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Nevin stared blankly at the two who had apparently tried to pull a prank on the two of them. As the two dashed off, he let out a small sigh, lowering his fists. This was definitely going to be an interesting year. He could already tell with the way things were going. He was interested in seeing the other students. He offered a shrug to Abel before smiling at Maggie, another student he could get to know. She at least seemed friendly enough and not ready to show off her skills for the sake of showing off. “Nice to meet you,” he replied. “The name's Nevin Theros.” With his introduction done, he wandered off to the side, going to the machine with drinks. Depositing a few coins in, he selected one of the sodas and retrieved it from the bottom slot.

“We should probably get a move on to the auditorium,” he suggested. “The opening ceremonies are probably gonna start somewhat soon. I think I remember the way back.” He cracked open his can, taking a sip as he moved back towards the small group, stopping in the direction he knew the auditorium to be. He had some knowledge of the compound from before his acceptance here. He figured the auditorium shouldn't be too hard to find.
Alright. I edited mine for you to be included. I think I'll hold off until Lugu comes back, though. Don't want to push it ahead without him to respond too. lol
Sorry, drew, you're editing, right? I forgot to check before I posted. Didn't realize you went to talk to Abel and Nevin. xD
Nevin quietly followed his companion. He took the time to study him, wanting to figure out some of the people he might be working with. The boy was rigid and serious. Any attempt at conversation was short lived as the two made their way around the complex. It was presumptious for him to assume, but he took Abel as the strong silent type. He supposed they would get along well enough. Of course, that was just a first assessment. He could easily be mistaken. People weren't so easily profiled. It just gave him something to start with.

As the two of them found what they had been searching for, he instantly took in the two figures standing beside the machine. He tensed instantly, eyes narrowing as he listened to the two. This school seemed to be full of idiots who just wanted to pick fights. It was sure to get on his nerves. There were only so many arrogant assholes he could put up with.

With a small sigh, Nevin lifted his left hand, tugging the white glove down on his hand more securely before doing the same with the right. At Abel's outburst, he offered a small grin to the two siblings. “Seems you got on my friend's nerves too,” he commented before holding his right fist out. “Abel, which one do you want? I can handle the leftovers.” It wasn't in his character to pick fights. He was getting tired of this attitude, though. First it was the Booster guy and now it was these two. Some of the new students really needed to get shown their place before they let it go to their heads.

He paused, however, at the new intrusion, a girl hopping down from the wall, of all things, to sit atop one of the vending machines. He grinned at her nonchalantly before looking back to Hansen and Gretchen. "It is, isn't it? I'd advise you to stay back if you don't wanna get involved. I'm sure Abel and I can take care of things pretty quickly."
Alright. No problem. I'll have my post up shortly.
Hey, Lugu, how do you want the fight to go? Should I take one and you take the other or did you want to control both of the siblings? Or just splitting up control as the fight goes on? I didn't want to post and have Nevin start something since they're your characters being introduced.

Also, are they new students, like us, or already enrolled? Wanted an idea of their skill level so I know how the fight should go.
”Pfft. Nerd. What do you think you're doing here?”

“I-I'm going home....is that a pr-problem?”

“Are you trying to be smart with me!?” The young boy was shoved by the larger boy, crashing to the ground. “Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson again.”

A groan escaped Mino's lips as he rolled over. He soon found that there was no room upon the cold stone that he laid again, rollling right into another stone structure. This wasn't a cause for alarm, though. He remembered that asshole, Marcus, beating him up. He was probably just left in the alleyway. Reaching over away from her, he tried to grasp at something to help him up...and found it in the stone framework beside him. His fingertips found wetness as he grasped it.

This made his eyes snap open. A fountain? He looked around cautiously. He kneeled now beside a fountain, bright lights surrounding it with a statue placed on the end. Whipping himself around, he found himself surrounded by the odd sights. He was in a large square, ramps leading up towards doorways with a few houses strewn about to the sides. The only thing he registered was how he had never recognized this place before. It wasn't his hometown. Hell, it wasn't any other town he'd been too, albeit he hadn't been to a lot. What the hell had Marcus done to him? Was he dead? Was this where you go when you die? No, it was too bright...it looked too much like a normal town. It did have an odd eery feeling to it, though...

Frowning a bit, he shook his head, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose. His blue eyes scanned the scene again, trying to pick up any clue on where he was. He found it, though, in the two woman overlooking the square he had been laying in. Both wore black, though one appeared to be closer to his age while the other was an older woman, holding a staff at her side. Then he watched the impossible as the younger girl seemed to summon darkness to her, disappearing into the small portal she made.

“Darkness...?” He winced as his hand went to his head. He saw flashes of images briefly. Shadows moving around the alleyway. Screams of terror. What had happened while he had been unconscious? He supposed there was only one way he might find out...

Hesitantly, he took a step forward, making his way towards the ramp leading up to the woman who remained.
The boy was puzzled for a moment, but slowly smiled again as he heard the other boy's explanation. “I couldn't agree more,” he responded. “Confidence in yourself is always a necessity, especially in positions of leadership, like he seems to want. However, it can be argued that personality is an equally important factor. You can't expect others to follow if you're weak, but you also can't expect them to want to follow if you try to flaunt your skills.” He offered a small shrug. “It's a matter of opinion, of course. I believe actions speak louder than words, but going out of your way to show off can be just as negative as doing nothing at all. I'm sure we'll have to go through some tests before we're fully accepted here as students anyway.”

Nevin paused after his explanation before answering the second part to the boy's statement. “As for food, that sounds like a good idea. Didn't eat before getting on that airship,” he agreed, a sheepish smile coming to his face. “Name's Nevin. It's nice to meet you.” He extended one of his hands, offering it for the other boy to shake.
Yep, my bad. I edited it to take into account your post. Also addressed your character this time.
Nevin gave a small nod of agreement to Amalger's assessment, though the conversation didn't last much longer than that. They were indeed landing. It wasn't long before the group was allowed off the airship, the boy lost in his thoughts over the type of people he might get to meet while being here. He was interested in seeing the challenges the school would have to offer and the prestigious students that would be attended. Would anyone be able to give Amalger and him a challenge? He was excited to see, to be honest. It'd be interesting to see the upcoming new Hunters in the world.

Of course, that thought went right out the window within the first twenty seconds. A boy strode out, clearly showing off with his gun. Thankfully, a new female student was quick to shut him up. Snickering softly to himself, he walked forward, glancing down at the boy who had been beaten so promptly. Granted, his line of thinking was skewed horribly. It was well known that the group of new years would be put onto teams. How those teams were split was a mystery, though. They wouldn't let the new students choose a team. How would that work out? Half of them didn't know each other and the other half would choose their friends, regardless of compatibility.

The boy started to walk away, but hesitated as he noticed another among the crowd, not far from him, helping the beaten youth up. It was enough to make him pause, listening to the conversation for a moment before turning away. His pace was slower this time, though, waiting just long enough for the other boy to get closer after finishing with Maxwell, trying to remember who he had been on the airship. As he got closer, it struck him. He was the tall guy with the spear. That was the second time he had his attention drawn to this one. "I feel like most people would have left the cocky guy to his fate," he commented, looking over to the taller boy as he approached. "Nice of you to help him up, though." It wasn't so much inviting conversation as commenting on what he had seen. Despite that, he smiled at the other student. He may as well try to play nice with some of his peers here. He hadn't talked to many in Flare, but...he also hadn't required a team at Flare. He'd need some teamwork eventually.
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