Come touch my spaghetti! I dare you... Neyhh
8 yrs ago
someone help me doodle myself... :/
Hi I am Rikeno, I am i hybrid humanoid with tentacles as legs; has many masks to wear to cover up who I really am. I enjoy being around those who understand why I hide myself, but sadly... I have forgot who I truly am because I wear these masks all the time. If anyone would be curious to see my soon to be creations of this character I will be posting drawings of him very soon. 3/27/17
"Wait Shadow!".... Falls... Now out of breathe, nearly passing out in the mud puddle that formed around me. My mind, still blank. Darkness grew in the cracks of my masks. All of them turning black and morphing.
Hi I am Rikeno, I am i hybrid humanoid with tentacles as legs; has many masks to wear to cover up who I really am. I enjoy being around those who understand why I hide myself, but sadly... I have forgot who I truly am because I wear these masks all the time. If anyone would be curious to see my soon to be creations of this character I will be posting drawings of him very soon. 3/27/17
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi I am Rikeno, I am i hybrid humanoid with tentacles as legs; has many masks to wear to cover up who I really am. I enjoy being around those who understand why I hide myself, but sadly... I have forgot who I truly am because I wear these masks all the time. If anyone would be curious to see my soon to be creations of this character I will be posting drawings of him very soon. 3/27/17</div>