Avatar of RezonanceV
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    1. RezonanceV 5 yrs ago
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@Liotrent All good on my end. I appreciate the communication! I’ll keep an eye out as you find time to push it forward.
Sweet! Happy to see this is gaining traction!

If you throw up an OOC and are willing to continue this - I'll begin my CS and plan on continuing it with you.
@Liotrent I am interested in creating a nomadic nation that is currently in the process of migrating from one land to another due to civil war. Mostly poor farmers, some traders, and a mix of heavy veteran warriors and some young lads who are willing to pick up a sword for self-defense.

They would be open to picking up vagabonds and refugees along their course to settlement. This means their demographics will change rapidly during the first few years of the settling phase. Over the course of the roleplay, the demographics will most likely land in some pattern of constant percentages.

As for technology, it'd be a mixed bag. No edge stuff. They'd be focused less on research and development, and more on how to repurpose mediocre technology in creative ways that would require modification but no heavy cost to developing anything new.

Is there still an opening and is this direction acceptable?


I appreciate the honesty.
My post is up, sorry for the long wait, catching up to the crash site to join the party!
Griff Spaeros

The Peace before Chaos

I ask of you, Lord,

Grant me your armor, to wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the corrupted spirit that stirs up the will of each man and woman who raise their hands in defiance against You. Grant me your sword, to protect those who You see as your children. Grant me courage, to stand in between the innocent and all those fiery darts of the wicked. Grant me strength, to strike at the beast who has tamed the cowardly, and release those who seek you but do not have the strength to ask. In your name, I pray, Amen.

Griff’s eyes were shut, his head tilted slightly forward and down. Praying, he intently shuffled between beads, pressing each one in between his index finger and thumb, each bead told a story, a story of his love for each one of his brothers and sisters in arms. Next to Griff sat Dane. Dane muttered a mantra he received from his family in his early childhood, a mantra that kept his focus clear and emotions in check. Federo checked and re-checked his weapon system, a ritual or a compulsive disorder, he was never sure of which. Ciri and her brother Dante hummed a soft tune they learned from their beloved mother. Lucia kept silent. Kass and Omir bantered.

Regardless of the method, each found their peace before chaos, before the rounds of lost souls fired upon them, and the edge of bleeding hearts tried cutting them.

Roland announced, “Open the door, pilot.” He paused, “Let them see us.” The draw gate from the back opened to scenes of war. The sense was immediate, Hell had come to Belisio. Roland roared, “Warriors of Belisio, you will stand firm!” A notion that needed no explanation, the Old Lion pounced from the safety of his Pride and into the fray. Possessed by his eternal ancestors, Roland charged his blade with Ki releasing the effects of its power on the walking dead.

One by one Griff’s unit dove from the belly of the shuttle onto the battlefield to meet their fearless leader in combat.

“Rally on me!” Roland roared, “Sir Vires, I shall hold the line here! Commence the attack and do not let a single enemy mage escape our wrath!”

Griff heard the calling, “Cadre form up!” Dane, Federo, Kass, Ciri, Dante, Lucia, and Omir felt the power of Griff begin to charge their own. It was what attracted each of them to Griff’s leadership. His ability to immediately increase their confidence and strength was always a mystery.

Overhead one of the shuttles was shot down by an enemy mage, Dane called out, “Do we go?” Griff took a brief moment as Vaimese soldiers approached their position. Kass stepped forward unlocking her shield’s radius to extend it 1’, she planted it in the ground as they took some small arms fire. Federo positioned right above her slamming his Light Machine Gun down on the top of it where a small slot existed for the weapon to rest. Unleashing a barrage of rounds, the Vaimese dropped down halting their advance for now.

