard chattering over the radio about the Central Bank incident leading to the Cantee Bridge shootout where everyone apart of the heist had been killed. There were reports of at least 5 assailants apprehended, 4 shot and wounded, and 9 dead. Kim however remembered there were at least 20, two were unaccounted for.

Lilith's driver strolled her away to the GPS coordinates she gave to him. They were crossing to the other side of the city away from all the police activity. She was rather displeased that the bank heist had been set up to fail, to send her crews into a situation where there'd be no return, but as the criminal life cuts it, they'd have done the same. She arrived at the train yard with the pack in hand. A second car arriving at the other end of where Lilith was parked, her phone rang, she picked up, "Gordon?"

"Yes, drive to the open warehouse to our East." The phone clicked off, Lilith ordered her driver to follow the directions and they gradually rode into the warehouse where a second vehicle was stationed at the center with four armed men, including Gordon. The first vehicle kept its distance positioning 18 car lengths from the warehouse entrance. Lilith was blocked in, she wasn't sure if Gordon had intentions of letting her leave today. Lilith exited her vehicle with her driver gripping his rifle at the dash in case things went south. Approaching Gordon she stood face-to-face her heels clicking on the pavement echoing her masked confidence, "I have what you asked for, am I to assume you do too or are you planning to make sure I don't leave?" Lilith asked. Gordon chucked, "No Lily my dear, you are not to be harmed so long as everything I need is exactly where it should be." Lilith albeit disliked Gordon, he was a man who kept his word, a word that has been used for quite some evil deeds, but none the less he said exactly what he'd do without much coating. As she was about to hand over the pack to Gordon a shot split the moment, Gordon was shunned to the floor, and Lilith ducked for cover moving toward Gordon's armed men, "What the f***!" The armed men quickly secured Gordon pulling him into the vehicle while throwing Lilith in too, a second shot clipped one of the protection agents, a third clipping another. Gordon's courier pressed on the petal to escape as a fourth shot ended Lilith's driver's life as he attempted to exit the vehicle to support her.

"Who was that!" Lilith screamed as Gordon applied pressure to his wound, "I don't know." His breath was shallow, "Driver get us to Dizzy." Lilith was pinned by Gordon's security team unable to move as two agents occupied the vehicle with them. Gordon looked at Lilith, "Were you followed?" Lilith quickly responded, "No, I don't think so, we were careful about how we got here." Gordon crunched his teeth in pain, "Dammit it's cold." One of the agents interrupted, "7 minutes ETA!" One of the agents had been preparing a blood clotter, he injected the clotter into the wound releasing the foam which quickly expanded and hardened to shut the wound up. They laid him down on his back across the seat, an agent called out, "ETA 3 minutes!" Gordon looked at Lilith again as her face was shifting into all kinds of emotions, "It looks like you will be meeting Dizzy in the flesh then." Lilith collected herself, "I wish it had been on calmer terms." Gordon chuckled, "She doesn't like you Lily, but your ability to get things done impress her." Lilith smiled, "Yeah, she certainly won't be impressed you were shot over me." Gordon chuckled again, "Stop with the jokes, it hurts, I wasn't shot over you, this package you got, it's bigger than all of us, I got shot because of what is contained inside...we aren't the only ones after it."

The car stopped, Lilith was brought out onto an airstrip with a single jet. A well-dressed woman with blue slacks and a blue buttoned-up coat stood at the base of the jet's steps. A security team standing by with one of the agents holding a black umbrella over their client. The rain had been coming down all-day, a fitting atmosphere to the events from which just unfolded in Daedalous, then again it rained in Daedalous quite often, it wasn't really a rare occasion, but fitting nonetheless.

An injured Gordon and nervous Lilith were escorted from their car to the jet, the well-dressed woman waved one of her security members to fetch Gordon and bring him up the jet steps. She then introduced herself, "Lilith, I am Dizzy Martin, the principal of the Martinet, a pleasure to have finally made this opportunity to meet such a skilled woman as yourself. There just isn't enough of us out here really showing the world what a woman is capable of when unleashed from the coils of our indoctrinated roles, thank you for bringing Gordon home safely, and meeting our needs." The rain pouring down on Lilith's face as her makeup began dripping from the water mixing in, Dizzy thought Gordon had the package, he didn't since she never had the chance to hand it over, but here was the moment Neema said she had to decide on, "Of course, but what's next! We were attacked at the warehouse, I lost my driver, and I still haven't received my payment." Dizzy waved her hand again and a member of the security team from Gordon's crew walked over handing Lilith keys.

"Everything you need is in the trunk, the car is yours, and your services are no longer needed. After today, the Martinet will be in your hands, our accounts and dealings are all located in the back of that trunk, call Simon, he will be able to get it all set-up for you." Lilith was confused at what was being offered before she could ask as to why they were giving it all to her Dizzy continued, "Our time here is over, we appreciate all that you've done, I was never a fan of you and I am sure Gordon let you know, but your work speaks for itself, and I know what we've built here will be in the hands of someone who can keep most of the chaos we've summoned contained. Dizzy turned away from Lilith and began ascending the jet's staircase, Lilith turned to make her way back to the car, until a delayed sound of a jet passed overhead followed by an explosion from behind throwing Lilith into the side of the car door knocking her out.
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