Avatar of Ruthenselle
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Ruthenselle 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
My apologies for not warning you earlier; I'm going to keep being on hiatus till the 16th. Been preparing (and now about to take a plane) to Ireland & the UK!
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8 yrs ago
Yikes >.< Geese and turkeys facing off next to a school is no small (staring) battle. Turkeys are more aggressive, but as the saying goes, geese have power in their numbers.
8 yrs ago
One of my 'get to know you' questions are, "What do you think might happen if a ghost got infected by a zombie, bitten by a werewolf, and then bitten by a vampire?" cx
8 yrs ago
Woah. The newest addition to my favourite animals team is DEFINITELY a pangolin <3 It's so scaly too oh my gods
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w e l c o m e

I'll try editing and adding on to this in my spare time. So expect more later... one day. Thank you for visiting!

šŸ£ A glorious April to you!

Most Recent Posts

Stranger in a dream... I'm very interested, so hopefully this'll last, too.

Question (they seem inevitable ^.^ sorry!), how would the dream world work? Same way normal dreams work, the setting and everything all random, except with a complete stranger in the thick of it? Or are there some limitations to the specific dreams with that stranger?
I'm fairly new to the Guild, but I'm definitely interested in an investigation fantasy roleplay thing. I'll hang around, too.

My characters are updated as they are written, including additions for changes during their time roleplaying.

- ordered cŠ½ronologĪ¹cally Š²y ѕтarт oŅ“ creaтĪ¹on/Ī¹dea

Collect supplies.
Combine purple + yellow.

[I wonder what this'll turn out to be...]
Collect supplies.
Combine Red + Blue.
Collect supplies.
Combine Red + Purple.
I'm interested in this roleplay, definitely. As for the species, I think I'll have a sylph- an air spirit. They're the closest elemental to humans, after all, so hope that's all right.
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