Once the shots settled, a massive blast erupted behind them to the East where the shuttle had crashed. A wall of fire and pluming smoke stretched upward. Griff scanned behind him and spotted Turzo razing the enemy who attempted to push on the downed shuttle. Griff turned to face his team and answered, “No. I think Turzo just bought us some time." Kass puffed a little at her feelings toward the traitor, "Does this mean I have to be kind to him?" Griff didn't answer, "If we push the line, we can give our reinforcements some space to catch up with less resistance toward recovering that downed shuttle." Griff paused, "If we don't push this line, the Vaimese may receive reinforcements that swarm this position and the downed bird, let's capture this moment as they focus on the shuttle, we will move behind them and squeeze them between the defensive position of the crash site and us." The team acknowledged, “Alright, Pincer movement, I want that mage who shot at our bird, but it looks like we’ll need to get through that one first.” Griff pointed ahead at a mage who was both reinforcing the attack on the crashed shuttle, and where Griff’s unit was pushing. Griff ordered Dane, Ciri, and Lucia to go right, while Griff, Kass, and Omir took left. Federo remained to lay down cover fire and keep the enemy trained on his position. Small arms rounds punched and ricocheted off the shield in front of Federo, some deflecting off his shoulder armor, but until these Vaimese brought in heavy weapons, he mise well be a bunker to them.

Pincer Blitz

“Get down!” Dane called out to Ciri and Lucia as a missile launched at their position. The missile screamed over their heads smacking into the scorched earth. The debris of limbs and chunks of rock tossed up around them, creating a brief loss in visibility. Dane did a roll call, “Ciri, Lucia, check?” Lucia responded first, “Check,” followed by Ciri, “Check!”

There was a short mound of rock covering their position from the Vaimese line of sight, “Eagle 2 to Eagle 1, we are 20 meters away with sights on the duck, waiting for your command.” Griff called back, “Are you good Eagle 2? We saw that missile strike rally overhead.” Dane responded, “All good Captain, the Vaimese are as good as shots as they are Knights.” Griff smirked, “Okay, we are 27 meters from the target down in a crater, when I fire my flare, I want you to attack first as weapons train on us.” Dane acknowledged, “Roger Eagle 1, good luck!”


Federo felt the impact of a high-powered rifle round hit the shield which sent him forward into a face plant. He did not realize it until rolling over, the shield was punctured below and his right thigh was punched slightly with the round landing to his left.

“F***!” Federo kept low as Vaimese soldiers used this opportunity to lay down superiority suppressive fire. Federo called in, “You guys better move! I got a sniper trained on my location and Vaimese soldiers closing in, give them a shock!”

Griff heard Federo over comms, “Federo hang tight, flare in 30 seconds.”

Griff looked at Kass and Omir, “Omir, when I set the flare wait for Eagle 2 to draw fire, then you take front with your shield. Kass and Dante you are laying down fire over Omir’s right shoulder as we push. I will dash 5 yards adjacent from our position and fire the 3 ion charges I have charged. Hopefully the Vaimese will be confused on who they should be firing at which leaves me a direct opening to take on that Mage who is sitting behind them.” Kass, Dante, and Omir confirmed by punching their own shoulder across their chest.

Griff’s thigh armor opened up with a small wave of his hand, a small flare drew out just enough for him to grab quickly. Griff aimed up firing the flare into the air to draw attention.

Eagle 2

Eagle 2 formed by Dane, Ciri, and Lucia reacted to the flare, “Now!” Dane rose from prone immediately targeting Vaimese troops with precision down the barrel of his assault rifle.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Every target Dane aimed at, he hit, quick precise shots at medium range was his specialty. Ciri followed by pressing up as the Vaimese troops reoriented their attention on Eagle 2. She fired several rounds of her assault rifle which kept the Vaimese soldiers from firing accurately at Eagle 2’s position and dropped. Dane and Lucia took this window of opportunity by Dane maneuvering in front of Ciri, while Lucia emerged with his high-powered rifle firing a shot at the Mage. The Mage managed to shield himself in time to stop Lucia’s round, but this took the Mage’s attention away from the rest of the battlefield. Ciri tossed a smoke grenade, and Dane lobbed an hand grenade into the Vaimese protection line of the Mage. Lucia moved to Ciri’s position tapping her shoulder, Ciri moved to Dane’s and Dane moved forward as the debris from his hand grenade explosion settled before Ciri’s smoke was completely ejected.


Dane felt a sharp pain hit his rib cage and strength quickly left his feet. Smashing into the earth in front of him, he tried breathing but his wind was knocked out 13 meters from the target.

