Avatar of Rina
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kirra
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1733 (0.42 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Rina 5 yrs ago
    2. █████ 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Huh, has it really been three years since my last post? I guess I’m back at least to lurk around.
10 yrs ago
Dear life, I was told to get one but you are killing me. Can I get a refund on the extra hours at work and the lack of sleep for a bit of freetime. Yours dearly, The Coffeeholic
10 yrs ago
Sleep? You mean there is a such thing called a regular sleep schedule?


RP Status: Full. I'd be open to chatting but I'm currently not accepting any new RPs.

After a three year hiatus I’m back and with a new username.

  • I joined the Guild in the summer of 2011
  • I enjoy gardening, hiking, cooking and listening to podcasts (if you have any podcast suggestions send them my way)
  • I have a huge interest in roleplays where I can really dive into the psychological side of my characters but not a fan of romance based roleplays

If you want to know more about me or want to chat, feel free to PM me. I'm always up to meeting new people.

Most Recent Posts

Collab with @Xodus

A day after the cafeteria incident:

...’How leg?’… Bella questioned, her distorted voice coming from a mangled bot sprawled out on her desk. Sitting on the ground the woman looked up from her makeshift work area at Zane as he walked in and headed towards his partner's bed. “...shoes off…”

“I can walk so that’s an improvement.” Zane said as he slipped his shoes off and laid back on his partner’s bed. “Apparently I ripped my calf completely in half when I didn’t give enough focus on reinforcing the growth.” The man pulled out his sunglasses and placed them over his eyes before continuing.

“...That’s good…” Bella said as she refocused on her bot.

“Is there a reason you sound like crap?” Zane asked as he lazily waved in the direction of the bot.

“...Still off?...calibrate good though…” Bella said as she transferred her voice back to her glasses.

“The pitch might be in tune but you sound like some sort of robot from a horror movie. Maybe Miss. Tutu can help you out later.” Zane said as he gave a yawn.

“...Speak of visit… who visit?...” Bella asked as she switched her tools.

“Before I came up here? I heard rumors that the prisoner never left the cell so I had to see for myself. He seemed to enjoy the cookies I dropped off” The two sat in silence as Bella worked and Zane thought over the recent incidents. “I’m going to see him again. “

“...What?” Bella asked as she put her bot down. Even with them talking through their link it was evident that she wasn’t happy with his response.

“He’s crazy strong and is treated too differently by the others to be a nobody.” Zane said as he fluffed his pillow. “He knows more than he shared with us and I want to find what it is.”

“... Kanon’s enemy?...”

“I’m guessing not. I’m guessing he came here apart from the dead zone and later found it rather than coming here for it but I’ll probably ask him which came first in a future visit to confirm. If the man wanted to do something with the dead zone what is stopping him? He’s powerful enough that could waltz right up and take what he wanted if he was hired by someone and not waste his time by telling us or pestering the guards.”

“...talk to Kanon?” Bella asked as she resumed her work.

“I’ll probably head over there after classes. Want to join me?” Zane asked as he gave a final stretch.

Sure. Sleep well. Bella said through their link before letting her partner rest.


Three days after the cafeteria incident:

’Do you really need to go back to the cell today?’ Bella asked as the duo exited the cafeteria and walked down the hall with each carrying their lunches in a takeout container. ’Why don’t we go eat outside and enjoy the sun.’

’I made a promise.’ Zane said as he gave a slight wave to a group of students greeting them.

’Yes, I know. But are you sure that is a good idea?’ Bella said as her concern trickled through their link.

’How come?’ Zane asked as he nodded towards an alcove. The two took a seat on the bench as he waited for Bella to formulate an answer. He knew that this has been something that has been lingering on her mind but opted to wait until his partner was ready to talk.

Bella stared out of the window in front of her as she shared. ’I'm trying to see the good in the prisoner but it’s hard to do so after everything that happened because of his doing. The cafeteria, the students and...’

And because of Elsa? Zane asked and after seeing a slight nod reached his arm out and gave Bella a quick side hug. ’I’m sorry that I made that promise without making sure we are both in agreement. At the end of the day your safety and well-being is what is most important to me. I was able to keep you safe because of the prisoner’s involvement but in return I’ve also hindered your well-being. I’ve only promised the prisoner a week so I’ll do my best to be careful around him and avoid a similar incident. After the week I doubt we will see him after that.’

