Avatar of Ryker Rohrer
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    1. Ryker Rohrer 8 yrs ago


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Crixus walked silently into the Ravenclaw common room and took a subtle look around, this would be home for the year so no point in rushing anything. It has changed a lot since he last visited it, probably something to do with the war, then again maybe all the houses got a bit of a sprucing up after the attack on the school. Crixus would just leave that to small minds to ponder in any case, looking towards the tower that lead to the dormitories where the students slept Crixus was anxious to get some rest, he was sleeping in a room by himself as it was, it was located off of the stairs which lead into the girls dormitories, god knows that was going to seem weird to some of the female persuasion in Ravenclaw but in terms of staying close to Ceres that was the room he was given. Looking at Ceres he removed the black robe from his shoulders and took a seat on the couch before the roaring fire in the ancient fireplace. Moving his neck and arms around a bit he cracked them letting the tension slip away.

"That was a.. interesting first night meal there I have to admit. I don't really remember my own going so.. how do you say violent and name calling filled."

Crixus looked around the Ravenclaw room once more, it was fairly empty for the most part, the new years and returning students alike were all getting ready for bed and settling into their new home for the next year. Taking his attention back to Ceres he spoke bluntly:

"What happened at dinner, it would be better if you forgot about it. You know what I am talking about I am sure, it was a.. accident to say the very least. But being around you for even the short time I have I know that your not going to let it go even if its better to do so. I also know your curious about me, that too is something you should curve Ceres, somethings are just best left unsaid and unknown by anyone. You have enough to worry about considering and adding my life story to that will only complicate it."

Crixus stood back up and walked to the front of the fireplace, waving his hand the flames seemed to dance around the wood that was placed inside, kind of like a miniature light show. Crixus almost appeared transfixed with the flames but he brought his attention back to Ceres, removing the sunglasses he gave her a look his eyes to hers. Ceres would see Crixus's eye's glimmering as if there was some kind of spiral going in swirls around the green orbs. Crixus approached Ceres closer her entire body was no longer apparent to him, all he could see was a pure glowing outline filled with millions of moving orbs of light making up the physical aspects of her appearance.

"My life is one such darkness, and it is all consuming to the unwary. Let this be an example of what I see and I hope it will open your eye's to what I am trying to say."

Crixus reached out his hand and placed it on Ceres's shoulder, in that moment of contact Ceres would see Crixus's features fade and there would be but an outline of his body the world around him would become gray and lifeless. She would see millions of orbs flowing through his body, some would be light golden light and many others would be dark black or red, they almost seemed to swirl around mixing together forming different colors endlessly. Crixus removed his hand so her vision would return to normal, replacing the sunglasses on his face the lens gave over a quick gleam again like the multiple times before when he placed them back on his face.

"I am going to retire if that is okay with you, my room is directly below the girls dormitory so if anything were to happen I am nearby. You should be safe here, these dormitories are quite protected. Think on what I have said."

Crixus grabbed the black robe from the couch and retired to the room which would serve as his home for the next year. It was medium sized with a cupboard, a desk, a chair, and a large bed across from a body length mirror and a small fireplace for warmth on colder nights. The bed looked so comfortable to him it was ridiculous, it was only the first day and more had happened in this day then the rest combine so far, Crixus slowly removed the black shirt and tie from his body and tossed them bodily aside onto the desk, looking in the mirror he saw himself looking back. Looking upon his body the scars were numerous, a lifetime of battle combined into not even twenty three years of life. The nastiest of these scars took the form as what appeared to be a nasty slash mark that went from his chest and down to his stomach where it rested above his belly button. The most noticeable thing however was not the scars themselves but the marking which covered his entire stomach, it was black in nature and crude in its appearance. The mark glistened, electrical like pulses emanated around all the markings themselves as if it was alive. Turning from the mirror Crixus approached the bed sitting on the soft cushion of feathers, with a flick of his wand the fireplace roared to life cloaking the room in a low yet soothing shadowy light.
"What are you talking about Ceres? I was never in Slytherin? Memory?"

Crixus spoke through tattered lies as he gave a rather convincing look of pure surprise as to what she was talking about, but that look in her eye's was troubling. That was a look of someone who had seen something and now they were going to figure out what the hell it was they had just seen. Why had he put his hand on hers while he was in a memory? There was usually no way of moving when he went into a memory, it was almost like he became a shell while he was replaying the scenes in his head. Crixus cursed himself not knowing what to truly tell her, what did she want to know really? That he was capable of looking into his own mind as if he was looking into a Pensieve? That he could replay any memory as long as he was there to witness it in some form if it be sight sound or touch? It was better if she didn't know anything at all, it was just better that he be silent lest she forget what had happened and things finally move on towards other things.

Crixus was about to speak again but a cup of lemonade suddenly splashed itself from the table hitting Ceres with the juice, Turning she had venom in her eye's as Levi was feigning stupidity, his wand still up his sleeve. Crixus was grateful for the change in direction but he felt just a bit angered at what Levi had just done and for no reason at that.

