Avatar of Rothurage


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
6 yrs ago
The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
6 yrs ago
Welcome to the club
7 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

Michael was standing against a wall listening to everyone's stories when Nick walked in carrying his dog, Sindy. He heard Lindsay bring up a story complaining about the current state of the police. She was right. People were fed up with what goes on in this city and Michael could see it on everybody's faces. Ally started mentioning something about forming a possible neighborhood watch and then joked about forming a Justice League.

"It doesn't matter if it's a Justice League or not, I still feel that we should at least do something. Oh, and I dibs Batman."

That last part was obviously a joke, not that anyone found it funny. He pulled out a chocolate bar from his jacket, unwrapped it, and took a bite out of it. He turned his attention back to the conversation as Tina finished talking about how absurd forming a Justice League is before seemingly changing her mind towards the end of the conversation, complaining about not wanting to wear tights. Michael still didn't get what Ally meant just yet.

Wait, so by Justice League do you meaning fighting crime or..."

He had an expression equal both confusion and worry as he went to speak again.

Because If you mean that we actually have to go out and fight the criminals, I'm not gonna be much help, I don't exactly know how to fight, remember?"

He began pondering of ways he could be useful when he remembered that he owned hockey gear that he could use, especially his hockey stick. Instead of fighting hand to hand or with holds, something he was poor at, he could use his hockey stick as a weapon of sorts to fend off the criminals. He took the bag from off his shoulders and placed it on the ground, taking out his hockey gear.

"I just remembered, I could use these."

He smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as he knew he just embarrassed himself. He went to back chewing on his chocolate bar once again.
NPC List

This will be updated upon creation of more NPCs. If you have an idea for an NPC, contact the GM or Co-GM to have one assigned to this list. For now, all NPCs will be controlled by the GMs or Co-GMs unless stated otherwise.
Michael would be listening to the story that Ally was telling, as interesting and horrifying as it was. After she was done speaking her story he formed a bit of a frown on his face for a second or two.

"Must have been crazy scary, huh? I can't imagine having to go through something like that. Man, this town is messed up."

He would scratch the back of his head as he continued talking, not really waiting for a response of any kind.

"My story isn't anything nearly as scary as that. I was just walking home one day and I get jumped by these street thug looking guys wearing hoods and bandanas. They didn't beat me too bad but they ended up taking my phone and my favourite jacket. Nothing too big but it just pisses me off that people are allowed to get away with stuff like that! I agree with you, Ally. This town needs a change."

He again looked angry for a second towards the end, clenching his fist in the process before allowing himself to calm down. He looked around at everyone else, scanning their faces to try and gauge people's feelings to the situations that had just been explained to them. He waited to see if anyone else was willing to share any stories themselves.

Liam woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He moved his sheets to the side, pushed himself to his feet, and checked his phone. It was 8:00 AM. That was when Orange decided to pop up. Liam's hair and eyes switched orange briefly.

"Is it Monday already? Ah, I hate Mondays. Then again, I don't like any days of the week."

Liam quickly shook his head and banged his hand against it a few times.

"Shut up, Orange. I don't need you right now. And don't do that again."

Liam then went out to his kitchen to make some breakfast, he wasn't really that hungry so he just decided to have a simple bowl of cereal. After that, he finally decided that was going to leave he changed into more appropriate clothing. He stepped out, locked the door and made his way to the elevator. Oh, right, Liam lived in a Hotel. Starlight Hotel, one of the more popular ones throughout Ring City. Making his way to the front entrance, passing and greeting some fellow hotel occupants, he exited the hotel and stood out at the front entrance. He looked around and began wandering through the streets of Ring City.

"Let's see if I can find something interesting to do"
@Ever Green Accepted. Character tab.
Here is the Discord link. You don't have to, but I would reccommend that you join as it will make communication easier.
@HeroicSociopath Looks good so far. I actually already have an idea for a hero faction of sorts so you don't have to worry about that.
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