“...Stay safe…” Bella said using the voice command on her glasses.


“I hope that you weren’t waiting for me too long.” Zane said as he gave the guard and the prisoner a wave before he took a seat on the bench. “There might be a little mouse following me here but we will leave them be, right?” Zane said as he gave a nod towards Angel. If today was like the day before, it wouldn’t be long before Bella came down to the basement and lingered just out earshot at the bottom of the stairs in case an incident happened.

Opening up his lunch, Zane handed the guard the boxed dessert that came with his food. “As per the policy, check for any poisons, machetes, nuclear launch codes that I might try and smuggle to the prisoner.” Zane said as he took a bite of his food and in between chews continued. “If you can, try not to drop it this time.”

The guard scoffed at Zane, his attitude always seemed to worsen when the sass joined the condescending. He just shook his head, checked the lunch and passed it back to the Asylum before ushering him in the prisoner's cell. "I half hoped it was a nuke, be rid of you both and half this Island." He replied before shutting the metal, rune inscribed cage.

"Ah if it isn't the little fox" the prisoner jeered while tilting his head to meet Zane as the Asylum came in. "This saves me the trouble of leaving this place to get some decent food, though with all the chaos you all created at the cafeteria, more woe to me." The tall man mused, his metal coffin standing near a while beside him. "Where is the little mouse?"

“I promised a week so enjoy it while it lasts.” Zane said as he handed over the box. While doing so he reached out through his link towards his partner before responding to the prisoner’s question by pointing upwards with his fork. “Currently working through some mental gymnastics to determine if she should head downstairs. She won't be keen about coming out of her hole after our last incident.” Taking a bite of his food Zane continued the second part of his comment internally. ’But I’m guessing with your skills you already knew that’

“However I’m not here about the foxes, the mice, goats or the cows. I came to chat with you about the chickens.” Zane said as he tapped his chin as if he was thinking. “What really came first? The chicken or the egg? Your transgressions that brought you here or your fascination with the dead zone?”

Angel slowly ate his dessert as Zane chirped, the man was straightforward and that was quite refreshing especially seeing as how almost everyone was cautious to borderline paranoia.

"Neither, both were a product of evolution. So their precursor came first." The prisoner replied before setting his fork down and crossing his legs. Even sitting in a prison cell Angel managed to appear regal in his demeanor.

"It wasn't a transgression, it was a misunderstanding and political agenda I suppose." The prisoner continued while staring at Zane through his silver tinted spectacles. "And I am fascinated with the deadzone because I am not an utter imbecile. A deadzone is a theory, it is an impossibility. Alchemy is a foreign source of power, alien. It can never be completely negated." A smile slowly spread across the prisoner's face as he discussed alchemic knowledge with a child.

"The only time alchemic energy truly manifests itself is through an alchemist's drive. Now here is a question for you. We are both standing next to each other and we both activate our alchemic drives. I am far superior to you and so naturally I draw more. Will this affect you while you are in my vicinity?"

Before Zane could answer for just a few seconds Angel activated his alchemic drive and completely engulfed the cell. His power resonated with such viciousness that it disrupted the flow of alchemic energy all around him.

Feeling the foreign alchemic drive being activated, Zane reciprocated by activating his own but with far less success. Zane chuckled as he started to piece together what was shared. “You’ve made this imbecile very curious. Do you have a theory on what might be hidden there? Have you gone on a field trip to test if you can overpower it? Your concern has me curious on how strong whom or what might be there.” With his interest more focused on his food, the man closed up his lunch and sat it down besides him.

As Zane placed his food down, the man paused for a moment to think over what he wanted to share before giving a slight shrug. From what he has seen from the prisoner, Zane assumed that he would already know the details of what he would share and if not it would be something he would figure out anyways. “If you do visit I’d be cautious about startling the guard in charge. After last night’s chat he shouldn’t be after your head but if his paranoia is big enough to threaten shooting me again, it wouldn’t be hard for you to set him off.”

Angel nodded towards Zane, accepting the useful bit of information. "I have not ventured to that area, I try to avoid grunt work. But I do want you to understand something. I used a burst of my alchemic drive and that disrupted your capability to use alchemy for a few seconds. That takes exceptional skill. The deadzone is constant negation of any form of alchemy. Whatever is in there…." For a few seconds the prisoner was quiet, almost contemplative.