"Here let me, I can clean it right up, my father taught me a nifty spell."

Crixus lied through his teeth about a father he never had as he pulled out his wand, raising his other hand he turned his wand so it was horizontal in his hand and waved it down Ceres's clothing, the juice that had spilled on her immediately disappeared leaving the cloths good as new. Drawing his attention to Levi there was a subtle fire in his eye's, Crixus could not raise his wand to another student unless provoked that was a dead set rule given to him by Mr. Potter, however there was something he could do...When Crixus was sure attention was not drawn to him by Ceres or her school mates he Placed his wand under the table where it was shielded by other Ravenclaws he closed his eye's and spoke under his breath wordlessly. With a subtle flip up of his wand a plate of mashed potatoes flung up from the Slytherin table and hit Selene dead in the chest spilling the potatoes and the gravy on top of them right onto her clothing. Crixus opened his eye's as he slowly slid his wand back up his sleeve and safely into the holder as he grabbed at a piece of food on the table. Selene went ape shit like Crixus could have guessed she would, some of the other students laughed thinking it was an accident and not by purpose. Crixus made no indication at all that he knew what was going on as he chewed on a fresh green apple.

"Looks like someone at the Slytherin table had butterfingers as well, I almost feel pity for Selene but alas I think it is already passing by."

Crixus smiled briefly to himself as the juices of the apple tasted really good, if there was actually one food he thoroughly enjoyed it was a fresh chilled green apple fresh for the picking.
"Congratulations Minthe on Ravenclaw, you will make a fine edition I am sure!"

The remark was sincere even if the enthusiasm was a bit embellished, that did not take away that he was happy she had got put in the house she had wanted. The last of the students were quickly sorted into their houses and before long The Headmaster stood and spoke of letting the feast begin. The long rows of table instantly filled with foods and drinks of all sorts and kinds. Crixus immediately went for what appeared to be a pastry filled with a seasoned meat, taking a huge bite he chowed down hungrily, he had been starving all day so he could lose his calm demeanor for just a little bit at least until his stomach was full anyways. The food tasted great as it always did, picking up a nearby goblet he took a drink of pumpkin juice, looking over he saw the sorting hat sitting on the teachers table, it seemed to be talking to them or maybe he was just imagining it. Now that he thought about it the hat had a conversation with him once, it had been on the very same night he had been sorted as a first year, it seemed so long ago. The world around him seemed to swirl again as he fell into a Pensieve like account. He sat at the same table silently and saw his younger self in the middle of the filled up Great Hall, his hair was long, shoulder length, he couldn't have been more then four feet tall, but who knew back then. Almost like magic Crixus could feel what his younger self was feeling and thinking.

Crixus looked around silently at the other students in the Great Hall, they all seemed to be staring intently at him and the other new years. He kept his face hidden from view, he didn't like to be the center of attention and hoped this would be over soon and he could sit down. Looking up the Headmaster finished her speech, something about some dark woods and adhering to curfew or something like that he had not payed all that much attention. Pulling out a large piece of parchment the headmaster let it roll down too her feet and she called the first name. A young girl stepped forward silently and shyly as she sat on the stool, a hat was placed on her head, it didn't take long before the hat suddenly spoke yelling Hufflepuff! There was a loud cheer from one of the tables in the Great Hall the girl made her way happily to the table. Another name was called and the sorting continued as Crixus dreaded his having to go up there and be stared at even more.

Like clockwork Crixus heard his name called out, swallowing alittle hard he stepped forward through the crowd of first years and climbed the stairs up to the stool. Sitting down quietly the hat was soon placed on his head, the voice that seemed to echo through his brain came out of nowhere, it was raspy and seemed old, it took him a moment to realize that hat was talking to him from within his own head.

Ah much turmoil I see young wizard, a fine mind you have but conflicted... by things of the past in which you have seen... through a gift I gather? Ah yes you have a gift of seeing, that is quite interesting, tell me what house would you believe would suit you best? For in your mind I see a great many things that could prove to make you a great wizard in many of the houses.

"I don't know, I never thought about it. I just want to be sorted so I can go sit away from prying eye's. You can choose sorting hat, or whatever your name might be."

Crixus felt his head turn against its will left and right as he thought the remarks in response, there was a silence before the old hat started talking to him again.

"You are quite peculiar young wizard, quite peculiar indeed. Your mind is like a labyrinth, a maze filled with doors and dark passages, almost as if you are trying to hide your memories even from yourself. Tell me is there something you fear in your own head?"

"I don't know what your talking about, truthfully I have not a clue what your pondering. Please just sort me so I can be done with this."

Crixus was getting antsy knowing this was taking way too much time, he was aware everyone was looking at him wondering why it was taking so much longer to sort him.

"Ah such a shame I can not probe your mind longer but if your sure you want my decision then it better be... Slytherin!"

