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@lmpkio @Msmorningstar it’s done. I assume we’re fine now? I posted the final in the character’s section

Hey dude! Well, you've got to wait until you're accepted to get into the IC. Other than that, there are a few issues I've noticed with your sheet.

The first being the plasma: I'd nerf that just a little, making it capable of blasting through about ten feet of steel rather than annihilating total mountains. I think that's a pretty fair nerf. Other than that, I'd take out one of your manipulations, either electricity or earth.

If you do those, that seems like an acceptable character in my mind. Wait for Lmp's two cents though!

Gotcha. Anyways, I’ll change what you stated about plasma. While I’m fine with removing one of the two manipulations, would you be fine with instead of manipulating electricity, that my beast simply is able to conduct it. As he’s able to exert it through its body but defensive purposes only but not really use it offensively.
@RisingSun I did not give you permission for you to post into the IC. Please have your character accepted before posting it in the CS and going forward.

On that note, I do apologize for not reviewing this sooner. I'm discussing this with my fellow GM as we speak.

That’s fine. It’s up to you if you want me to delete it or not or if you want me to just edit the profile in general. I did make several attempts including PMing you in particular to no avail, thus I figured that it was fine.
@Ruby@RisingSun Since this is actually being set almost 20 years before the Dance, the previous Lord Tyrell is most likely alive and healthy at this time.

True. I don’t recall finding anything about how Matthos Tyrell died so I think it’s safe to say that he’ll still be alive. That flew by my head. Thanks

The ground throughout northern Italy and eastern France shook violently as the mountainous Alps began to crumble. A secretive facility had existed deep within the Alps for decades. This facility was one of the many that served the simple but yet, vital mission of containing one of the world's most dangerous monstrosities. In a mysterious connection with the simultaneous failures of Outposts around the world, this facility's security and containment is in the midst of complete collapse.

Sirens screeched and red lights beamed radiantly within the facility as personnels raced for the exit. Security and staff alike could be seen scrambling for the doors as they shouted in terror. Those brave enough to return to the containment area would find the monitors flashing a crimson red color with the following warnings:



"No..this can't be happening!" One of the female scientists could be heard shouting in disbelief. Her eyes glued tightly on the monitors as she feared for the fate of humanity if this abomination were to escape. One could only imagine the wave of true horror that she would feel if she realized that these containment failures were occurring throughout the whole world. Dozens of Outposts are in the midst of collapse as she speaks, as creatures of all shapes and sizes emerge from the shadows of the Earth.

"We have to reinforce the containm..."

Her words were interrupted by the shaking of the ground below her as it slowly ruptured. Massive pounding could be heard towards the enormous steel gates behind the glass pane. The scientist stared intently, her heart beating with each sound of the pounding before a massive tail broke through the center of the gates, impaling one of the scientists attempting to find cover. The unfortunate soul screamed in terror and fright as his very body was slammed repeatedly on to the cold hardened ground. His body, which had struggled with life seconds earlier, were now as idle as a corpse.

A massive roar could be heard echoing throughout the entire compound as the ceiling of the facility started to crumble. It didn't take anyone of intelligence to understand that the entire area was in the midst of collapse. Shouts could be heard again as large falling boulders blocked the exits out of the underground outpost. People can be seen running in every direction imaginable as they desperately tried to escape. Some could even be spotted trying to desperately remove the boulders with their very hands to little avail.

As the ceiling above the female scientist cracked, her eyes closed shut as she simply accepted her fate. Within minutes, the place formally known as Outpost 26 was no more. The scientist along with all those who had been trapped were buried along with the facility.

The mountains sitting above the outpost turned into rubble as another roar could be heard vibrating through the mountain passes. From deep within the Alps, a beast of monstrous size erupted from the Earth. The creature stood at over 100 meters and measured nearly 350 meters in length. First came its head, followed by its large torso, and last, its long tail which served as replacement for its missing legs. With an Earth trembling cry, the beast wrapped its tail around a nearby mountain. Its irongrip combined with its strength created shattered the center, sending it tumbling down.

After being in captivity for decades and being forced to use alternatives to its food source, the beast was filled with a desire for destruction and vengeance against its human captors. From the rays of the morning sun, the creature began to absorb its energy as it slowly moved west towards the French civilization.

Can someone approve this please?

<Snipped quote by RisingSun>

Change of age is big reality change as it changes the playing field of nobles should there suddenly be a Lord Tyrell that directly factors in.

Might be better to create the person pulling the strings behind the baby throne.

Perhaps a cousin or uncle?
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