"Whatever is in there is drawing so much alchemic energy that it has rendered an entire field…..barren. A.M.R.O has something contained whose potential is beyond Chrono."

“The world would be in a precarious situation if anything were ever to happen.” Zane said solemnly before turning his head to the side as the sound of footsteps approached the cell.

“Your five minutes are up.” The guard said as he opened the cage.

Zane gave a dramatic sigh as he grabbed his lunch and walked out of the cell. As the guard locked the door Zane asked the prisoner one last question. “What is your name? I haven’t heard you be called anything other than Rouge and Prisoner since we’ve met but If I have another four days of visits I might as well call you by your name.”

“I go by many names.” The prisoner said before laying down on his bed and facing his back Zane.

“Very well then.” Zane said giving a shrug. “I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Zane said as he gave the guard a small wave as he walked out. As he walked up the stairs he met Bella who was waiting for him.

“...You okay?...” Bella asked with a worried expression written on her face. “...felt drive…”

“I’m good. Things are good.” Zane said as he rested a hand on Bella’s shoulder. “He was just giving a little demonstration but it’s fine. I’ve learned some important things though. Let’s go find the others.”
I'm currently making my way through a couple of books right now!

Stephen King - On Writing
Claire Saffitz - Dessert Person (yeah yeah it's a cookbook but there's a lot of technical information in there that is very interesting :) )

What are you reading?

Anther cookbook reader? I've been eyeing Dessert Person but since they were out of stock in my area I had Ken Forkish's Flour Water Salt Yeast on my Christmas list. It's been a fun read so far and I'm planning on baking my first attempt later this week.
I was able to break out of my three year hiatus after some prodding from a few friends on the guild. It has been fun rebooting the roleplay these past six months but it has taken forever to work out all the rust. I feel like I’m finally starting to get a hang of things again.

I’m still feeling a bit clunky and writing doesn’t flow as easily as it did in the past so I hope that I can fully get back into the same state I was in, if not better, during 2021. This summer will be 10 years since I’ve joined the guild so although I haven’t been here the full ten years, I’m glad that I will be around for that milestone.
This year has been challenging for many but with the year wrapping up I am curious what your 2020 highlight has been. Whether it is personal, professional or something roleplaying related I’m curious what sort of growth or a good thing that has happened to you this year.

For me it would be the growth I’ve had with my husband during the stay at home mandate. I’ve heard that this extended time has sped up relationships either in a positive or negative way and I’ve definitely have seen a huge positive growth. We’ve explored new hobbies to do together, learned our quirks at work with both of us transitioning to working at home this year and with the commute and any evening obligations being cut out of our week we’ve been able to slow down our fast paced life and focus more on each other.
Thank you for all the candy canes I’ve received. I hope that you all have a great holiday season.
I’ve struggled at keeping deadlines. The CS I said that I would work on over the weekend? It didn’t get a second of my undivided attention. The post I said I would get up tonight? My bed convinced me to break my promises and to sleep instead. The worst offense was when I was working on a CS and then disappeared for three years. Thankfully the GM liked me enough to pester me into joining when they started a reboot.

Since my return I’ve been working on getting better at this but it still isn’t perfect.
Here is my feedback on the pieces:

PuhpuhpuhPEACE- I have an audible chuckle when opened the hider and saw your piece. It’s cute, a bit silly and a great reminder that there can be a positive thing with rain.

Rainy Ocean- I got chills when I looked at yours. It feels a but ominous with how vast the ocean is and dark it is. Having both the rain and ocean was a great combo.

Figure in the rain- Your piece leaves me with a lot of questions which I think fits well with what you were aiming for. Having no added color feels like a good choice which added to the mystery.

Rainy clown- The eyes on the clown and cloud really drew me in. The red and yellow you used throughout your work was a great addition.

It was a close one for me but my vote would be for PuhpuhpuhPEACE for making me laugh.

Feeling waves of discouragement emanating from his partner, Zane glanced towards his partner while waiting in line to get the duo’s food. She seemed a bit more down for one negative incident to be the cause but given that nothing else happened within the past few hours, assumed that it must have been that. Unlike him, she put in more care and effort to prepare to mentor the students. He was about to reach out to his partner to try and comfort her but before he could say something he could feel Bella’s focus shift towards another telepathic conversation. Gleaning just information from their link to learn that the conversation was with the closest thing Bella has for a sibling, Zane decided to let things be and distance himself as much as possible. He learned from past experience that it was best to keep his nose out of girl talk.