The last part was spoken outloud, the Slytherin table went up in a loud cheer as Crixus sighed and air of relief and made his way to the cheering table. He took a seat as a couple older students patted him on the back welcoming him. Crixus watched silently as his younger self took his seat at the table, however Crixus suddenly noticed something he had not noticed before, turning his head sideways Ceres was sitting next to him. Crixus suddenly stood up wondering how she was here at all, wondering what she had seen, if she could hear his thoughts like he did, how long had she been here. The world seemed to swirl all over again and the hall returned to the present day.

Crixus looked down as he realized his hand was on top of Ceres's hand, he quickly removed it realizing she must have joined him in the memory when he touched her hand. Crixus looked at Ceres knowing there was no explaining this, or what had just happened, or why he was holding his hand on hers or how the hell he had put his hand on hers, or how she entered his memory with just a mere touch!

"Um sorry I must have moved my hand onto your without noticing, butter fingers as the muggles would say."

Crixus tried to play it off like nothing had happened, but the feeling in his gut said that Ceres had traveled into that memory with him at some point and he did not know if she thought it a freak occurrence of not. Crixus quickly grabbed at his food to try and change the topic without saying anything. He acted as normal as he could trying desperate not to make eye contact anymore.
Crixus listened silently to the conversation continue, so long as he was not talked to directly he would just feign amazement being at Hogwarts and that would keep him from talking too much. He did not need to give these Ravenclaws the impression he was a hyper talkative person on the first meeting, otherwise he would have to play it that way all year and that did not excite the Auror at all. Crixus listened to the banter about Levi and his new girlfriend, what drew his attention was the information that she would also be coming to Hogwarts this year like him. Now that in itself was odd, or at least to him it was. His first impression of the girl was not exactly the most forthcoming. He remembered her comment about Ceres being a mudblood and that she deserved what she got, he didn't know what but that comment had bothered him since that night, and now all of a sudden she was coming to Hogwarts as a transfer student too. Crixus raised his eye brow as the other Ravenclaw students mentioned being on the quidditch team, and they offered for Crixus to possibly play a game with them.

"Careful what you wish for there, I am no stranger to Quidditch my friends, I might very well teach you all something you have never seen before."

Crixus said it as jokingly as possible, he would rather keep the fact that he had played Quidditch when he attended Hogwarts, at least up until the night of the incident which changed him forever. He had not been on a broomstick for a long time now, but once upon a time he had aspirations to play the game professionally, and he was quite good at it when he was younger. He was thankful that there was no one currently present who would remember he was part of the Slytherin team when he was back at school here.

"Crix... is that short for Crixus? I feel like I know you. I believe I read your name somewhere in the school before. Is there a relation?"

Crixus became deathly still as one of the Ravenclaw students sitting in front of him chimed into the conversation, he was taken aback at the question. Was there something at Hogwarts pertaining to him having gone here? There was only one thing he could think of, but he hoped to god that it wasn't the case. Swallowing a bit hard he feigned with another smile speaking:

"No just Crix, I wonder did a Crixus go to Hogwarts? That would be an ironic turn of events. You know what they say, everyone has some kind of twin, perhaps I just found my own name wise."

Crixus laughed it off, but he was now feeling the dread inside. He was not as concerned about his identify being exposed, after all if that happened he had a plan either way. But he did not want Ceres to possibly find something on him pertaining to his past. He saw the way she looked at him, she wanted to know about him, it was not some big secret upon her face. But she was better off not knowing about him or what he came from, everyone was better off just not knowing about the things that had transpired within Hogwarts. He would have to ensure that any material about him was removed later on, for now he was saved by their approach to the castle of Hogwarts. The Carriages pulled outside the main entrance with a subtle halt, the castle lay before them its great doors open to them, as if ready to receive them. Crixus got out of the carriage as he offered a hand to Ceres, the final years made their way inside as Crixus kept an eye on the surrounding area, but he felt that an attacker would not dare use this time to attack Ceres, there was bold and then there was stupid.

They all soon found themselves sitting at the tables assigned to each house, Crixus sat silently by Ceres as he looked upon the podium in which the teachers sat. Soon enough the headmaster made her way to the podium, the eagle in front of it moved it wings up signifying the students to be silent. The first years stood nervously in the center isle as the room became silent at Headmaster Mcgonangal spoke.

"Welcome back all of you to a new year at Hogwarts, and a grand Welcome to our newest witchs and wizards this year. Before we start the sorting ceremony this year I have a couple announcements to make. First and foremost I would like to welcome two new students whom have transferred here from our brother and sister academies from across the world. Mr. Balthazar from Durmstrang and Miss Selena from Beauxbâtons, please help me welcome them into our school and show them the hospitality of Hogwarts."

The students all gave a new clap as Crixus put his hand up with a smile and waved, Selena on the other hand stood up and acted like she had just become the most important person alive blowing a couple fake kissed to the students.

