Avatar of Riverbeak
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 88 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Riverbeak 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Finally some progress with my sickness. I'm up and running again! Sorry for the absence!


Hi there stanger!

I hope you enjoy your stay.
Let me introduce myself.

My name is Marc, I'm turning 20 next time, and I've been RP'ing since I was 13. I'm currently going home, and will probably not be doing much else but to surf on the internet. I love doing RP's with one partner at the time, since I'm not familiar with group RP's. I usually write as the male role, and I do most pairings. My favorite genres in RP's is modern, slice of life, futuristic and/or old school 1800 themed. I'm currently only in two RP's and I am seeking more partners in crime to plot with me. I can either do over PM's or over a thread. Whatever suits the situation the best I guess?

Keep in mind that English isn't my native language so if there is a grammar mistake somewhere, I apologize deeply.

I think that was it?
Until next time;
-- Marc.

Most Recent Posts

Hi there!

I'm gonna skip the long introduction, and jump straight into this.
I've made a few of these posts before, but I am still shy af. Please bear with me.

Here's a little about myself. I'm currently going home sick, but will check up on RPGuild everyday to check if I have messages. I love a good reply, so I can use time to reply as well. I will prefer medium casualty - 2-4 paragraphs, more in the introduction is fine - and someone who can help me with the plot.
My personal goal for every reply, is around 1000-1500 characters, and I would like for you to reply with the same amount. Of course; everyone can get an writings block, so it's alright if you write less.
Uh. I don't know what else to say? I go from CET+1, so if my replies comes in the middle of the night for you, I apologize deeply.


What I have in mind, is some very futuristic in a RP, where things are powered by energy, skyscrapers stand tall around the people, and some streets are closed off from cars to drive in. Think of it as a part of Tokyo. NEO-Tokyo.
Where electronic devices have the upper hand, and machinery is over powered. Where robots exists, and they slowly took over work and shops. They own the city now, and the amount of people that is still here, struggles for survival.

I don't have a plot going on, but what I have here, written above. Hopefully it'll bring some interesting eyes to this.

I can do most parings, but is more comfortable doing MxM, and MxF. I will not do FxF, since it makes me uncomfortable, since I suck at being a female, no pun intended.

I think it was it? PM me if you're interested!

Until next time--
- Riverbeak.
@Riverbeak Thanks ! I figured out some stuff already. Mentions and all that. Small stuff or baby steps ?

That's good! Well; what do you want to learn? Perhaps a small few knick knacks, here and there?
Hi there!

Welcome to RPGuild! I wish you all the luck with finding new friends, and strong RP's!

If you want a little help, I'm sure either I or a few others might help you out! (Even though I'm a little newbie myself haha)

Again; the best of luck to you Arca!
This looks promising! I'm totally on with this!
@lazuli Hi there! I would love to do a RP with you - you seem like a nice person! I'm interested, a lot actually, to do a slow burn, and some sort of urban fantasy or perhaps a post-apocalyptic with some demons.
I thought I'd give you a reply here, (before I send you a PM) if you preferred to write over here, hahah.
@DemonMiyu Send me a PM and we can discuss this.
I am extremely bad at writing these introductions, but I try the best I can ahha.

The year is 2602. The City of Vale is parted up in districts. Levels almost. Where everything is electronic, leveled up by statuses and power in the remaining parts of humanity. Everything is electronic. Statuses. Everything is under sharp surveillance. No one can get in. No one can get out. Of course some has been out of the walls. Some are snooping around and is over the walls before they know - others were kicked out of society.
Everything is so clean, perfect, tidy almost on the insides of the walls. Mechanical. Everything is electronic controlled. Everything is under control of the higher powers. Up in the sky scrapers in Level 3. No one has ever been there, but those who actually lives there. It's a city within a city. Someone has to pull it down, only for it to rise again and to create a proper system of the City of Vale.
This is where we begin. My name is Elias Deceot and I could use your help.

Hello everyone!
I would love to write in a futuristic, almost cyperpunk-ish RP with some of you. At first I might be a little shy and perhaps a little overwhelming when I just keeps rambling, but I'm alright. I don't bite unless asked.
Anyways; of course there's a few things I'd like to put down so you have a fair chance of knowing what I'm interested in, than just what has been written above.

As written above; my character's name is Elias Deceot. Going as Riptide on the outer side of the walls of the City of Vale, he will tear down the walls of the Vale districts and hopefully create a better society.
Therefore; I will play a male role.

I accept any type of relationship, and I'm up for almost everything in this RP. (including angst, violence, sexual intercourse, drugs, ect.)
My goal for each reply is around a 1000 characters in each reply. I can do less and I can do more. I'm not super talented at this, but I do have a little experience.

I hope to hear from any of you!

This is an extremely messy post, I apologize.
Bump. (is this how you do it?)

I would love to do a Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic RP.
- If you would like to write as a female character it's alright. I like a challenge.
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