Eagle 1

“Go, go, go!” Griff commanded as he saw Eagle 2 making quick progress, too quick. Omir launched from his position taking some small arms fire into the front face of his shield. Kass and Dante rallying behind him sent several of their antagonists to the grave within seconds of engagement. The Vaimese soldiers had mostly been trained on Eagle 2, some even trying to finish off Dane who was collapsed on the ground taking some small arms fire to his armor, but now, the Vaimese split their attention between Eagle 1 and 2.

Ciri called over comms, “Dane’s been hit! I repeat he is down 3 meters in front of me. Smoke is fully up, I need suppressing fire on our side to retrieve him.” Griff cursed under his breath, “Omir, Dante, and Kass move up and focus shots on the Eagle 2’s front advance, I will take our side alone. Griff rushed from position 5 meters as planned. Kass, Dante, and Omir moved further away than planned from Griff to cover Ciri who was in the middle of pulling Dane in the cover of smoke, back to their original position behind the rock.

Lucia kept the pressure on the Mage firing another round which shifted the Mage’s attention from Griff who he was just about attack. Griff made it to his spot with little resistance as most Vaimese were now facing off against Omir, Kass, and Dante. Three ion blasts, one right after another, ripped through the flank of the Vaimese line halting the pressure they were forcing on Omir and Kass.


Lucia went to move position to get another angle and as he did, a round punched into his rifle just as he slung it around his side to move. The round punched Lucia off balance but his wind was fine.

“D*** my weapon’s been hit, we need to take care of that sniper!” Lucia called out.

Federo chimed into comms, “On it!” Federo had traced the sniper’s location after having shot him first and then Dane. He was looking for the next flash, which presented when Lucia was struck. Now, Federo had the sniper pinged on his HUD, the HUD would guide the mini anti-tank rocket system on his shoulder to the sniper’s location.

The sniper’s barrel emerged once more behind a wall of rock and dirt. Hiding in plain sight to protect the Mage…not anymore, Federo thought. He released two mini anti-tank rockets which propelled up into the air forming a smooth parabola trajectory between himself and the target. Two explosions tossed the sniper’s body into the air.

“Sniper’s cold.” Federo called out.

Throat Strike

Dane was down with Ciri covering. Lucia’s weapon was out. Federo would take a bit to catch up to the front. Kass and Omir were keeping the Vaimese busy. It was time for Griff to throat strike this Mage. After the ionic blasts disoriented the Vaimese soldiers, he charged in through the gap it created. Unsheathing his Edged Wing, a 37” double-edged sword that separates into two single-edged blades. On his first run, he came crashing down after launching himself over the Vaimese gap releasing a surge of electricity within 2 ft of his proximity, the first Vaimese defenders shocked in place fell to their knees, while the second set of defenders came rushing to where Griff landed. Without much effort, Griff cut them down with his sword. Griff’s success triggered Omir and Kass to charge their line next. Dante drew his knives while Kass and Omir both drew their short swords engaging the Vaimese soldiers, leaving Griff and the Mage to one another.

The Mage looked at Griff, “Next time!” The Mage went to retreat but felt his body becoming weighted. Griff was focused on the Mage which generated a field of Ki that prevented a target like this Mage from retreating, “What is happening?!” The Mage turned to face Griff and felt the weight begin to lift. Griff answered, “You cannot leave without going through me now.” Griff launched to begin his swift advance. The Mage enraged conjured a flame to end Griff’s haste, but upon throwing it, Griff waved his weapon freehand sending channeled Ki to disrupt the charge. The flame as quickly as it grew, dissipated right as it left the Mage’s hand. Before the Mage could conjure again the sharp pain of steel penetrating his torso shot through his body, soul, and mind.

The Mage struck in shock, coughed up blood leaning on Griff’s shoulder. Griff stepped back with precise technical movements as a master in swordsmanship, pulled out his Edge Wing, and cut across the throat of the Mage separating head from the body.