"Secondly this year we will be hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament, as you know we have not hosted one for many years and we are excited to once again open our doors to our brother and sister schools as we choose this years tournament champions. I am sure all of you will give them a grand welcome when they arrive in just two short days. Now to all the first years and returning years as always, the Forbidden forest is off limits too all, anyone caught within without supervision from a teacher will be in serious trouble, our caretaker has requested that I remind you to follow all curfews and to not wander the halls at night. With that said let the sorting ceremony begin!"

The color had drained from Crixus's face completely as he heard the words Tri-Wizard Tournament, at that exact moment he was throw into an instant memory, the world swirled for several seconds as his mind was plagued by images going at fast paces before his eyes. He saw a field, and hard rain, a lightening strike to the ground illuminating huge creatures before him, bodies lay shewn across the grass. He stood defiant, his body wrecked, blood dripping down his chin and through the rips and tears in his clothing. Crixus clutched at his chest, he felt a phantom pain that seemed to real as the images quickly dispersed and he was once again within the hall, looking up the list of new years was in the hands of one of the teachers. Crixus looked down at his hand, it was shaking, he removed it from the table as he allowed the vivid images to pass. Beyond his memories this did not bode well for Ceres, he had not realized the Tournament would be held at Hogwarts, he knew of what happened to Harry Potter his name being added to the cup. He had to contact Harry Potter as soon as possible, he had to make sure Ceres would not end up replaying the same scenario Harry found himself in as a teenager.. Crixus was there before in that tournament and he knew better then anyone just how dangerous it truly could be..
"Well I suppose it is nice to be needed if it only be for a year, its a fair bit better then other things i find myself doing everyday of my life. Also did you know that your cheeks get flushed a lot?

Crixus took a for fun jab at Ceres, she had blushed more times within the past day then he had ever seen anyone blush before and he would be a rotten lier if he said he didn't find it cute to see. He looked up just as another carriage pulled aside them, it was filled with students that Ceres knew it seemed. They all played cheerfully as everyone started to chime in, Crixus just remained silent as the students all conversed happily with each other. He did feel a bit out of his element given he was not an actual student here so he would just keep silent and hope no one asked too many questions about him. That however did not exactly last long before the other students whom were in Ravenclaw finally noticed his appearance and questioned his being there. Crixus shook his head silently with a small grin as he turned his head in the other direction as once again the question of them being together came up, it really did seem to be a high topic so far.

Crixus however did turn his attention back when he heard Werewolf and attack mentioned, he silently listened to the story and saw the claw mark down the boys chest. That did not bode well at all... Crixus wondered if the boy even knew that he could possibly become a Werewolf. Werewolf attacks were very important topics, most wounds from a werewolf were harmless on the exceptions of bites which were almost always enough to cause transformation. But any wound from one, there was a small chance that the transformation could occur, it all depended on the circumstances. Crixus might have to inform the Ministry about the boy upon his check in with them, however for now it was just banter between classmates. Eventually to his dismay the conversation shifted back to him being there and who he was. Turning his attention to the other carriage he spoke to them with a fake enthusiasm that would throw Ceres off, he knew that for certain.

"Hey there! My name is Balthazar but most just call me Balth or Crix if you like, the second of those nicknames is a long story for another time but feel free to use either. I am a student from a smaller Wizarding School, I am part of an inter school exchange program, I am spending my final school year here at Hogwarts, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I will be sharing the Ravenclaw Guest room this year so I am sure we will get to know each other."

Crixus cursed himself, god did he sound overly cheerful, he was too damn cheerful, what did he expect though its not like he was the most enthusiastic person in the world. An that name, he hated the name too but then again he did not like using code names in the first place. Looking up the castle came into view they were no more then a stones throw away now and soon they would be at the sorting ceremony, an then the opening feast, Crixus had not realized it until now but he had eaten nothing but that bloody apple from earlier and he was damn near starving by now. Hopefully the Ravenclaw students bought his story without too much snooping because if they didn't this was going to be a long year indeed for him.
"Even the strongest Wizards or Witches can be the difference between life and death Ceres, most undersell themselves believing they are unable to do something. You do not seem to have this problem, but if there is one thing I will tell you, I ask you to remember these words because one day a time WILL come when they mean the most to you."

Crixus turned himself around as he looked Ceres in the eye's, he had a mysterious look upon his face which would be hard for anyone to really figure out and spoke:

"Fear will be your vice, and sadness your weapon, and in that moment you will decide if you choose to give one life for another. It will be that choice made that will in the end determine who you really are. For one can not truly know themselves until they have faced the doubt in their heart. Remember these words Ceres and hold them."