Sliding a tray towards Bella, Zane ate without a word to allow room for the two ladies to chat until the other duo arrived. Zane started to share with the other duo how his training session went but stopped mid sentence when the prisoner took a seat beside him. Clenching the fork in his hand, Zane prepared a swing towards the man as the prisoner mentioned about them being unharmed. Before he could move his arm off the table he felt a small hand on his wrist and immediately stopped any movement forward.

Wait. A look of concern was on Bella’s face as she studied the man.

Alive and unharmed? He knew about the danger that was waiting for us. Zane retorted as he jabbed his fork instead into his food with enough force to rattle the his and the trays around him. “Alive and unharmed, my ass.” Zane mumbled out loud as he chewed his food.

Whether it was his intention or not, we should be cautious. There is a cafeteria full of students around us. Bella responded as she mentally went through yesterday’s conversation with the prisoner. Who was this man that has enough power or reputation to merit a private welcome from Tabion, know about the dead zone and be released or escape from the prison cell while being in shackles?

“Solid block.” Zane pulled back his fist and gave a slight nod towards the student. Seeing the student relax her posture, the man gave a kick that knocked her back onto her butt. “Don’t hesitate on a follow up attack.” Zane said, his tone of pleasure turning more harsh. “You will get stuck in an endless cycle of defense if you give your opponent a chance to continue attacking. Even if you are a star defender there will be a point that you slip up. A slip up will mean injury to yourself or to those that depend on you... if you’re lucky.”

Sensing another student charging towards him, Zane turned around and brought his shield up to block the student’s sparring sword. Instead of hitting the shield, the hilt of the sword glowed and the sword quickly darted off to the side and landed a hit on his shoulder. With a sigh Zane returned the hit with a punch to the student’s stomach which caused the boy to drop the sword as the wind was knocked out of him followed by a hard kick that caused the boy to roll out of the sparring ring. “I said no alchemy!” Zane yelled at the student and gave a sigh before lowering his voice and turned the conversation to the rest of the students. “Or like I said earlier if you can use it discreetly, I’ll give you a pass.” Looking slowly at the students around the sparring ring Zane stopped at one of the teens that was mumbling an incantation and glared at the boy. “If I catch you using that I will not hold back.”

Three students charged in on Zane but before they reached him a bell chimed, signaling the end of class. “Unfortunately, none of you were able to knock me over so we won’t be able to play hooky for my next session.” Zane said with a defeated sigh. “There will be repercussions due to the extra work so those that are injured better get healed up before then.”

With a slight wave Zane walked out the door and saw that Bella was waiting for him. “Did everything go according to plan? You got here pretty quickly Miss. Mouse.” Zane said as he looked at Bella thoroughly to see if there was any sign of injury.

“... Part one good…” Bella said through her glasses as she gave an audible sigh. “... tricky second…” Bella continued as she shifted uncomfortably while averting her gaze. Were our peers as unruly as these students?.

Probably? Other than you and a select few I didn’t get involved with the other students so I didn’t spend much of my time and energy on the troublemakers. Walking down the hall the two walked towards the cafeteria. There were a few students that tried to get the duo’s attention as they walked but after receiving a glare from Zane, they backed off from engaging in a conversation with the duo. It’s not a comfortable thing to do but if you want to keep the class in order you will need to be firmer with them. Channel in a bit of Zane energy when the troublemakers cause a disturbance.

You make it sound easy. Bella said with a sigh as the two entered the busy cafeteria. Scanning the room Bella couldn’t see Samad or Elsa at the tables. If you want to grab our lunch I can go save a seat for the four of us.

Heading towards the far side of the cafeteria, Bella found a seat alongside the wall. She watched the students around her mingle with each other. Although it hasn’t been long since she was last eating at the same tables as a student it was different compared to the past. Just sitting where she was would have been hard for her past self. Just keep channeling Zane energy.
I would say it would be best to PM them directly. A few of my roleplays I've joined was because of a direct connection from the GM. @mentioning in a dead roleplay could come off as intrusive to the GM and possibly those who are invested in the previous roleplay so I would avoid that. @mentioning them in your roleplay would be better but I personally would be weirded out if it isn't someone I already know but I'm guessing not everyone would see it that way.
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