Avatar of Rothurage


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
6 yrs ago
The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
6 yrs ago
Welcome to the club
7 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

This should be fun
Short post because I couldn't think of much at the moment

Before Death could get an answer from any of the people he walked up on, something big started shouting at them in an aggressive manner. Death thought the beast to be a demon from Hell and went for his scythes, readying them, he slowly moved towards Bowser. Suddenly, a human in old looking clothes started pointing a gun at the Centurion, claiming him to be apart of something that sounded like a clan of some kind. Before he could understand or make sense of the situation another human showed up, also wielding a gun.

There were people who seemed to be attempting to calm things down but Death wasn’t too interested in that right now. He focused his attention on the giant creature, by far the biggest and probably most dangerous one here. He noticed that he wasn’t as powerful as he once was, in fact he felt rather weak currently compared to how he felt before the light. Eventually, he dismissed these thoughts, his attention again returning to the giant demon before him, ready to strike it down at any moment if need be.

Death awoke, slowly getting to his feet. He looked around, realised he was in a completely different place to anything he’d ever seen before. Was this something the Well of Souls had done to him? No, this felt different, like something else had transported him here. Death also noticed that there were many individuals lying around the place, unconscious, just as he was moments ago. Some were awake, however, and he noticed this when one of them began shouting and swinging their weapon around.

Looking in the direction the loud shouting was coming from, he noticed three more individuals. The one making all the noise looked to be some warrior clad fully in armour, there was what seemed to be a mechanical woman there as well as a little furry creature. Death was a little intrigued by all these individuals, so he moved closer to the ones that were awake. Upon moving closer he noticed a fourth person, covered in some form of armour he hadn’t ever seen before, and a young girl in green. He decided to approach them to see if they knew anything about this place. He split his scythe apart back into two and hooked them onto his belt as he made his way over. ”What’s going on here? Where am I?”
@Lmpkio I'm down for King K Rool
@Lmpkio I wouldn't mind seeing Samus

Here's my sheet. Let me know if I need to add more info on anything.
I should have my character sheet completed soon.
Is this still open? I'm interested in joining if it is.
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