Crixus was serious for just a moment before he heard Minthe tell her sister to stop flirting and get into the compartment, she was excited about getting near Hogwarts, it was quite obvious from her bouncing around. Crixus grinned a small grin and entered the compartment with Ceres, soon enough he found himself on the platform in Hogsmeade. The students were exiting the train quickly chattering happily as Hagrid made his way onto the platform bading the new years to follow him. Crixus looked at the lovable half giant, time seemed to slow down as the platform swirled like a vortex and a huge open field came into view. Hagrid was in the field slowly walking forward, in his arms Crixus saw himself battered and broken and bloody. Nearby there was four large mountain trolls, they lay motionless upon the ground near three other students whom were all motionless themselves, their faces pressed to the ground. Crixus watched Hagrid pass him by silently a sad look upon his face, walking forward Crixus slowly came to one of the students who lay upon the ground. Bending down his hand seemed to pass through her as if he was a ghost, her face was hidden from him in long brown hair that draped the ground.

The sudden tug on his arm quickly broke him out of the vivid memory which had taken him so suddenly, Hagrid was already a ways a way now with the new years inside of the boats. Turning Ceres was beside him, she motioned towards the carriages drawn by the Thestrals, she climbed in silently, he made his way beside the carriages, Ceres asked him hesitantly if he could see the Thestrals, walking forward he reached out his hand which to other students would look like he was touching air however he lay his hand on the snout of the Thestral and petted down its nose, the horse slowly bent its head down as he caressed his hand down. Turning his climbed into the carriage as it started to move, he looked at Ceres speaking to her:

"Yes I can see them... it is hard to describe to you how they appear, they are almost like they are dead but they are not. I hope you never have to see one, but most who do are often frightened by their appearance but they are like any other animal. Unfortunately most are afraid of the things they don't really understand, but much is the way of life for humans muggle or not."

Crixus became silent as he watch the trees slowly pass by on the side of the carriage another memory seemed to pop into his head as the world swirled around him again. This time he saw himself as a younger boy, he was in a wooded area like the one the carriages went through he was sitting alone by a tree with his knee's in front of him his face buried in them. He was crying silently to himself, watching the memory play out a young girl suddenly walked across him, her hair was brown, hey eye's a brilliant shade of blue. Walking over to him she sat down beside him.

"Why are you crying?"

Crixus looked up startled as he saw the girl sitting beside him, he quickly wiped his eye's to try and erase the evidence of his having been crying.

"I wasn't crying I just had some dust in my eye's is all. Do you always sneak up on people?"

Crixus had sounded meaner then usual but the girl didn't seem to notice or did not seem to care about his tone of voice, she just sort of smiled at him.

"Sometimes I do but I came across you by accident, I figured you could use some company is all, you do seem to be a bit sad being out here all alone. Why are you out here instead of in the common room with the others?"

"I just wanted to be alone I guess, besides the other kids don't really like me anyways, so I guess it doesn't make any difference if I was there or not."

"Your just being too hard on yourself I am sure someone likes you, no one is disliked that much. I am sure if you think about it there is a person whom already wants to be your friend and do crazy things with you and get in trouble."

The girl stuck her tongue out in a joking way as she gave him a happy look, Crixus just looked away from her and placed his face back in his knee's intent upon her just leaving, however when he felt the smack across his head he looked up again surprised she had hit him in the head.

"What was that for!?"

"For trying to ignore me, I am not going to go away that easy you know. If your so intent on everyone disliking then I am here to prove you wrong and tell you that I don't dislike you, in fact I do like you so now you have no excuses."

Crixus looked at the girl like she was crazy but at the same time he kinds of felt a little happy as well, her words were rather comforting to him in more ways then one.

"Your a bit weird you know that?"

"Maybe but thats what makes me, me. My name is Katie, how bout you sour puss, whats your name?"

"Um Crixus, my name is Crixus."

Crixus smiled to himself remembering the memory, the world swirled back to the carriage as he looked over at Ceres. He couldn't help but wonder if she was sent here to drive him crazy in a good way too. Aside from the Dark Wizards and the Dementors, his time with her has been better then the past few years of his life.

"Hey Ceres do you believe that there is reason for all of this? Do you think that in this... situation that there is something else that is meant to happen? I was never much for fate or destiny, but I have come to believe that some things truly are meant to happen for one reason or another if it be and end to something or a beginning for something else. What do you think?"
Crixus remained silent as Ceres comes out of the car, the feeling had subsided mostly but his embarrassment made him all the more messed up. She knelt down in front of him asking if he was all right, he didn't really have much of an answer at that moment he was hovering between being all right and being in a bad place. However he nodded his head to her speaking:

"I am all right now."

As Ceres petted Basil she apologized to him about the dementors attack on him, she produced what appeared to be a form of chocolate, Crixus had never seen it before but he took it without hesitation and popped it in his mouth letting the milky substance melt in his mouth.

"I appreciate your concern for myself, but it is hardly your fault this happened. I walked into this expecting the worst to happen for that is the only smart way to approach these situations. I am in this pitiful state because of my own inability to let go of things that hurt me the most. Dementors will always go for the one with some of the most painful memories and I made myself and easy target for them. An those were no normal Dementors... I don't know how but they were... different from others of their kind. They were incredibly nasty and their abilities seemed almost enhanced to the point of levels I never imagined possible for them."

