Avatar of Rick Sanchez
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    1. Rick Sanchez 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current my hair is blue and purple
9 yrs ago
//eternally shrugs
9 yrs ago
Hey M-m--Morty-bleh-look what I just joined. It's RP Guild, Morty!!


(I'm actually not Rick Sanchez, surprise, surprise.)

Used to be Entropsy, you can call me whatever you want--

Most Recent Posts


I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to drop--I hope it goes well for you guys, anyways.
For a while now, he'd been sleeping in the most uncomfortable spring mattress known to mutantkind--his poor, crooked spine was not faring well in those conditions. And since the wound on the back of his hip hadn't quite healed yet (he might not have minded taking the shot for Firestar if she hadn't been being such a bigot at the time, though he hoped he'd made some sort of impression in the girl), he was in a world of hurt when he woke up on the (hot?) hard ground.

Toad sat up groaning, and rolled out the stiffness in his lower spine before taking a look around.

Then a very unattractive yelp of alarm escaped his mouth and he jumped back, away from the hot-sauce-looking death. Was that...was that lava? You've got to be shitting him. This certainly wasn't the ruddy apartment he'd been staying in, he had to on another circle of hell entirely.

"...The fuck?"

"I feel so funny these days,
I'd rather sleep than stay awake.
Trees used to talk to me,
now I know what's real and what is fake.

Are we from outer-space?
This doesn't feel like the right place,
and we'll try anything
just to be a kid once again."

Name: Entropsy diFarce
Alias(s): Hell, call her shithead for all she cares.
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 152
Hair Color: Three-toned blue.
Eye Color: Ha...ha.

Race: Illusion Demon

Job Role: (Soldier, Researcher or Medic)

Physical Appearance:

(Write a description of your Character)


(Describe your Character's usual dress style)


(Describe your Character's personality)

Weapons & Equipment:


(Abilities aren't going to be massive, havoc-wreaking powers. They're racially inherited or specially trained perks that aid in your job role. Please try to pick an ability that suits the role you are planning to play. I.E. Someone who can read minds, isn't likely to be sent out on a patrol in the Spam Section. Time/Space Abilities are excluded with the exception of Minor Teleportation)

Brief History:

(Give a brief history of your Character from before the Catastrophic Events right up until the present time.)


(Tell us about your character's relationships with the other survivors. Do they get on well a certain member or is there a special rivalry with someone? Who do they admire and look up to? Is there a certain someone they're in love with?)

Noodle // 19 // Female // Genetically-Modified Human


~ Powers ~

Do her musical abilities count? Kidding, of course, but she is a god of rhythm. Noodle's designated purpose was to be a super-soldier, and super-soldier she became (among many, many other hats). She possesses inhuman strength and agility, having been able to suplex 300lb drummers and frog-leap over 6'2" singers when they weren't even slouching at age ten, and this ability has matured. As is, she can bench press 3 tons--impressive, for her stick-thin arms. She's also an impossibly excellent shot and possesses heightened senses and a modified intelligence, leaving her with the hearing and eyesight of a feline and a mind that processes information much faster than other humans...in other words, she can learn nearly anything in a very short amount of time.

~ Skills ~
- Music -- considered one of the most gifted guitarists in the world, Noodle can play 23 string instruments, 12 wind, and a slew of percussion, and is adding more to the list every year. Her singing voice is haunting (and really cool).
- Omniglot -- her mind was programmed with knowledge of every known human dialect, and she's fluent in most of them. It couldn't take her more than five weeks to learn a language if she focuses.
How many characters are we looking at before we start? Also, can I pm you a question or two?
The plot revolves around Vile, maybe "Vile"? Or something like "Nefarious", I don't even know.
Alright guys, thank you for letting me know! I hope you feel better soon, @Extinct, it was really nice to meet you.
The young man had to bite his lip again when the figure sat up, eyes bugging at the sight of the six-foot-something beast before him. It wasn't the height and girth that bothered the frog, for some reason that struck a sense of familiarity and comfort--no, but the dried blood around his neck was a little unsettling. He flinched at the man's low, gravelly voice, and nodded to let the other know he heard him.

When the tiny...something or other...started screaming beside him, he gave his own yelp of surprise and flinched the other way--back towards the giant with the chains around his wrists--and then skittered backwards when he realized his mistake. He watched his fellow green-bean spasm at the wide, beautiful ocean, and held his hand at half-mast as if thinking of something comforting to say.

Of course, he didn't even know what the problem was and wasn't feeling 100% himself. He dropped his hand to his lap and felt his eyes well up in hopelessness, then he buried his face in his hands to muffle the imminent string of swears and the oh-my-god's.

"I don't want to be a mutant!"
"But you are, and you -- you can't ever change that. And I'm not pretty like you or powerful like you, but we gotta fight--"
"Yes. Give it all you've got. Everything. Every last bit of thing." (x)

Name -- Mortimer Toynbee
Alias & Nicknames -- Toad ("Mort", a bunch of frog-related monikers). Call him whatever you'd like to.
Age -- 22
Gender -- Male
Species -- Homo Sapiens Superior (mutated human)

(from Ultimate X-Men)

Powers --
10' long prehensile tongue - capable of lifting twice his weight, it's often used as a fifth limb.
Adhesive/corrosive saliva - his spit can incapacitate people, apparently.
Superhuman agility and strength - specifically in his legs.
Wallcrawling - the skin on his palms and on soles of his feet secrete mucous similar to the aforementioned adhesive saliva.
Healing factor - he's durable and heals faster than the average human, though not instantaneously--he needs time to recuperate.
Fabulous Hair - drop dead hot. It's silky and shit. What do you mean "that's not a power"?

Skills --
Close physical combat -- his fighting style is reminiscent of kickboxing or taekwondo, though he'll use weapons as well.
Stealth -- usually the most agile member of his team, he's a good scout/spy/hitman.
Thievery -- growing up physically mutated, he's had to lay low to survive--if that means learning how to break and enter without being caught and crack a safe or two, he's fine with that.
Mechanical Engineering -- very good with his hands, he might have made a career out of this if the world was a little different. As is, he'll fix your car and figure out what the hell's wrong with the sink if you ask him nicely.
Bachelor's degree -- in engineering. The Savage Lands offered college classes and he started when he was sixteen, it gave him something to do between missions. He never put it to use, but at least he's more well-read than he comes off as.
Wide Knowledge of Pop Culture -- does this count? Ask him about Orlando Bloom's butt. He'll be your friend.
Teaching -- he's a gym teacher. The fucking former terrorist teaches P.E. at Mutant High school.

Gear --
Bullet-resistant vest -- that hides his X-Gene from most scanners. It's a thin, skin tight material for mobility.
Shin guards -- his legs are the most important part of his mutation, best believe he'd protect those first. Lightweight steel.

Personality -- He's a punk and a snark knight with a resilient, "give it your all" attitude. Tends to be laid-back and crude, he doesn't give too many fucks about a lot of things, as long as he's still kicking. To keep himself alive and sane his morals have greyed, but he's still intelligent, loyal, and amiable, if not a freedom fighter.
Likes -- Lord of the Rings
Dislikes -- Flatscanners
Weaknesses -- When at personal levels with someone he's a little too loyal and exploitable, tends to be overconfident at times, hides hurt feelings with sass and sarcasm. Temps below 65 degrees will slow him down because he's cold-blooded, and at below 30 degrees without insulation he's risking death.
Eh, sure. I'm gonna suggest an anti-gravity mirror world and a lake with breathable water.

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