Avatar of Roland
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 37 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Roland 5 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current "STOP. QUOTING. ME." Jb, 2019, quoted in 2022, and again in 2024,
1 like
3 yrs ago
"I hope no one quotes me." Roland, 2022.
1 like
3 yrs ago
"STOP. QUOTING. ME." Jb, 2019, quoted in 2022.
3 yrs ago
Exactly two weeks for law school entrance exam. :O
3 yrs ago
Prepping for the Round Two of applying to law school. Last year, the entrance exam beat me. #TheLawWon


Join the roleplayers, they said. It will be a blast, they said.

Now, I am here. Would you like to know more?

The name's Roland, a recent member of the forum. I've mostly played RPs in video game and tabletop form. As you might have guessed, I am a fan of both the Fantasy and the 40k versions of Warhammer, although if you come to ask did Magnus do something wrong, I please advise you to find new material for memes. I enjoy reading fantasy, history and sci-fi. I also like wandering and trekking in the woods and forests, and learning new things and trivia. I was awarded "Mister Trivial" award by my friends, and rarely do they dare to challenge for a game of Trivial Pursuit. I am also a history nerd, which might have some bearing on why I lack any Trivial Pursuit victims players.

I enjoy an ice cold, tar-like dark Lager, among other beverages. Other tastes (or lack thereof) include dark roasted and black coffee with sugar, German Scho-Ka-Kola chocolate and different pastas, especially without shellfish. I tend to torture my friends, school mates and tabletop roleplayers with lame puns and dadjokes. I write fantasy and sci fi worlds into my hard drive, maybe one day utilizing them in Dungeons & Dragons and/or other roleplays.

I probably go to Hell for those lame jokes, who knows.

Trivial knowledge about me:

a) I cried when I saw Avengers: The Endgame at the cinema. I don't think I will tell you why.
b) I occasionally attend to pub quizzes and do poorly, because I am the only one in my team. Can't blame anyone else, though.
c) One can only wonder what is my favourite Imperial Guard regiment.
d) Avery Johnson Jr. is my spirit animal.

Most Recent Posts

Here I have the Not-So-Subtle horror, weird and speculative fiction author character from Maine pretty much ready. You still can't find Wake Springs on maps.

@Haydrian Cindel Thanks for the info, I will be editing my sheet today. And I am not sure yet about how James will be connected. I will figure something out.

@Jamesyco Great! Would we a fantasy or scifi setting?
Hello, random people of the guild. I would like to create a low fantasy world, but cooperating with someone else. I can become lazy, if I don't have someone else to bounce ideas with. Personally, I like Conan the Barbarian, the Witcher and historical stories, so I'd like to create a low fantasy world with potentially "weird" details. There would be magic, but not in everyday sense.

EDIT: Might also be interested in creating a retrofuturistic sci-fi universe. I was googling some retrofuturistic art the other day, and became a bit interested about the subject.

And then just some music I've been listening quite a lot in recent times, enjoy!
I have a few easy questions: what video games have you played recently? What games have made a lasting impression on your? If you were a game developer, what kind of "ideal" game you'd strive towards?

Recently, I have played Dark Souls 3, Prey (2017) and Spider-Man on PS4 and World of Tanks on my laptop.

And S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, Legend of Grimrock and Prey (2017) have really made a great impression. If I was a game developer, I'd try to create some kind of immersive sim, RPG and FPS cocktail similar to those games.
@Haydrian Cindel Hello! I'd be interested in this, but I will try to write the sheet a bit later this weekend.
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