Crixus stood himself up dusting himself off a little bit. Moving his body around there was several cracks and pops, relief hit his tensed body with each pop and crack.

"Try to understand that there have been terrible things in my past, horrible memories and pains, and no amount of positive energy can take that away or even for a moment dull it. However I will be better prepared mentally next time, I won't allow myself to be caught off guard by them again. I never imagined they would have the ability or the guts to come onto the train itself none the less with Dementors at their side, and that was also my fault. We should probably get dressed, not to shorten this conversation but the sky is becoming darkened outside so we must be close to Hogsmeade by now. Also... Thank you for sending them away, you may get tired of me saying this eventually but you truly are braver then most."
"He is what you would call a miniature Basilisk, a long time ago even before Lord Voldemort Basilisks were thought of as creatures of power and they became symbols for the pure blood families. Mostly because snakes were the one animal in the world that could never be breeded with any other animal or in other words its blood could never be tainted. The Basilisk in particular is a snake as you may know grows to great sizes and in the world of Wizards is an incredibly deadly animal. A man whom no one really knew his name, created a miniature version of the Basilisk for pure blooded wizards who wished to carry their symbol of power to show their authority over those whom they deemed unfit to be wizards or witches or half bloods to put it lightly. This animal is actually not as much an animal as what in a civilized world would call a familiar, they do not require being fed nor do they ever die, they are very much immortal to time. That is why you will never see them very often, they are often passed from pure blood family to pure blood family and they are treasured as heirlooms so they are fiercely protected. This one in particular belonged to a Dark wizard whom lost their life when they chose death over capture, I adopted this little guy otherwise he would have been destroyed for if they do not possess an owner they can become quite violent, for reasons I am unsure of they do not like being alone. Basil is quite nice and he does not bite so don't be afraid of him, he has been my companion for three years now."

Crixus softly stroked the head of the serpent as Minthe suddenly posed a question that turned Ceres beat red, Crixus nearly became red himself as he slowly pulled the hoody over his face to hide any possible blushing. Crixus put his head down silently as he felt a burning in his cheeks. Crixus smiled to himself when Ceres stuttered as she spoke to her sister about him just being a friend, he didn't know why but it was quite cute. Crixus kept his head down as Ceres sent her younger sister out to buy something off the trolley, when he did look up she was hiding behind her long brown hair. He slowly pulled back the hood feeling the heat go down from his face, Ceres slowly emerged her face from her hair and laughed at the awkward situation. Crixus let out a small laugh of his own to try and draw the awkwardness away.

"Don't worry it happens, children can be quite brutally honest sometimes... all the time... everytime."

Crixus kept changing the word as Ceres looked out the window for awhile, Crixus kept an eye on the door, he didn't know why but he had a twisting feeling in his stomach. Maybe it was the fact that he had just blushed, he smiled again seeing Ceres blush made him want to smile, it was quite funny to see too. He looked back up silently while Ceres offered that they use each others first names from now on.

"Sure, it would probably be better from this point on too. No one is suppose to know I am.. well you know. An Mr. Crix would sound a bit too official."

Crixus became silent quickly as the lights on the train flickered and then shut off the train coming to a complete halt at the same time. Minthe came running back in as the temperature dipped rapidly, Crixus became suddenly tense as he looked at Ceres who mirrored his thoughts, but why? Crixus pulled his wand but was suddenly hit with a massive pain in his head, he dropped his wand out of his hand as the pain intensified, he opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out. All of a sudden he heard a very loud screaming rip into his ears as Basil hissed loudly against his neck. He covered face with his hands and squeezed his head as his vision blurred and he saw the cloaked figure of Dementors, almost immediately he felt something sucking the life away from him within seconds. The pain suddenly ended however in a flash of light as Ceres cast the Patronum charm driving the vile creatures away. Just like that the creatures were gone as if some bad dream and the lights flickered back on and the train came to life once again.

Ceres quickly asked around the car if everyone was all right, he barely heard her when she mentioned that this was merely a warning Crixus said nothing as he got up and stumbled forward and hit his hands and knee's clutching at his head, Basil slowly slithered off his shoulders and onto the floor as the pain in Crixus's head finally subsided fully. His eye sight fully returning Crixus saw his wand in front of him, grasping it between his fingers he stood back up to his feet as he realized he had just collapsed in front of Ceres and Minthe. He felt bloody embarrassed as he slowly bent down and allowed Basil to climb back onto his arm, looking at Ceres and Minthe he spoke:

"I will be back in a moment, I.. just need some air."