Move Out

Griff’s team licked their wounds as Belisian soldiers gathered up the cut on the battlefield created by the retreat. Lucia and Federo played with Lucia’s rifle to repair it. Omir was using his Ki to heal Dane’s critical wound. Kass, Ciri, and Dante were reloading weapons while Griff gave the next order, “We do not have much time to move. Pushing while Vaimese are retreating from this position might be the only shot we got at really creating a foothold for more reinforcements. Our next target is that Mage who shot down the shuttle. They are probably sitting at a distance from where that shuttle crashed East of here. If we can cross the line while the Vaimese are retreating to their next defensive position, I think we can get close enough to where the Vaimese fighting lines are pushing on the shuttle. If we can spot that Mage we go for it, but if not, then we flank the Vaimese and support the crash site’s defensive efforts.” Griff paused, “Everyone clear on directives?” Kass answered, “Yes, what about Dane?” Griff looked at Omir who shook his head and reported, “Dane’s going to live, but the wound was critical, it took a lot of my Ki and his to keep him alive, he needs more time to recover.” Griff nodded, “Thank God and thank you Omir.” Griff looked back to his team, “Omir will stay with Dane. Federo, Ciri, and Lucia are designated Eagle 2. Omir you will bring Dane back to the drop zone and off the front lines. If Dane needs to be evacuated, get him on the next bird down, the rest form up, let’s move out!” Griff’s cadre checked their weapons, tightened their gear, and followed Griff to the East behind the Vaimese fighting line that was pushing on the crash site.
Vires "The Griff" Spaeros

Pt 2. | Knights Banter

Kass snarled at Drunoda, “No one wanted an explanation! I am reminding you of who you are and where you stand in this lot! Prove us wrong or don’t, I will take pleasure in responding to both!”

“Peace, Kass.” Words that shocked the depths of Kass’ being like a thunderous whisper. Kass held tremendous respect for Roland, her wits snapping back into place. Her gaze quickly reoriented toward’s the Lion of Belisio. She purged her thoughts quickly to give room for Roland’s address.

Dante did not do the same. He was one of the seven Knights who followed Griff by choice stood in the far back with Ciri and Lucia. Dante was the silent type who kept himself brief in conversation, but when he did speak, his tongue dropped heavy and thoughtful prose. Slender in physique, agile, and accurate. He was a marksman and short ax handler. His abilities surrounded his speed of execution. Dante tilted his head back. He breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. In his mind he imagined the sounds of his hometown, Bova. Dante drifted across cliff sides as waves crashed into the high rock walls, until he reached the water well at the center of a loosely stoned town square with the smell of baking bread and strings of the church band playing. His vision took him through the narrow warm corridors that revealed a familiar wooden door opening into his mother and father’s den. Both smiling as they sat at the family table sipping coffee from this morning’s brew. His mother gently cutting a small piece of bread for Dante’s father, and then placing another piece on an empty plate before an empty seat. His vision pulled him toward the empty seat as the calling of his sister echoed from upstairs, “I’m coming!”, the footsteps of a 9-year old eager girl charged down the steps with a big smile on her face taking her seat. Dante’s vision stopped pulling him toward the family table, they all placed their heads down clasping hands, his father praying and then releasing with the final comment, “So be it.” His father looking up to gaze into Dante’s being. Immediately the vision rushed Dante out of the house, toward the town square, up into the sky, and back to the waves crashing against the cliffside.

Dante opened his eyes as he felt Ciri’s finger draw a tear away from his eye, “Are you ready?” She asked gently. Dante tilted his head forward, commanding his attitude back into formation, “Are we ever Ciri?” She replied, “No.” And then smiled, “So be it.” Dante whispered back, “So be it.”

When Roland finished, Griff turned around toward his compatriots, “We do not define the outcome, but we will define how it is told. No matter what happens when we dive, find each other, stand together, stand firm, and then we move forward.” Griff paused, he looked at Dane, Federo, Kass, Ciri, Dante, Lucia, and Omir, each nodding their heads out of recognition and love. They had fought alongside each other for quite some time, and each knew this campaign would be different than any other they’ve ever suffered before. Before Griff turned back to lead them into the shuttle he noted out loud, “Remember…no heroes, only Knights.” The 7 responded, “Strength and Honor!” The group moved toward the shuttle following Leonis.
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