Crixus quickly walked into the hallway closing the door, crossing it he walked into the wall as he removed the sunglasses and wiped away the tears in his eye's concealing himself from possible onlookers with his hoody. For the briefest of moments he saw a face before his eye's, the eye's were cold and lifeless, gentle blue glazed over staring back at him accusingly. Those dementors.. were the nastiest dementors he had ever in his life encountered. Their attack was so quick and precise it was almost as if they had come directly at him from the moment they entered the train. What lasted only mere seconds was enough time for them to invade his mind and bring his worst memory out like venom from a wound. Crixus let himself breath slowly as he looked up, the hallway was fairly empty aside from the few stragglers who were probably not even aware of what just happened. The hallway was cloaked in nothing but gray, there was no color as he concentrated his eye's, the students in the hallways shimmered before him, tiny particles of light made up their beings instead of flesh and clothing their outline shaped by white light, replacing the sunglasses on his face they gleamed as the hallway of the train returned with all its colors, the students were now normal again. Leaning off the wall he breathed slowly again, leaning against the wall next to the compartment where Ceres and Minthe were he slowly let him recompose as Basil flicked his tongue against his cheek feeling his anguish. Crixus petted the snake gently on its scaled head letting the memory fade back into the darker recesses of his mind.
Crixus smiled lowly to himself as Ceres's sister bounded down stairs excited about her very first year to Hogwarts, she was quite full of energy especially so early in the morning. Crixus was almost tired looking at her energy, he was not much of a morning person anymore then he was much of an early riser. Ceres turned towards him one last time before she left for the kitchen she spoke of his comment about being alone, merely nodding he said nothing more on the subject for there was nothing he could say that she might accept from him, even in distress she held more hope in herself then Crixus held onto. Sitting down on the nearby chair he waited silently for the time to pass by, for some reason Ceres saying that he would not be alone for a year because they would be together brought him an ounce of joy. He wanted her to be right about no one truly being alone, but she did not yet understand his past to know the truth about himself, and the chances were she may never know, for one thing he never did was talk of himself to others. Soon enough the minutes passed to hours and before long Crixus was standing on a loud platform full of young witches and wizards making their way onto the train for Hogwarts.

Crixus stood stoic and silent as he kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, he did not believe anything would happen on the platform that would be a bit too bold for any dark wizard but it was better safe then sorry either way. He watched the Solar family give their goodbyes as he felt a twinge in his chest. He would never admit it but he envied the relationship their family had, in fact he envied and relationship a family had with each other. He never had a mother nor a father so he would not know what such love must feel like, his earlier recollections were always of himself surviving from place to place, small villages throughout a plush country side, bits of food here and there and dark cellars in which he would find shelter in when the weather was least favorable. It was not an ideal life but it was his life none the less and he did not regret it nor did he feel sad from it... still he did wonder what having a family would be like. Turning his attention to Mr. Solar he spoke of Ceres and leaving her in his hands, and also that she was like the wind, if only he knew about the earlier incident however Crixus kept that to himself, there was no need to worry anyone.

"Don't worry Mr. Solar I will keep my eye's on her as much as possible and more. She will be safe with me I guarantee it."

The train whistle blew loudly signalling the leaving of the train, Crixus gave a Curtis nod to the Solar family and boarded the train behind Ceres and Minthe. Following them at a fast pace he entered the car as they leaned out of the window of the train and waved with the rest of the students to their parents on the platform. Soon enough the train was moving faster and the platform disappeared quickly being replaced by an ever green country on all sides. Crixus reached into his pocket and pulled out the black magically enhanced coin bag. Opening it he stuck his hand down inside, keeping his arm still something black suddenly started to exit the bag going up his arm, soon enough a black snake that resembled a Basilisk wrapped itself around the back of Crixus's neck resting its head on his arm. Its forked tongue flicked out a couple times as its eye's slowly closed and it seemed to float off into what seemed to be a peaceful slumber. Crixus reached his hand over and slowly petted the serpents head silently. The ride would be long so he might as well let Basil out for a while to get some fresh air.


"She is on her way to Hogwarts, it would seem that she was able to allude us again... this is becoming quite a spectacle to be sure. How is it that a witch with no magical talent has been able to avoid not only a group of witches and wizards but our trained assassin whom is now in the hands on the ministry. You do realize that the Dark Lord is not going to take this news with much enthusiasm. The list of failures is at its end Survius."

"You think I don't know that? My assassin may have failed but compared to a whole group failing it does not quite go together on the scale. Besides from what the reports indicated she was protected by some mysterious stranger whom dispatched my assassin within mere seconds, so we both know that means the Auror Office has stuck their nose in our business, but whats your excuse pervell"

Both of the wizards talked among themselves silently as they sat at the large wooden table which adorned the huge dining room which was nestled in among many ancient bookshelves aligned with many various items which one would mostly find in old mansions including Persian rugs, old portraits and various candlers which were darkened. Neither one of the men desired to be in this room, in fact neither one desired to be anywhere near the location of the room in which they sat but the choice was not theirs. They both knew better then most what failure would result in, both turned their heads shakily as the large wooden doors creaked open at the end of the room and a large figure clad in a tattered black robe slowly made its way into the room. It silently glided aside as another entered and took the opposite side. They were dementors, a vile creature that many a wizard feared, especially the ones who were under the control of another. The room became fiercely chilled before one last figure slowly made into the room. The figure was that of a person dressed in an elegant yet large cloak, their head was hooded and a black mask adorned their face.

The figure was silent as they made their way to the large chair at the head of the table, taking a seat the dementors each took a side beside them and stood still floating in the air. Neither of the men in the room had the gall to look up at the figure at the head of the table, in fact they were trying hard not to make any facial contact at all. They sat in dead silence for what seemed like forever before the figure at the head of the table spoke in a deep chilling voice.

"The girls lives... she goes to Hogwarts... you have failed me."

The voice was like a hiss of air, a deep hiss of air that felt like a cold chill down your back. Both of the men immediately stood up and put themselves on the floor like two scolded dogs and bowed on either side of the table, sweat was already trickling down the sides of their heads.

"Bring them to me now.."

The Dementors swirled into the air at a fast pace and went forward with a purpose, grabbing both men by their throats with a black cold hand they were lifted into the air and pulled straight to the figure at the front of the table, they were gasping for air as the Dementors slowly started to suck at them, stealing precious life from their bodies, feeding on the fear. The figure slowly removed their wand and pointed it at Pervell, with the smallest of movements a green curse left its tip and smashed straight into the exposed chest of the man. He was dead almost instantly, his body fell to the floor hard with a sick smack as the wand was moved to Survius. The Dementor as if one cue dropped him down to the floor and there was yet another sick smack as he yelled in pain from the hard stone beneath.

"One more chance Survius... the girl must die... If you fail me again then you shall receive not a merciful death like Pervell but you shall endure the kiss of the Dementor. You are not charged with our forces, lead them... kill her... I do not care how or for anymore excuses. Now go.."
Crixus watched Ceres break down in front of him the moment Levi and Selene were out of earshot to witness it. When she fell to her knees he made no attempt to comfort her, not because he did not care but because what could he really do to ease her suffering? Crixus was used to protection details but never one whom was around the same age as he, and it was very rare that older wizards or witches show their emotions so willingly, it was a change for him. As he regained her composure slowly Crixus felt a longing to comfort the heartbroken woman, as he turned away he walked a short distance with her in tow, however after going a short distance he stopped and turned to face Ceres.

"Take my hand, there is somewhere I would like to take you."

Crixus ended up grabbing her hand even though he had given her a choice, swishing his wand they were both squeezed through what felt like an electrical wire and then the scenery changed from a large flowing body of water to a huge country hillside adorned on all sides with tall grass and a few large trees dotting here and there. Both of them stood upon a hilltop overlooking a beautiful waterfall which cascaded into pool of sparkling clear water which was just catching the morning sun. Crixus slowly released Ceres's hand as he motioned for her silently to follow him. The two of them slowly made their way a short distance, Crixus slowly came to a stop as they stood upon another hill overlooking what appeared to be an area full of large nests.

"Look down."

As Ceres would look down she would be meant with the sight of several red beautiful birds, they would be tending to their nests and feeding their young that had hatched. Crixus silently sat on the edge and motioned for Ceres to sit beside him, dangling his feet over the edge of the hillside the sun was slowly making its way into the sky illuminating the blue with several shades of orange and yellows.

"I found this place a long time ago when I was but a child, I grew up around this area. I used to come up here a lot and watch the sun rise and to watch it set upon the Phoenix's below. This place is one of the only grounds left where the Phoenix Bird comes to nest, it is quite far from civilization and its location is only know by the select few who find it. I often like to come here when life is most trying. There are not many places in this world that are not tainted by darkness, as an Auror I was trained to walk in that darkness for the betterment of Wizard and Muggle kind a like. This place.. is a place of hope and a place of new life, a light in that darkness. When a Phoenix dies it bursts into flames and is then reborn in the ashes, life is very much like that I think. Our pain is like age, eventually that pain becomes overwhelming and we burst into flames, and through that pain we are reborn into something stronger again. The muggles say what does not kill us makes us stronger which is true, but all the strength in the world can not help us if we lose ourselves to the grief. Look."

Down below an older Phoenix walks a short distance away from the others, walking into one of the empty nests it suddenly bursts into flames and turns to ash. Moments later a baby Phoenix pops up through the ashes. A few other of the Phoenix go over to attend the new born Phoenix.

"Reborn again anew, the pain from its previous life gone. In time it will grow into a strong vibrant Phoenix and will tend to the others who are reborn and it will continue in and endless chain. I don't know what its like to feel the pain you feel, for I was always on my own, but I know it will pass and it will heal just like the darkness that has surrounded your life so suddenly will one day be filled with light again and the darkness will be gone. Nothing bad lasts forever, you just have to be strong and whether the storm the best you can. I can't tell you how this will end for I do not possess such insight, but I can tell you that I will protect you with my life for that is my vow as an Auror. We should probably return soon before someone thinks your missing, but I just thought that seeing this place might help you as it does me. When your ready take my hand and we will return to your house."
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